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2016-07-06, 15:50
News Writer
283 posts

Jan 2007
I heard about E5Mx coming out for Quake's 20th anniversary (another episode, so a bunch of single player levels basically), and finally got round to playing it last night.

It was awesome!

The balance was excellent, in terms of both difficulty and familiarity. I had to use a bunch of old SP-tricks which I hadn't thought about since playing through the original ExMx levels. It took up hours of my time last night and I'm going back to play it again now (trying to complete it without using any save-games this time... play it through before you judge me on that!)

Highly recommend you put on the original Quake soundtrack.
Here's a review.
The announcement tweet from @machinegames
The direct download link.

Installation: unrar to your quake dir, load qw, 'gamedir dopa', then use menus to start a new single player game
2016-07-06, 17:55
152 posts

Feb 2012
hehe, yeah, it was really good.
“If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better.” (c) Johan Cruyff
2016-07-06, 22:09
News Writer
283 posts

Jan 2007
2016-07-07, 06:26
216 posts

Feb 2011
Thanks for hosting Darff, just played through it! It was indeed very well made, I even found the dopefish!
2016-07-07, 09:16
110 posts

Mar 2010
oh shit!! this is awesome!

hope someone finishes that e2m10 level someday too

edit: how about a little speedrun tourney on this? gotta add it to the rabbit run

edit2: exit to secret map is on e5m6
2016-07-08, 16:56
News Writer
283 posts

Jan 2007
Played it through again on the server (instead of offline), with monsters respawning, and it's a different game but a very good one! The level design really makes it playable in this mode, as you repeatedly cross past your starting point.
2016-07-08, 19:54
News Writer
183 posts

May 2013
Just finished E5 and I loved it. Ok, the secret level is a bit meh and the end level is a bit too much like the end of the standard campaign. Otherwise, excellent. Feels authentic with enough wee modern touches here and there to keep it fresh. Also nice that it can be challenging without having to resort to (too many) cheap moves.

One question though to those who have played it. Is it just my imagination or has the tracking on Vore balls been tweaked? Coz I swear I don't remember them being as hard as this to loose around corners.
2016-07-08, 21:40
152 posts

Feb 2012
RaggA wrote:

One question though to those who have played it. Is it just my imagination or has the tracking on Vore balls been tweaked? Coz I swear I don't remember them being as hard as this to loose around corners.

Yeah, felt the same btw.
“If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better.” (c) Johan Cruyff
2016-07-09, 11:58
230 posts

Jan 2006
As far as I know there have to be a new progs.dat or similar to change anything like that and there is only .dem and maps inside the dopa pak file. Must have been your imagination or maybe that it's been a long time since you played Quake single player?
2016-08-03, 01:57
News Writer
183 posts

May 2013
Moon[Drunk wrote:
"] Must have been your imagination or maybe that it's been a long time since you played Quake single player?

I think it may just more be that I've played the Quake single player campaign so many times that I can pretty much play it blind folded at this point, so know exactly where to stand when dealing with Vores without having to think. lol
2016-08-03, 07:43
284 posts

Sep 2015
Check the value of sv_mintic, if it's 0 (the frogbots do this) then the AI logic will run every frame and the vore's path-finding will smoothly sail round corners, if it's 0.1 or 0.013 then they will try and trace you in a straighter line and be more likely to bump into a corner. (or at least it seems that way to this old codger)
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