A very
very alpha version of KTX with race mode changes is now on nl.badplace.eu:28666. Because the race fanatics aren't competitive enough, so now they can duel as well... The server is for testing only, and has its own records, distinct from the standard nl.badplace.eu:2850x ports.
Multi-racingTo race against other players at the same time, but still just grinding for course records, toggle /race_simultaneous. This changes the queuing system so that everyone joins at the start, complete their runs, then it starts again. (Giving everyone their own countdown for continuous racing isn't possible without making mvdsv record a separate .mvd file for each player - and I'm not going messing with that).
To get transparent players (rather than having a face full of player models at the start), use the latest ezquake
nightly build (21st January 2017 onwards).
This mode has been very lightly tested, current feedback (that I haven't forgotten about at least):
- Sounds from other players are annoying when racing (client-side /race_mute?)
- Report that when the pacemarker functionality is enabled, other players are also transparent (haven't been able to replicate yet)
Match modeThis is very new and not really tested at all, apart from me having four windowed copies of ezQuake open today, which was about as much fun as you can imagine.
When in race mode, you can now vote /1on1, /2on2, /4on4 etc to enable match mode (or manually enable it with /race_match). This will enable simultaneous racing. I've tried to keep it consistent with clan arena, so it's round-based, you compete against the other player(s) over 9 rounds, and the winner is the person with the most points. There are currently three scoring systems:
- Winner only: winner gets 1 point, no-one else gets anything)
- Scaled: 1 point for a win, 1 point for completing the run, 1 point for every player you beat. Probably better for 2v2, so there is difference between 2nd & 3rd.
- Formula1: For more players: 25 points for a win, 18 for 2nd, etc.
The match ends early once the winning player has enough points that they can't be caught. If a dead-heat after 9 rounds, overtime should be between the tied players race to determine the winner.
Don't expect player ghosts (where you stay in scoreboard after disconnecting) to work. I haven't put any effort into this as I think the best thing to do in a duel situation might be to just stop the race and then re-start with a different score. Can't really let the rounds continue and have one person racing. As soon as one run is complete, the demo should always be saved, even on /break.
/race_simultaneous - toggles simultaneous racing when not in match mode. Disabled by default (players queue as standard)
/race_match - toggles match mode. Disabled by default.
/race_scoring - toggles the scoring system for matches. Winner only (1 point for winning a race) by default.
I'm certain there are heaps of things I've missed out or broken. The code needs a bit of tidying up before being integrated into standard ktx so no rush, but all testing appreciated.