
Member 375 posts
Registered: Sep 2009
auto populate a FFA amazing amazing idea... some intelligence which always leave a minimum of 5 players in the server... like, if only 2 players, add 3 bots like, if only 3 players, add 2 bots (and even with 0 players leave 5 bots, to appear always full) it would be the most luxery FFA server off all ! what great ideas we Brazilians have... little effort, little work... but great ideas!  JAJAJA (QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
Administrator 284 posts
Registered: Sep 2015
The bots are too fast, and this is especially disturbing when playing against low level bots. Couldn't you restrict the bot speed until it wanted to perform a trick jump? I'll maybe look at this, but the routing is static, so if they start accelerating too late and keep missing jumps, they will just keep missing the jump until you turn up to kill them. The bots are too difficult at level zero! Their aim is too good and they are way too aggressive. Playing FFA against a bunch zero skilled bots (6 or more), is really difficult. If you try povdmm4 etc, they should be trivial to beat. I will maybe add a delay between firing to make shotgunning less lethal. Could you add the function to auto populate a FFA (maybe the other modes too) server with bots, and remove them as real players join the server? This is something really useful and lacking on frogbot!
This should already be there: set k_fb_autoadd_limit 6 // add bots until there are 6 players set k_fb_autoremove_at 8 // remove bots if there are greater than 8 players on server
Member 805 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I'll maybe look at this, but the routing is static, so if they start accelerating too late and keep missing jumps, they will just keep missing the jump until you turn up to kill them.
Sounds good to me! :p If you try povdmm4 etc, they should be trivial to beat. I will maybe add a delay between firing to make shotgunning less lethal. Yeah, I don't have a lot of complains about the other game modes (I didn't try team play with bots, yet), but if the bots are unbeatable with skill zero in a FFA game, they'll kill the purpose of having the bots in the server! Wich I believe is to attract new players, and keep them there time enough to try the game. This should already be there: set k_fb_autoadd_limit 6 // add bots until there are 6 players set k_fb_autoremove_at 8 // remove bots if there are greater than 8 players on server I'll try it later! Thanks! https://tinyurl.com/qwbrasil - QuakeFiles
Member 16 posts
Registered: Dec 2017
Suggestion: External waypoints
Member 805 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Suggestion: External waypoints I believe they already are! https://github.com/meag/ktx/tree/master/resources/example-configs/ktx/bots/maps --//-- What could be really useful, IF possible, would be a tool to convert .qc waypoints from the original frogbot, to this new KTX frogbot. Since Trinca already did waypoints to almost 400 maps! Original frogbot: map_dm6.qc #include "maps.h" #ifdef MAP_dm6 void() map_dm6 = { N('152 -841 171');N('1522 -1090 40');N('1145 -1090 -40');N('1503 -555 88');N('1072 -453 40');N('710 -1089 56');N('299 -1088 112');N('1025 -706 40');N('1278 -436 40');N('1515 -287 40'); N('1726 -318 40');N('1786 -577 40');N('1638 -566 40');N('1733 -724 40');N('1664 -1023 40');N('1354 -342 168');N('1627 -313 168');N('1740 -793 168');N('1392 -1089 247');N('1229 -951 256');N('1220 -1225 256');N('694 -1087 256');N('809 -1171 256');N('943 -1303 256');N('1031 -1472 256');N('1038 -1305 256');N('1716 -1016 168');N('809 -983 256');N('481 -1119 256');N('431 -1362 256');N('424 -1508 256');N('429 -1786 184');N('87 -1516 40');N('87 -1621 40');N('797 -1711 40');N('74 -1780 40');N('596 -1670 40');N('998 -1643 40');N('1027 -1481 40');N('202 -736 136');N('304 -736 136');N('96 -736 136');N('304 -894 136');N('96 -888 136');N('1022 -1295 -24');N('1025 -885 -24');N('925 -1088 -40');N('1894 -419 168');N('1630 -149 168');N('424 -1653 232');N('1358 -1090 -8');N('1189 -1202 -40');N('1194 -991 -40');N('1300 -538 168');N('144 -1966 88');N('411 -1945 168');N('194 -1786 56');N('923 -1199 -40');N('1751 -417 168');N('1648 -889 40');N('888 -1090 -280');N('248 -1854 56');N('247 -1719 56');N('1025 -1015 -32');N('1024 -1173 -32');N('512 -1938 40');N('314 -2064 40');N('1383 -438 40');N('395 -1087 128');N('776 -1085 -40');N('554 -1089 113');N('410 -1676 40');N('248 -843 168');N('1528 -1085 207');N('1750 -573 168');N('1497 -308 168');N('1023 -1093 96'); LSQ(); Z14(m128);m128.P0=m43;m128.P1=m98;m128.P2=m32;m128.P3=m96;m128.P4=m97;m128.P5=m54;m128.P6=m29;Z11(m127);m127.P0=m64;m127.P1=m39;m127.P2=m119;m127.P3=m55;m127.P4=m68;m127.P5=m67; Z11(m126);m126.P0=m69;m126.P1=m110;m126.P2=m39;m126.P3=m55;m126.P4=m111;m126.P5=m64; Z4(m125);m125.P0=m70;m125.P1=m78; Z12(m124);m124.T=1;m124.P0=m94; Z7(m123);m123.P0=m1;m123.P1=m38;m123.P2=m114;m123.P3=m88;m123.P4=m26; Z12(m122);m122.P0=m57;m122.P1=m120; Z9(m121);m121.P0=m57;m121.P1=m41;m121.P2=m23;m121.P3=m112;m121.D0=1024;m121.D3=256; Z12(m120);m120.P0=m122;m120.P1=m58; Z3(m119);m119.P0=m60;m119.P1=m61;m119.P2=m39;m119.P3=m36; Z7(m118);m118.P0=m19;m118.P1=m26; Z7(m117);m117.P0=m26;m117.P1=m88; Z9(m116);m116.P0=m96;m116.P1=m109;m116.P2=m43;m116.P3=m98;m116.P4=m103; Z9(m115);m115.P0=m98;m115.P1=m29;m115.P2=m43;m115.P3=m104;m115.P4=m97; Z7(m114);m114.P0=m38;m114.P1=m108;m114.P2=m1;m114.P3=m87;m114.P4=m88;m114.P5=m85; Z7(m113);m113.P0=m20;m113.P1=m26;m113.P2=m1;m113.P3=m108;m113.P4=m87; Z1(m112);m112.P0=m44; Z3(m111);m111.P0=m66;m111.P1=m65;m111.P2=m78;m111.P3=m69;m111.D2=512;m111.D3=512; Z11(m110);m110.P0=m51;m110.P1=m126;m110.P2=m55;m110.P3=m39;m110.P4=m99;m110.P5=m64; Z9(m109);m109.P0=m41;m109.P1=m98;m109.P2=m96;m109.P3=m116;m109.P5=m112;m109.D5=256; Z7(m108);m108.P0=m38;m108.P1=m20;m108.P2=m87;m108.P3=m4;m108.P4=m85; Z6(m107);m107.P0=m106;m107.P1=m34;m107.P2=m83;m107.P3=m20;m107.P4=m1;m107.P5=m113; Z7(m106);m106.P0=m40;m106.P1=m87;m106.P2=m107;m106.P3=m108;m106.P4=m101;m106.D4=512; Z2(m105);m105.P0=m67;m105.P1=m55;m105.P2=m14;m105.P3=m39; Z9(m104);m104.P0=m32;m104.P1=m102;m104.P2=m97;m104.P3=m54;m104.P4=m115; Z9(m103);m103.P0=m102;m103.P1=m96;m103.P2=m54;m103.P3=m24;m103.P4=m32;m103.P5=m116; Z9(m102);m102.P0=m53;m102.P1=m103;m102.P2=m104;m102.P3=m32;m102.P4=m27; Z6(m101);m101.P0=m82;m101.P1=m83;m101.P2=m85;m101.P3=m38;m101.P4=m1;m101.P5=m114; Z11(m100);m100.P0=m68;m100.P1=m31; Z11(m99);m99.P0=m110;m99.P1=m31; Z9(m98);m98.P0=m41;m98.P1=m29;m98.P2=m109;m98.P3=m22;m98.P4=m112;m98.D4=256; Z9(m97);m97.P0=m59;m97.P1=m29;m97.P2=m54;m97.P3=m104;m97.P4=m23;m97.P5=m115; Z9(m96);m96.P0=m90;m96.P1=m98;m96.P2=m54;m96.P3=m103;m96.P4=m109;m96.P5=m116; Z12(m95);m95.P0=m93;m95.P1=m3;m95.P2=m35;m95.P3=m58; Z12(m94);m94.P0=m35;m94.P1=m92;m94.P2=m3;m94.P4=m58; Z12(m93);m93.P0=m91;m93.P1=m95; Z12(m92);m92.P0=m94;m92.P1=m91; Z12(m91);m91.P0=m92;m91.P1=m93;m91.P2=m2; Z8(m90);m90.P0=m89;m90.P1=m96; Z8(m89);m89.P0=m86;m89.P1=m90;m89.P2=m28; Z8(m88);m88.P0=m18;m88.P1=m86;m88.P2=m123; Z7(m87);m87.P0=m85;m87.P1=m40;m87.P2=m106;m87.P3=m38;m87.P4=m108;m87.P5=m20; Z8(m86);m86.P0=m38;m86.P1=m88;m86.P2=m89;m86.P3=m18;m86.P4=m28; Z7(m85);m85.P0=m84;m85.P1=m38;m85.P2=m87;m85.P3=m108; Z7(m84);m84.P0=m85;m84.P1=m5; Z6(m83);m83.P0=m107;m83.P1=m101;m83.P2=m20;m83.P3=m4;m83.P4=m1; Z6(m82);m82.P0=m101;m82.P1=m81;m82.P2=m48;m82.P3=m8; Z6(m81);m81.P0=m80;m81.P1=m21;m81.P2=m82;m81.P3=m49;m81.P4=m48; Z6(m80);m80.P0=m73;m80.P1=m21;m80.P2=m49;m80.P3=m81;m80.P4=m9; Z5(m79);m79.P0=m73;m79.P1=m74;m79.P2=m10;m79.P3=m96;m79.P4=m11;m79.P5=m128; Z4(m78);m78.P0=m37;m78.P1=m125;m78.P2=m69;m78.P3=m111; Z5(m77);m77.P0=m75;m77.P1=m72;m77.P2=m76;m77.P3=m29;m77.P4=m104;m77.P5=m116;m77.P6=m128; Z5(m76);m76.P0=m77;m76.P1=m30; Z5(m75);m75.P0=m74;m75.P1=m72;m75.P2=m77;m75.P3=m104; Z5(m74);m74.P0=m73;m74.P1=m75;m74.P2=m79;m74.P3=m97;m74.P4=m128; Z5(m73);m73.P0=m21;m73.P1=m74;m73.P2=m79;m73.P3=m80;m73.P4=m128;m73.P5=m98; Z5(m72);m72.P0=m77;m72.P1=m33;m72.P2=m70;m72.P3=m97;m72.P4=m128;m72.P5=m43; Z5(m71);m71.P0=m70;m71.P1=m33;m71.P2=m11;m71.P3=m96;m71.P4=m128;m71.P5=m54;m71.P6=m43; Z4(m70);m70.P0=m33;m70.P1=m71;m70.P2=m72;m70.P3=m125; Z11(m69);m69.P0=m78;m69.P1=m126;m69.P2=m64;m69.P3=m111; Z11(m68);m68.P0=m51;m68.P1=m127;m68.P2=m100;m68.P3=m64;m68.P4=m39;m68.P5=m55; Z2(m67);m67.P0=m127;m67.P1=m105;m67.P2=m39;m67.P3=m15;m67.P4=m55;m67.P5=m25; Z13(m66);m66.P0=m65;m66.P1=m102;m66.P2=m13;m66.P3=m111; Z3(m65);m65.P0=m64;m65.P1=m13;m65.P2=m66;m65.P3=m63;m65.P4=m111; Z3(m64);m64.P0=m65;m64.P1=m55;m64.P2=m39;m64.P3=m63;m64.P4=m62;m64.P5=m61;m64.P6=m68;m64.P7=m127;m64.D6=512;m64.D7=512; Z3(m63);m63.P0=m62;m63.P1=m64;m63.P2=m65;m63.P3=m39; Z3(m62);m62.P0=m61;m62.P1=m63;m62.P2=m64;m62.P3=m39; Z3(m61);m61.P0=m39;m61.P1=m62;m61.P2=m64;m61.P3=m60; Z3(m60);m60.P0=m56;m60.P1=m119; Z10(m59);m59.P0=m17;m59.P1=m56;m59.P2=m97; Z12(m58);m58.P0=m35;m58.P1=m94;m58.P2=m12;m58.P3=m3;m58.P4=m120;m58.P5=m95; Z12(m57);m57.P0=m122;m57.P1=m23;m57.P2=m121;m57.P4=m109;m57.P5=m41; Z10(m56);m56.P0=m16;m56.P1=m60;m56.P2=m59;m56.P3=m17;m56.P4=m6; Z2(m55);m55.P0=m64;m55.P1=m39;m55.P2=m119;m55.P3=m105; Z9(m54);m54.P0=m96;m54.P1=m97;m54.P2=m43;m54.P3=m103;m54.P4=m104;m54.P5=m32; Z13(m53);m53.P0=m102;m53.P1=m66;m53.P2=m13; Z12(m52);m52.T=1;m52.P0=m95; Z9(m43);m43.P0=m22;m43.P1=m54;m43.P2=m96;m43.P3=m97; Z12(m3);m3.P0=m2;m3.P1=m95;m3.P2=m94;m3.P3=m35;m3.P4=m58; Z7(m1);m1.P0=m4;m1.P1=m38;m1.P2=m123;m1.P3=m26; Z11(m51);G1(m51);m51.P0=m110;m51.P1=m68;m51.P2=m39; Z6(m49);m49.P0=m48;m49.P1=m81;m49.P2=m80;m49.P3=m82; Z6(m48);m48.P0=m49;m48.P1=m83;m48.P2=m82;m48.P3=m81;m48.P4=m80; Z1(m47);G6(m47);m47.P0=m42;m47.P1=m45; Z1(m46);m46.P0=m44;m46.P1=m45; Z1(m45);m45.P0=m46;m45.P1=m47; Z1(m44);G5(m44);m44.P0=m46;m44.P1=m112; Z9(m42);m42.P0=m43; Z9(m41);m41.P0=m98;m41.P1=m29;m41.P2=m121;m41.P3=m96;m41.P4=m109;m41.P5=m112;m41.D0=1024;m41.D1=1024;m41.D2=1024;m41.D3=1024;m41.D4=1024;m41.D5=256;dm6_door=m41; Z7(m40);G9(m40);m40.P0=m87;m40.P1=m106; Z3(m39);G2(m39);m39.P0=m119;m39.P1=m64;m39.P2=m61;m39.P3=m62;m39.P4=m51;m39.P5=m126;m39.P6=m110;m39.D4=512;m39.D5=512;m39.D6=512; Z7(m38);G8(m38);m38.P0=m123;m38.P1=m114;m38.P2=m87;m38.P3=m1;m38.P4=m85;m38.P5=m101;m38.P6=m83;m38.D5=512;m38.D6=512; Z4(m37);m37.P0=m69;m37.P1=m78;m37.P2=m125; Z3(m36);m36.P0=m60;m36.P1=m39;m36.P2=m61; Z12(m35);G3(m35);m35.P0=m12;m35.P1=m58;m35.P2=m95;m35.P3=m3;m35.P4=m94; Z6(m34);m34.P0=m40;m34.P1=m4;m34.P2=m83; Z5(m33);G7(m33);m33.P0=m71;m33.P1=m70;m33.P2=m72;m33.P3=m23;m33.P4=m109;m33.P5=m128;m33.P6=m43;m33.P7=m97; Z9(m32);m32.P0=m103;m32.P1=m104;m32.P2=m54;m32.P3=m102; Z11(m31);m31.P0=m99;m31.P1=m100; Z5(m30);m30.P0=m76; Z9(m29);G11(m29);m29.P0=m23;m29.P1=m98;m29.P2=m41;m29.P3=m115;m29.P4=m97;m29.P5=m112;m29.D5=256; Z8(m28);m28.P0=m18;m28.P1=m89;m28.P2=m86; Z9(m27);m27.P0=m24;m27.P1=m32;m27.P2=m43;m27.P3=m96; Z7(m26);G10(m26);m26.P0=m20;m26.P1=m1;m26.P2=m118;m26.P3=m113;m26.P4=m117;m26.P5=m123; Z2(m25);m25.P0=m15;m25.P1=m67;m25.P2=m67;m25.P3=m39;m25.P4=m127; Z9(m24);m24.P0=m27;m24.P1=m96;m24.P2=m43;m24.P3=m32; Z9(m23);G11(m23);m23.P0=m41;m23.P1=m97;m23.P2=m104;m23.P4=m29; Z7(m22);m22.P0=m1; Z6(m21);G16(m21);m21.P0=m73;m21.P1=m81;m21.P2=m49; Z7(m20);G10(m20);m20.P0=m26;m20.P1=m88;m20.P2=m108;m20.P3=m87;m20.P4=m113; Z7(m19);m19.P0=m117;m19.P1=m118; Z8(m18);m18.P0=m88;m18.P1=m28;m18.P2=m86; Z10(m17);G12(m17);m17.P0=m56;m17.P1=m59;m17.P2=m16; Z10(m16);G12(m16);m16.P0=m17;m16.P1=m56;m16.P2=m59; Z2(m15);m15.P0=m25; Z2(m14);G13(m14);m14.P0=m105;m14.P1=m67;m14.P2=m55; Z13(m13);G15(m13);m13.P0=m65;m13.P1=m66; Z12(m12);G4(m12);m12.P0=m35;m12.P1=m2; Z5(m11);G14(m11);m11.P0=m10;m11.P1=m71;m11.P2=m103;m11.P3=m109;m11.P4=m79;m11.P5=m115;m11.P6=m128; Z5(m10);G14(m10);m10.P0=m79;m10.P1=m11;m10.P2=m103; Z6(m9);m9.P0=m21;m9.P1=m73;m9.P2=m81;m9.P3=m49; Z6(m8);m8.P0=m81;m8.P1=m48;m8.P2=m101;m8.P3=m82; Z12(m7);m7.T=1;m7.P0=m35; Z10(m6);m6.P0=m16;m6.P1=m59;m6.P2=m60; Z7(m5);m5.P0=m84; Z12(m4);m4.P0=m3; Z7(m2);m2.P0=m1; }; #endif KTX dm6.bot: CreateMarker 152 -841 171 CreateMarker 1522 -1090 40 CreateMarker 1145 -1090 -40 CreateMarker 1503 -555 88 CreateMarker 1072 -453 40 CreateMarker 710 -1089 56 CreateMarker 299 -1088 112 CreateMarker 1025 -706 40 CreateMarker 1278 -436 40 CreateMarker 1515 -287 40 CreateMarker 1726 -318 40 CreateMarker 1786 -577 40 CreateMarker 1638 -566 40 CreateMarker 1733 -724 40 CreateMarker 1664 -1023 40 CreateMarker 1354 -342 168 CreateMarker 1627 -313 168 CreateMarker 1740 -793 168 CreateMarker 1392 -1089 247 CreateMarker 1229 -951 256 CreateMarker 1220 -1225 256 CreateMarker 694 -1087 256 CreateMarker 809 -1171 256 CreateMarker 943 -1303 256 CreateMarker 1031 -1472 256 CreateMarker 1038 -1305 256 CreateMarker 1716 -1016 168 CreateMarker 809 -983 256 CreateMarker 481 -1119 256 CreateMarker 431 -1362 256 CreateMarker 424 -1508 256 CreateMarker 429 -1786 184 CreateMarker 87 -1516 40 CreateMarker 87 -1621 40 CreateMarker 797 -1711 40 CreateMarker 74 -1780 40 CreateMarker 596 -1670 40 CreateMarker 998 -1643 40 CreateMarker 1027 -1481 40 CreateMarker 202 -736 136 CreateMarker 304 -736 136 CreateMarker 96 -736 136 CreateMarker 304 -894 136 CreateMarker 96 -888 136 CreateMarker 1022 -1295 -24 CreateMarker 1025 -885 -24 CreateMarker 925 -1088 -40 CreateMarker 1894 -419 168 CreateMarker 1630 -149 168 CreateMarker 424 -1653 232 CreateMarker 1358 -1090 -8 CreateMarker 1189 -1202 -40 CreateMarker 1194 -991 -40 CreateMarker 1300 -538 168 CreateMarker 144 -1966 88 CreateMarker 411 -1945 168 CreateMarker 194 -1786 56 CreateMarker 923 -1199 -40 CreateMarker 1751 -417 168 CreateMarker 1648 -889 40 CreateMarker 888 -1090 -280 CreateMarker 248 -1854 56 CreateMarker 247 -1719 56 CreateMarker 1025 -1015 -32 CreateMarker 1024 -1173 -32 CreateMarker 512 -1938 40 CreateMarker 314 -2064 40 CreateMarker 1383 -438 40 CreateMarker 395 -1087 128 CreateMarker 776 -1085 -40 CreateMarker 554 -1089 113 CreateMarker 410 -1676 40 CreateMarker 248 -843 168 CreateMarker 1528 -1085 207 CreateMarker 1750 -573 168 CreateMarker 1497 -308 168 CreateMarker 1023 -1093 96 SetZone 1 7 SetMarkerPath 1 0 4 SetMarkerPath 1 1 38 SetMarkerPath 1 2 123 SetMarkerPath 1 3 26 SetZone 2 7 SetMarkerPath 2 0 1 SetZone 3 12 SetMarkerPath 3 0 2 SetMarkerPath 3 1 95 SetMarkerPath 3 2 94 SetMarkerPath 3 3 35 SetMarkerPath 3 4 58 SetZone 4 12 SetMarkerPath 4 0 3 SetZone 5 7 SetMarkerPath 5 0 84 SetZone 6 10 SetMarkerPath 6 0 16 SetMarkerPath 6 1 59 SetMarkerPath 6 2 60 SetZone 7 12 SetMarkerFlag 7 u SetMarkerPath 7 0 35 SetZone 8 6 SetMarkerPath 8 0 81 SetMarkerPath 8 1 48 SetMarkerPath 8 2 101 SetMarkerPath 8 3 82 SetZone 9 6 SetMarkerPath 9 0 21 SetMarkerPath 9 1 73 SetMarkerPath 9 2 81 SetMarkerPath 9 3 49 SetGoal 10 14 SetZone 10 5 SetMarkerPath 10 0 79 SetMarkerPath 10 1 11 SetMarkerPath 10 2 103 SetGoal 11 14 SetZone 11 5 SetMarkerPath 11 0 10 SetMarkerPath 11 1 71 SetMarkerPath 11 2 103 SetMarkerPath 11 3 109 SetMarkerPath 11 4 79 SetMarkerPath 11 5 115 SetMarkerPath 11 6 128 SetGoal 12 4 SetZone 12 12 SetMarkerPath 12 0 35 SetMarkerPath 12 1 2 SetGoal 13 15 SetZone 13 13 SetMarkerPath 13 0 65 SetMarkerPath 13 1 66 SetGoal 14 13 SetZone 14 2 SetMarkerPath 14 0 105 SetMarkerPath 14 1 67 SetMarkerPath 14 2 55 SetGoal 15 23 SetZone 15 2 SetMarkerPath 15 0 25 SetGoal 16 12 SetZone 16 10 SetMarkerPath 16 0 17 SetMarkerPath 16 1 56 SetMarkerPath 16 2 59 SetGoal 17 12 SetZone 17 10 SetMarkerPath 17 0 56 SetMarkerPath 17 1 59 SetMarkerPath 17 2 16 SetGoal 18 24 SetZone 18 8 SetMarkerPath 18 0 88 SetMarkerPath 18 1 28 SetMarkerPath 18 2 86 SetGoal 19 24 SetZone 19 7 SetMarkerPath 19 0 117 SetMarkerPath 19 1 118 SetGoal 20 10 SetZone 20 7 SetMarkerPath 20 0 26 SetMarkerPath 20 1 88 SetMarkerPath 20 2 108 SetMarkerPath 20 3 87 SetMarkerPath 20 4 113 SetGoal 21 16 SetZone 21 6 SetMarkerPath 21 0 73 SetMarkerPath 21 1 81 SetMarkerPath 21 2 49 SetZone 22 7 SetMarkerPath 22 0 1 SetGoal 23 11 SetZone 23 9 SetMarkerPath 23 0 41 SetMarkerPath 23 1 97 SetMarkerPath 23 2 104 SetMarkerPath 23 3 29 SetGoal 24 24 SetZone 24 9 SetMarkerPath 24 0 27 SetMarkerPath 24 1 96 SetMarkerPath 24 2 43 SetMarkerPath 24 3 32 SetGoal 25 23 SetZone 25 2 SetMarkerPath 25 0 15 SetMarkerPath 25 1 67 SetMarkerPath 25 2 67 SetMarkerPath 25 3 39 SetMarkerPath 25 4 127 SetGoal 26 10 SetZone 26 7 SetMarkerPath 26 0 20 SetMarkerPath 26 1 1 SetMarkerPath 26 2 118 SetMarkerPath 26 3 113 SetMarkerPath 26 4 117 SetMarkerPath 26 5 123 SetGoal 27 24 SetZone 27 9 SetMarkerPath 27 0 24 SetMarkerPath 27 1 32 SetMarkerPath 27 2 43 SetMarkerPath 27 3 96 SetGoal 28 24 SetZone 28 8 SetMarkerPath 28 0 18 SetMarkerPath 28 1 89 SetMarkerPath 28 2 86 SetGoal 29 11 SetZone 29 9 SetMarkerPath 29 0 23 SetMarkerPath 29 1 98 SetMarkerPath 29 2 41 SetMarkerPath 29 3 115 SetMarkerPath 29 4 97 SetMarkerPath 29 5 112 SetMarkerPathFlags 29 5 6 SetZone 30 5 SetMarkerPath 30 0 76 SetZone 31 11 SetMarkerPath 31 0 99 SetMarkerPath 31 1 100 SetGoal 32 22 SetZone 32 9 SetMarkerPath 32 0 103 SetMarkerPath 32 1 104 SetMarkerPath 32 2 54 SetMarkerPath 32 3 102 SetGoal 33 7 SetZone 33 5 SetMarkerPath 33 0 71 SetMarkerPath 33 1 70 SetMarkerPath 33 2 72 SetMarkerPath 33 3 23 SetMarkerPath 33 4 109 SetMarkerPath 33 5 128 SetMarkerPath 33 6 43 SetMarkerPath 33 7 97 SetGoal 34 20 SetZone 34 6 SetMarkerPath 34 0 40 SetMarkerPath 34 1 4 SetMarkerPath 34 2 83 SetGoal 35 3 SetZone 35 12 SetMarkerPath 35 0 12 SetMarkerPath 35 1 58 SetMarkerPath 35 2 95 SetMarkerPath 35 3 3 SetMarkerPath 35 4 94 SetGoal 36 21 SetZone 36 3 SetMarkerPath 36 0 60 SetMarkerPath 36 1 39 SetMarkerPath 36 2 61 SetGoal 37 24 SetZone 37 4 SetMarkerPath 37 0 69 SetMarkerPath 37 1 78 SetMarkerPath 37 2 125 SetGoal 38 8 SetZone 38 7 SetMarkerPath 38 0 123 SetMarkerPath 38 1 114 SetMarkerPath 38 2 87 SetMarkerPath 38 3 1 SetMarkerPath 38 4 85 SetMarkerPath 38 5 101 SetMarkerPathFlags 38 5 r SetRocketJumpPathFields 38 5 78.3 -1.0 0 SetMarkerPath 38 6 83 SetMarkerPathFlags 38 6 r SetRocketJumpPathFields 38 6 78.3 -1.0 0 SetGoal 39 2 SetZone 39 3 SetMarkerPath 39 0 119 SetMarkerPath 39 1 64 SetMarkerPath 39 2 61 SetMarkerPath 39 3 62 SetMarkerPath 39 4 51 SetMarkerPathFlags 39 4 r SetRocketJumpPathFields 39 4 78.3 -1.0 0 SetMarkerPath 39 5 126 SetMarkerPathFlags 39 5 r SetRocketJumpPathFields 39 5 78.3 -1.0 0 SetMarkerPath 39 6 110 SetMarkerPathFlags 39 6 r SetRocketJumpPathFields 39 6 78.3 -1.0 0 SetGoal 40 9 SetZone 40 7 SetMarkerPath 40 0 87 SetMarkerPath 40 1 106 SetMarkerPath 40 2 101 SetMarkerPathFlags 40 2 r SetRocketJumpPathFields 40 2 72.0 215.0 0 SetZone 41 9 SetMarkerPath 41 0 98 SetMarkerPathFlags 41 0 j SetMarkerPath 41 1 29 SetMarkerPathFlags 41 1 j SetMarkerPath 41 2 121 SetMarkerPathFlags 41 2 j SetMarkerPath 41 3 96 SetMarkerPathFlags 41 3 j SetMarkerPath 41 4 109 SetMarkerPathFlags 41 4 j SetMarkerPath 41 5 112 SetMarkerPathFlags 41 5 6 SetMarkerFlag 41 6 SetZone 42 9 SetMarkerPath 42 0 43 SetZone 43 9 SetMarkerPath 43 0 22 SetMarkerPath 43 1 54 SetMarkerPath 43 2 96 SetMarkerPath 43 3 97 SetGoal 44 5 SetZone 44 1 SetMarkerPath 44 0 46 SetMarkerPath 44 1 112 SetGoal 45 19 SetZone 45 1 SetMarkerPath 45 0 46 SetMarkerPath 45 1 47 SetGoal 46 19 SetZone 46 1 SetMarkerPath 46 0 44 SetMarkerPath 46 1 45 SetGoal 47 6 SetZone 47 1 SetMarkerPath 47 0 42 SetMarkerPath 47 1 45 SetGoal 48 19 SetZone 48 6 SetMarkerPath 48 0 49 SetMarkerPath 48 1 83 SetMarkerPath 48 2 82 SetMarkerPath 48 3 81 SetMarkerPath 48 4 80 SetGoal 49 19 SetZone 49 6 SetMarkerPath 49 0 48 SetMarkerPath 49 1 81 SetMarkerPath 49 2 80 SetMarkerPath 49 3 82 SetGoal 51 1 SetZone 51 11 SetMarkerPath 51 0 110 SetMarkerPath 51 1 68 SetMarkerPath 51 2 39 SetZone 52 12 SetMarkerFlag 52 u SetMarkerPath 52 0 95 SetZone 53 13 SetMarkerPath 53 0 102 SetMarkerPath 53 1 66 SetMarkerPath 53 2 13 SetZone 54 9 SetMarkerPath 54 0 96 SetMarkerPath 54 1 97 SetMarkerPath 54 2 43 SetMarkerPath 54 3 103 SetMarkerPath 54 4 104 SetMarkerPath 54 5 32 SetZone 55 2 SetMarkerPath 55 0 64 SetMarkerPath 55 1 39 SetMarkerPath 55 2 119 SetMarkerPath 55 3 105 SetZone 56 10 SetMarkerPath 56 0 16 SetMarkerPath 56 1 60 SetMarkerPath 56 2 59 SetMarkerPath 56 3 17 SetMarkerPath 56 4 6 SetZone 57 12 SetMarkerPath 57 0 122 SetMarkerPath 57 1 23 SetMarkerPath 57 2 121 SetMarkerPath 57 3 109 SetMarkerPath 57 4 41 SetZone 58 12 SetMarkerPath 58 0 35 SetMarkerPath 58 1 94 SetMarkerPath 58 2 12 SetMarkerPath 58 3 3 SetMarkerPath 58 4 120 SetMarkerPath 58 5 95 SetZone 59 10 SetMarkerPath 59 0 17 SetMarkerPath 59 1 56 SetMarkerPath 59 2 97 SetZone 60 3 SetMarkerPath 60 0 56 SetMarkerPath 60 1 119 SetZone 61 3 SetMarkerPath 61 0 39 SetMarkerPath 61 1 62 SetMarkerPath 61 2 64 SetMarkerPath 61 3 60 SetZone 62 3 SetMarkerPath 62 0 61 SetMarkerPath 62 1 63 SetMarkerPath 62 2 64 SetMarkerPath 62 3 39 SetZone 63 3 SetMarkerPath 63 0 62 SetMarkerPath 63 1 64 SetMarkerPath 63 2 65 SetMarkerPath 63 3 39 SetZone 64 3 SetMarkerPath 64 0 65 SetMarkerPath 64 1 55 SetMarkerPath 64 2 39 SetMarkerPath 64 3 63 SetMarkerPath 64 4 62 SetMarkerPath 64 5 61 SetMarkerPath 64 6 68 SetMarkerPathFlags 64 6 r SetRocketJumpPathFields 64 6 78.3 -1.0 0 SetMarkerPath 64 7 127 SetMarkerPathFlags 64 7 r SetRocketJumpPathFields 64 7 78.3 -1.0 0 SetZone 65 3 SetMarkerPath 65 0 64 SetMarkerPath 65 1 13 SetMarkerPath 65 2 66 SetMarkerPath 65 3 63 SetMarkerPath 65 4 111 SetZone 66 13 SetMarkerPath 66 0 65 SetMarkerPath 66 1 102 SetMarkerPath 66 2 13 SetMarkerPath 66 3 111 SetZone 67 2 SetMarkerPath 67 0 127 SetMarkerPath 67 1 105 SetMarkerPath 67 2 39 SetMarkerPath 67 3 15 SetMarkerPath 67 4 55 SetMarkerPath 67 5 25 SetZone 68 11 SetMarkerPath 68 0 51 SetMarkerPath 68 1 127 SetMarkerPath 68 2 100 SetMarkerPath 68 3 64 SetMarkerPath 68 4 39 SetMarkerPath 68 5 55 SetZone 69 11 SetMarkerPath 69 0 78 SetMarkerPath 69 1 126 SetMarkerPath 69 2 64 SetMarkerPath 69 3 111 SetZone 70 4 SetMarkerPath 70 0 33 SetMarkerPath 70 1 71 SetMarkerPath 70 2 72 SetMarkerPath 70 3 125 SetZone 71 5 SetMarkerPath 71 0 70 SetMarkerPath 71 1 33 SetMarkerPath 71 2 11 SetMarkerPath 71 3 96 SetMarkerPath 71 4 128 SetMarkerPath 71 5 54 SetMarkerPath 71 6 43 SetZone 72 5 SetMarkerPath 72 0 77 SetMarkerPath 72 1 33 SetMarkerPath 72 2 70 SetMarkerPath 72 3 97 SetMarkerPath 72 4 128 SetMarkerPath 72 5 43 SetZone 73 5 SetMarkerPath 73 0 21 SetMarkerPath 73 1 74 SetMarkerPath 73 2 79 SetMarkerPath 73 3 80 SetMarkerPath 73 4 128 SetMarkerPath 73 5 98 SetZone 74 5 SetMarkerPath 74 0 73 SetMarkerPath 74 1 75 SetMarkerPath 74 2 79 SetMarkerPath 74 3 97 SetMarkerPath 74 4 128 SetZone 75 5 SetMarkerPath 75 0 74 SetMarkerPath 75 1 72 SetMarkerPath 75 2 77 SetMarkerPath 75 3 104 SetZone 76 5 SetMarkerPath 76 0 77 SetMarkerPath 76 1 30 SetZone 77 5 SetMarkerPath 77 0 75 SetMarkerPath 77 1 72 SetMarkerPath 77 2 76 SetMarkerPath 77 3 29 SetMarkerPath 77 4 104 SetMarkerPath 77 5 116 SetMarkerPath 77 6 128 SetZone 78 4 SetMarkerPath 78 0 37 SetMarkerPath 78 1 125 SetMarkerPath 78 2 69 SetMarkerPath 78 3 111 SetZone 79 5 SetMarkerPath 79 0 73 SetMarkerPath 79 1 74 SetMarkerPath 79 2 10 SetMarkerPath 79 3 96 SetMarkerPath 79 4 11 SetMarkerPath 79 5 128 SetZone 80 6 SetMarkerPath 80 0 73 SetMarkerPath 80 1 21 SetMarkerPath 80 2 49 SetMarkerPath 80 3 81 SetMarkerPath 80 4 9 SetZone 81 6 SetMarkerPath 81 0 80 SetMarkerPath 81 1 21 SetMarkerPath 81 2 82 SetMarkerPath 81 3 49 SetMarkerPath 81 4 48 SetZone 82 6 SetMarkerPath 82 0 101 SetMarkerPath 82 1 81 SetMarkerPath 82 2 48 SetMarkerPath 82 3 8 SetZone 83 6 SetMarkerPath 83 0 107 SetMarkerPath 83 1 101 SetMarkerPath 83 2 20 SetMarkerPath 83 3 4 SetMarkerPath 83 4 1 SetZone 84 7 SetMarkerPath 84 0 85 SetMarkerPath 84 1 5 SetZone 85 7 SetMarkerPath 85 0 84 SetMarkerPath 85 1 38 SetMarkerPath 85 2 87 SetMarkerPath 85 3 108 SetZone 86 8 SetMarkerPath 86 0 38 SetMarkerPath 86 1 88 SetMarkerPath 86 2 89 SetMarkerPath 86 3 18 SetMarkerPath 86 4 28 SetZone 87 7 SetMarkerPath 87 0 85 SetMarkerPath 87 1 40 SetMarkerPath 87 2 106 SetMarkerPath 87 3 38 SetMarkerPath 87 4 108 SetMarkerPath 87 5 20 SetZone 88 8 SetMarkerPath 88 0 18 SetMarkerPath 88 1 86 SetMarkerPath 88 2 123 SetZone 89 8 SetMarkerPath 89 0 86 SetMarkerPath 89 1 90 SetMarkerPath 89 2 28 SetZone 90 8 SetMarkerPath 90 0 89 SetMarkerPath 90 1 96 SetZone 91 12 SetMarkerPath 91 0 92 SetMarkerPath 91 1 93 SetMarkerPath 91 2 2 SetZone 92 12 SetMarkerPath 92 0 94 SetMarkerPath 92 1 91 SetZone 93 12 SetMarkerPath 93 0 91 SetMarkerPath 93 1 95 SetZone 94 12 SetMarkerPath 94 0 35 SetMarkerPath 94 1 92 SetMarkerPath 94 2 3 SetMarkerPath 94 3 58 SetZone 95 12 SetMarkerPath 95 0 93 SetMarkerPath 95 1 3 SetMarkerPath 95 2 35 SetMarkerPath 95 3 58 SetZone 96 9 SetMarkerPath 96 0 90 SetMarkerPath 96 1 98 SetMarkerPath 96 2 54 SetMarkerPath 96 3 103 SetMarkerPath 96 4 109 SetMarkerPath 96 5 116 SetZone 97 9 SetMarkerPath 97 0 59 SetMarkerPath 97 1 29 SetMarkerPath 97 2 54 SetMarkerPath 97 3 104 SetMarkerPath 97 4 23 SetMarkerPath 97 5 115 SetZone 98 9 SetMarkerPath 98 0 41 SetMarkerPath 98 1 29 SetMarkerPath 98 2 109 SetMarkerPath 98 3 22 SetMarkerPath 98 4 112 SetMarkerPathFlags 98 4 6 SetZone 99 11 SetMarkerPath 99 0 110 SetMarkerPath 99 1 31 SetZone 100 11 SetMarkerPath 100 0 68 SetMarkerPath 100 1 31 SetZone 101 6 SetMarkerPath 101 0 82 SetMarkerPath 101 1 83 SetMarkerPath 101 2 85 SetMarkerPath 101 3 38 SetMarkerPath 101 4 1 SetMarkerPath 101 5 114 SetZone 102 9 SetMarkerPath 102 0 53 SetMarkerPath 102 1 103 SetMarkerPath 102 2 104 SetMarkerPath 102 3 32 SetMarkerPath 102 4 27 SetZone 103 9 SetMarkerPath 103 0 102 SetMarkerPath 103 1 96 SetMarkerPath 103 2 54 SetMarkerPath 103 3 24 SetMarkerPath 103 4 32 SetMarkerPath 103 5 116 SetZone 104 9 SetMarkerPath 104 0 32 SetMarkerPath 104 1 102 SetMarkerPath 104 2 97 SetMarkerPath 104 3 54 SetMarkerPath 104 4 115 SetZone 105 2 SetMarkerPath 105 0 67 SetMarkerPath 105 1 55 SetMarkerPath 105 2 14 SetMarkerPath 105 3 39 SetZone 106 7 SetMarkerPath 106 0 40 SetMarkerPath 106 1 87 SetMarkerPath 106 2 107 SetMarkerPath 106 3 108 SetZone 107 6 SetMarkerPath 107 0 106 SetMarkerPath 107 1 34 SetMarkerPath 107 2 83 SetMarkerPath 107 3 20 SetMarkerPath 107 4 1 SetMarkerPath 107 5 113 SetZone 108 7 SetMarkerPath 108 0 38 SetMarkerPath 108 1 20 SetMarkerPath 108 2 87 SetMarkerPath 108 3 4 SetMarkerPath 108 4 85 SetZone 109 9 SetMarkerPath 109 0 41 SetMarkerPath 109 1 98 SetMarkerPath 109 2 96 SetMarkerPath 109 3 116 SetMarkerPath 109 4 112 SetMarkerPathFlags 109 4 6 SetZone 110 11 SetMarkerPath 110 0 51 SetMarkerPath 110 1 126 SetMarkerPath 110 2 55 SetMarkerPath 110 3 39 SetMarkerPath 110 4 99 SetMarkerPath 110 5 64 SetZone 111 3 SetMarkerPath 111 0 66 SetMarkerPath 111 1 65 SetMarkerPath 111 2 110 SetMarkerPathFlags 111 2 r SetRocketJumpPathFields 111 2 55.0 315.0 0 SetZone 112 1 SetMarkerPath 112 0 44 SetZone 113 7 SetMarkerPath 113 0 20 SetMarkerPath 113 1 26 SetMarkerPath 113 2 1 SetMarkerPath 113 3 108 SetMarkerPath 113 4 87 SetZone 114 7 SetMarkerPath 114 0 38 SetMarkerPath 114 1 108 SetMarkerPath 114 2 1 SetMarkerPath 114 3 87 SetMarkerPath 114 4 88 SetMarkerPath 114 5 85 SetZone 115 9 SetMarkerPath 115 0 98 SetMarkerPath 115 1 29 SetMarkerPath 115 2 43 SetMarkerPath 115 3 104 SetMarkerPath 115 4 97 SetZone 116 9 SetMarkerPath 116 0 96 SetMarkerPath 116 1 109 SetMarkerPath 116 2 43 SetMarkerPath 116 3 98 SetMarkerPath 116 4 103 SetZone 117 7 SetMarkerPath 117 0 26 SetMarkerPath 117 1 88 SetZone 118 7 SetMarkerPath 118 0 19 SetMarkerPath 118 1 26 SetZone 119 3 SetMarkerPath 119 0 60 SetMarkerPath 119 1 61 SetMarkerPath 119 2 39 SetMarkerPath 119 3 36 SetZone 120 12 SetMarkerPath 120 0 122 SetMarkerPath 120 1 58 SetZone 121 9 SetMarkerPath 121 0 57 SetMarkerPathFlags 121 0 j SetMarkerPath 121 1 41 SetMarkerPath 121 2 23 SetMarkerPath 121 3 112 SetMarkerPathFlags 121 3 6 SetZone 122 12 SetMarkerPath 122 0 57 SetMarkerPath 122 1 120 SetZone 123 7 SetMarkerPath 123 0 1 SetMarkerPath 123 1 38 SetMarkerPath 123 2 114 SetMarkerPath 123 3 88 SetMarkerPath 123 4 26 SetZone 124 12 SetMarkerFlag 124 u SetMarkerPath 124 0 94 SetZone 125 4 SetMarkerPath 125 0 70 SetMarkerPath 125 1 78 SetZone 126 11 SetMarkerPath 126 0 69 SetMarkerPath 126 1 110 SetMarkerPath 126 2 39 SetMarkerPath 126 3 55 SetMarkerPath 126 4 111 SetMarkerPath 126 5 64 SetZone 127 11 SetMarkerPath 127 0 64 SetMarkerPath 127 1 39 SetMarkerPath 127 2 119 SetMarkerPath 127 3 55 SetMarkerPath 127 4 68 SetMarkerPath 127 5 67 SetZone 128 14 SetMarkerPath 128 0 43 SetMarkerPath 128 1 98 SetMarkerPath 128 2 32 SetMarkerPath 128 3 96 SetMarkerPath 128 4 97 SetMarkerPath 128 5 54 SetMarkerPath 128 6 29
https://tinyurl.com/qwbrasil - QuakeFiles
Administrator 284 posts
Registered: Sep 2015
What could be really useful, IF possible, would be a tool to convert .qc waypoints from the original frogbot, to this new KTX frogbot. Since Trinca already did waypoints to almost 400 maps!
I did do that, but a lot of them had problems... example (can't believe I did this over 2 years ago... progress on all fronts has been very slow lately). I'll try and tidy up the utility and get it released somewhere so you guys can work on the maps.
Member 16 posts
Registered: Dec 2017
My apologies, I'm not really up to date with modern QW
Edit: Just realised I had already participated in the thread, even asking about external ways before (under my original qw.nu account [vb-] that got banned). I should probably actually read entire threads in future :E
Member 805 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
My apologies, I'm not really up to date with modern QW
Edit: Just realised I had already participated in the thread, even asking about external ways before (under my original qw.nu account [vb-] that got banned). I should probably actually read entire threads in future :E I thought the user vb- was the creator of mvdsv! https://tinyurl.com/qwbrasil - QuakeFiles
Member 16 posts
Registered: Dec 2017
No sir, nothing that grand. I know VVD definitely worked on it at one point
Member 375 posts
Registered: Sep 2009
How difficult would it be to build this newest on Windows Standard way to build on Windows was to use Visual Studio, the project files are on github repo Is it still possible? Tried from ktf here and mvdsv herektx is missing some files: mvdsv: help me meag !!! (QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
Administrator 284 posts
Registered: Sep 2015
Apologies, I don't have an old enough copy of Visual Studio to load & update the 2010 files anymore, so they're probably out of date.
The official repo is https://github.com/deurk/ktx and https://github.com/deurk/mvdsv, so always pull from there. Anything in my personal repo is liable to be a test version, out of date, buggier than official sources, or all three.
mvdsv: Looks like you don't have gas2masm installed? Try removing 'id386' from pre-processor definitions and then removing .s files from your project, it should compile versions not using assembler.
ktx: filelist is out of date, remove any files reported missing and add new files until you have:
"src\admin.c" "src\arena.c" "src\bot_aim.c" "src\bot_blocked.c" "src\bot_botenemy.c" "src\bot_botgoals.c" "src\bot_bothazd.c" "src\bot_bothelp.c" "src\bot_botimp.c" "src\bot_botjump.c" "src\bot_botpath.c" "src\bot_botphys.c" "src\bot_botstat.c" "src\bot_botthink.c" "src\bot_botwater.c" "src\bot_botweap.c" "src\bot_client.c" "src\bot_commands.c" "src\bot_items.c" "src\bot_loadmap.c" "src\bot_match.c" "src\bot_movement.c" "src\bot_routing.c" "src\bot_world.c" "src\buttons.c" "src\captain.c" "src\clan_arena.c" "src\client.c" "src\combat.c" "src\commands.c" "src\ctf.c" "src\doors.c" "src\fb_globals.c" "src\files.c" "src\g_cmd.c" "src\g_main.c" "src\g_mem.c" "src\g_spawn.c" "src\g_syscalls.c" "src\g_userinfo.c" "src\g_utils.c" "src\globals.c" "src\grapple.c" "src\hoonymode.c" "src\items.c" "src\logs.c" "src\maps.c" "src\maps_map_amphi2.c" "src\maps_map_dm3.c" "src\maps_map_dm4.c" "src\maps_map_dm6.c" "src\maps_map_povdmm4.c" "src\marker_load.c" "src\marker_util.c" "src\match.c" "src\mathlib.c" "src\misc.c" "src\motd.c" "src\native_lib.c" "src\plats.c" "src\player.c" "src\q_shared.c" "src\race.c" "src\route_calc.c" "src\route_fields.c" "src\route_lookup.c" "src\runes.c" "src\server.c" "src\sp_ai.c" "src\sp_boss.c" "src\sp_client.c" "src\sp_demon.c" "src\sp_dog.c" "src\sp_enforcer.c" "src\sp_fish.c" "src\sp_hknight.c" "src\sp_knight.c" "src\sp_monsters.c" "src\sp_ogre.c" "src\sp_oldone.c" "src\sp_shalrath.c" "src\sp_shambler.c" "src\sp_soldier.c" "src\sp_tarbaby.c" "src\sp_wizard.c" "src\sp_zombie.c" "src\spectate.c" "src\stats.c" "src\stats_json.c" "src\stats_xml.c" "src\subs.c" "src\teamplay.c" "src\triggers.c" "src\vip.c" "src\vote.c" "src\weapons.c" "src\world.c"
Member 230 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Hey, can I try this on a public server? connect dev.badplace.eu:28501 doesn´t seem to work 
