I will keep updating this first post as more stuff comes in - it's going to be messy, I wont remove stuff etc..Hi !
1- Site rehash
Dimman has fixed it - and it should be ready for tournament play. While the signup process will have to be somekind of third party - possibly this forum will suffice?
http://draft.quakeworld.nu/2- When /draft/games being - scheduleOctober seems best? or when?
3- People .. find captains/admins/graphics/site-maintenance people and casters would be cute
Streamers:: SDTV,x,x,x
Draft hosts: (SDTV, QuakePhil),x,x
Interested, but need more scheduling info: BPS, Milton, Rikoll
Admins: Admins: Mike,x,x,x,x
Tracker: (Helps track down people so they know when to show up) Verro, x,x,x,x
Site guys:WebMaster:
Some predictions team reviews and whatever else he wants to do:
Graphics if needed:BPS,x,x,
4- rules
The past salvations had rules - http://draft.quakeworld.nu/season3/rules
I'll edit where I think it needs changed, or discussed.
(( original rules inside "(()) "
"Tournament system:
The system will run with a fixed schedule (sunday 18:30 / 20:00 / 21.30 CET)
If a team can not play at the scheduled time, they are at the mercy of their opponents. The game may be rescheduled to another time or day (before next Sunday’s games). Opponents may also take the walkover if they can not agree on a new time. We do encourage flexibility and sportsmanship in this regard." ))
- I propose changing this to if opponents does not show on time, or have NOT given a heads up they need to reschedule before match time: It's automatically a WO.
It clogs the system down with extra work - delaying and annoying the players that do show up on time.
If the casters have a cast planned, advertised and in their schedule they should have the option of going to the next game to cast that instead. Not sitting on twitch saying "Oh I do hope ocoini shows up otherwise we can't play..."
- I think a fixed schedule on sundays are still best.
(( Team Restrictions Player limit of 5 players per team in division 1 and 6 players in division 2.))
-I suggest changing this to 6 players
To try to make it easier for teams to have players with a more rigid matchmaking.
- Depending on number of sign ups and what captains would like to do, I suggest removing div2 entirely, focusing on making the one div work very well - then perhaps for later seasons once everyone are more comfortable with what we are doing, we could expand again.
(( Map pool Claustrophobolis (dm2)
The Abandoned Base (dm3)
Castle of the Damned (e1m2)
- I suggest we have the captains vote on if they would like more maps included.
(( Match procedure ))
Comfortable with the procedure - but must remember to modify if we add bigger pool.
(( Allowed clients ))
Ezquake - /w qcon ruleset + a more linux friendly client?
^ 5- and structure of game/league
Ladder into playoff? (eql type)
Maps? }}
6- Specifics around how to get the games played should be something we focus on - so it does not dwindle out.
Kingpin - can we use this forum post to talk about Salvation 2016 organization ? I like talking in the open, as then everyone can give feedback and shoot in ideas.
I suppose this is what we need to figure out:
I hope you still want to run one kp - I think you should be heading it, since you were involved in last one and I'm not super comfortable with not letting everyone play
And for me that is something that struck me the most about previous Salvations- the people left behind. And for a true salvation it seems it is inherently not possible to get around this one.
I'm fairly certain we can get cara, rik, milton, diki, bd, involved.. maybe some more, but I haven't talked to anyone about it.
Cara is listed as an admin of last salvation, perhaps kingpin and cara wants to bump heads together to iron out the rules and structure,check if something needs updating or tweaking from last one? - otherwise I can do it. But you two know more about qw than me.
Then after salvation another allstars
hut hut
Righty o' lets do this..!
irc #salvation
(Edited 2016-09-10, 14:24)