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Maps & Textures
2016-11-03, 16:47
2059 posts

Jan 2006
A couple months ago i tinkered with a QW maps site. Some people have already checked it out, but for those of you that haven't then what's available can be found on

The site is in beta state at best, however most of the maps have screenshots (from spawns and intermission camera angles) and entity stats (amount of weapons, ammo, powerups etc).

I'm not sure i'll be able to work much on it in the near future so i'm just posting it here in case some rookie or whatever want to browse some maps. There's no downloading of maps though, so if you find one you like then they're available at
2016-11-03, 22:39
57 posts

Oct 2015
This is dope. Thanks for this one.
2016-11-04, 06:23
890 posts

Jan 2006
Please change pagination to display more than 15 maps per page. Add a 0 or somthing. Paginators is stoneage, Åke! Skärpning
Join us on
2016-11-04, 08:11
28 posts

Jul 2013
Nice initiative ! it would be great if we could rank maps by popularity or style.
So cool to see new stuff like this (qtv, lan, etc). Thanks !
2016-11-05, 14:50
375 posts

Sep 2009
Amazing! could generate some good stats, like to find new 3x3, 4x4 maps for example!!!

how did you do this? auto-screenshots from the respawn points? how ?
(QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
2016-11-05, 16:06
2059 posts

Jan 2006
wernerml wrote:
Amazing! could generate some good stats, like to find new 3x3, 4x4 maps for example!!!

how did you do this? auto-screenshots from the respawn points? how ?

Classifying maps would require it to be done manually so I'd rather not at this point.

The auto screenshot stuff is an ezQuake modification I made which takes screenshot based on a file with map names and coordinates. Made a couple utility scripts for the camera position extraction from bsp files as well as entity stats extract from bsp files. Source for scripts and website can be found on
2016-11-19, 10:31
2059 posts

Jan 2006
Made some updates that may not be very visible though:
* Screenshots are now in a database.
* Shows type of screenshots in right bar of each map, with Intermission on top.
* Some bug fixes in cam position script where some spawns/intermissions were missed or in the odd case plain faulty. Screenshots were (re)generated for these maps.
* Have links for map/loc/readme download but haven't uploaded the actual content for that yet.
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