
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
Ok so i downloaded the mod and also tried quakespasm to run it. It starts fine, i can select skill and level but very shortly after starting a level quake quits. Ive gotten SV_server error, overflowing, but mostly it just shuts down the program without any message. One time it suggested to add -mem 128 so i did with the same results.
Same with ezquake.
Anyone got a clue?
Member 271 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
its an nq mod. try a recent version of FTE, or just ignore qw entirely and use quakespasm. ezquake won't do it justice, assuming it even supports the updated bsp format.
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
Ok, ill try FTE and see if that solves it! And again, both quakespasm and ezquake loaded the maps but crashed soon after. "won't do it justice" Sounds promising!  Thanks!
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
ezQuake has nQuake and FTE has AfterQuake. It's very much recommended if you ask Spike. btw, hi Spike! don't forget to put some hi-res textures in id1/ for ultimate beauty. HF never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
Yea i dont know what caused ez and spasm to crash, but its most likely on my end. Was trying on a very cheap laptop.
One thing that was really nice with FTE that i havent managed to do with ez is runnng quake at fullscreeen on my TV. Pretty nice for demos and single player i think. But mayby it should work with ez also, havent done much more then tried a couple of times.
Btw, that mod was not so ez! Ive only played some on one level, but hard really seemed kinda hard. And nice! :-)
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
I can only recommend to try this!
Really nice action and looks beautiful with FTE. I even panicked a few times, maybe mostly for not saving, but still.. :-> Dark room, dark quake, big screen tv, nice effects, evil enemies, yikes!
Its a lot harder then the original maps, i think. ?
Is FTE possible with oculus or alike? I would shit my pants, apparently wanting that.. ;-D
