1 GA
1 YA
1 RA
1 Quad
2 RL
1 LG
1 GL
Me and bogo dueled a bunch on it already and it plays really well. Interested to see how it plays in 2v2. Map geometry is pretty much final. I'm looking for advice on item balance and texturing problems. I don't think I'll be able to get much better performance on the map because of the curves. The brushwork is pretty clean.
DOWNLOAD ravageqwb8.bsp 1MB::change log::
- renamed map to ravageqw to avoid stepping on the toes of the first quake map with the name ravage. thanks ake vader.
- added panels (texturing variation) on wall near RA hallway
- ya tele texture problem fix whoops
- minor texturing fixes near light fixtures
- added slight flickering effect near lg and lower ya room on select lights
DOWNLOAD ravageb7 2MB::change log::
- moved ya-tele exit wall brushes back and tele exit entity back further
- fixed numerous texturing problems
- revisited lighting should look a little better.
- added ceiling trim in most areas
- redid ya tele entrance brushes because they were not aligned to the grid.
DOWNLOAD ravageb6 1.5mb <--FIRST BETA
(Edited 2016-11-27, 03:39)