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General Discussion
2017-09-29, 15:42
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
Winter is coming!!!
I suppose this is a kind of temperature check on the scene as I've been away for some time.
I have no idea about activity - but I'm guessing from the short chat I had with some people even 4on4 mix is difficult to get going lately?

I have a bunch of different ideas for the European 4on4 scene (sorry rest of the world) - I'll just start with one.

But I have to ask first - are YOU able to set aside one or two hours a week to play 4on4 - no matter what kind of format that is in?
Will YOU be able to commit to showing up to play 4on4?
There will be no point in trying to do "anything" if we can't have 8.

So one of the ideas I have in my head is::

Get a list of players that can commit to playing 4on4 ONCE a week for 1 1/2 hour.
Where we just do typical 4on4 mix with captains.

- 20ish minutes for chatting/organizing ourselves/waiting for slow pokes and cloud people.
- 1 hour for playing.
- 10 minutes for just being human and random shit.

B .
***We ALL go on MM3 TOGHETER on the same server*** (if someone doesn't want to come mm3, that's OK.)

Between,before and after every game we hop into the same channel and if anyone wants to chit chat for 5-10 minutes we do that before starting next game? (not a rule).

Personally I like to just play But for bonding and general community building just hanging out together in the same mm3 is productive.

After 4-6 weeks of this - We see how it's going and evaluate how/if we are going to proceed in the future.

My hope is that we will be enough players to start fun small projects - like a small tournament or alike - or milton tries his 4on4 again etc - or perhaps someone else has an idea she wants to try.

But we have to start with people showing up - right?

If we get an odd number - say 9/15 players - a procedure has to be in place to let everyone play. A players skill level can't be the factor that determines if you are playing or not. We need a general acceptance of this - and a way to make everyone play.
Someone that can tell the pro player that they need to let ocoini play now.

Some of us are like :
"Oh, I don't need to play - X player can play instead- you probably have more fun than me/are better than me - the team needs X person to play. " BEEEEP WRONG. You do need to play - you're thoughts are rubbish - you have as much right to play as everyone else. When you're not getting better/improving - it shuts down the entire process of a more fun game for everyone.

Some of us are like:
"Oh, I'm a really good player - I should play all the games - X person can't guard tele for shit and is constantly going to low to give away RL's" - BEEP WRONG. You're thoughts are rubbish - you're skill level does not give you the right to minimize the community as a whole.

Can you be on a "list" for something like this?

If you commit to being on a list - do your best to actually show up!
While not being able to come is OKAY. Life does happen.
However there is no reason to be on said list if you don't want to play.
If you don't show up 3-4 times straight - ask yourself if you really want to play 4on4.
When you're constantly not showing up you are letting people down and wasting everyone's time.

If you are unsure if you can be on a list or not - ask you're self - Do you right now imagine you want to play 4on4 in a 5-10-15 years perspective? Do you want QuakeWorld 4on4 to be a part of your life?
Are you going to sit on the fence, and just hope that sometime in the future when you might want to play 4on4, there will "probably" be someone around. Or are you going to show right now to ensure that you'll actually have someone to play with in the future?

When can you play/and show up... Wednesdays? 1800 cet? 1900?

Shortly: My other ideas revolve around making 4on4 tournaments more accessible - by doing a draft style each time. Where the captains ARE the team - and they chose players based on the ones that show up.

Also EVERYONE joining a "d99 type team" would be another idea - some way to bond togheter and gather us under something specific.

Not this more vague idea of a community as a whole - which is divided by different clans and clicks.
But a specific gathering point to draw everyone that likes to play 4on4 under it.
It COULD be as easy as just having a 4on4 channel - but I think it would be better if it was more specific. (of course people could still be in clans and such - but what is the point of focusing on typical clans when there is no-one to play against?
Better then :: To focus on gathering the resources you need to actually build other potential clans then right?

If people can actually gather around some common goals that we want to accomplish - and take the time to care about 4on4 QW - Then I'm sure we all can help with something and get back into it - and people will start playing again!

So could we at least set a goal? I just need ten'ish people that lives in EU/can play on UK server - if we get those ten people that can agree on a goal - then we can build from there.

So my suggestion of a goal:
Play 4on4 mix once a week for one hour - does ten other people want to share this goal with me?

(Edited 2017-09-29, 16:06)
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
2017-09-29, 15:47
60 posts

Sep 2016
I'm in - are you on discord ocoini?
2017-09-29, 15:56
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
lordlame wrote:
I'm in - are you on discord ocoini?

no not yet - **stressing YET** I'm coming though !
It will be good if we all come discord (eventhough I don't like it But i'm just one person - everyone should go Discord now - cus BPS has descided that - and you' just want to listen to him cus he is BPS - not listing to BPS is worse then <<<< add anything >>>> you just do what BPS says - and everything will be fine!

Cool - we have two people - me and LordLame needs 6-8 more people !
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
2017-09-29, 18:43
890 posts

Jan 2006
ocoini wrote:
lordlame wrote:
I'm in - are you on discord ocoini?

no not yet - **stressing YET** I'm coming though !
It will be good if we all come discord (eventhough I don't like it But i'm just one person - everyone should go Discord now - cus BPS has descided that - and you' just want to listen to him cus he is BPS - not listing to BPS is worse then <<<< add anything >>>> you just do what BPS says - and everything will be fine!

Cool - we have two people - me and LordLame needs 6-8 more people !

Haha! Welcome back ocoiniman
Join us on
2017-09-29, 20:32
245 posts

Jan 2006
I'm on this! :-)
i can play on Sundays.
2017-09-29, 20:58
280 posts

Jan 2015
I don't even care reading the post. If it is ocoini's I'm in!
2017-09-30, 10:22
News Writer
183 posts

May 2013
Temporarily out of action because of wrist injury. But as soon as I'm healed and have two working hands again I'm totally up for some 4on4. Not a great player but happy to make up numbers if needed.

Skill level: high div 6 - low/mid div 5
Availability: free most days of the week after 7pm UK time.
2017-10-06, 04:53
2059 posts

Jan 2006
I'm game the coming week, will be playing on kenya ping though.
2017-10-06, 10:08
280 posts

Jan 2015
Ake Vader wrote:
I'm game the coming week, will be playing on kenya ping though.

Technically not. You're still a couple thousand kilometers to the southwest?
2017-10-06, 11:05
2059 posts

Jan 2006
andrestone wrote:
Ake Vader wrote:
I'm game the coming week, will be playing on kenya ping though.

Technically not. You're still a couple thousand kilometers to the southwest?

True, didn't realise it was that far when checking the map. :p Still routing is probably better from here though.
2017-10-20, 11:29
65 posts

Apr 2017
I'm in for 4on4
Any date???
2017-11-25, 15:19
16 posts

Jan 2017
Count me in.
2017-12-07, 14:06
14 posts

Feb 2007
Count me in

Sunday: 14h to 18h
Wednesday: 21h to 02:00
2018-01-19, 20:56
2 posts

May 2017
I'm up too.
I'm a student, so I have a pretty flexible schedule.
2018-01-22, 00:22
News Writer
912 posts

Jan 2006
I think another draft tourney is the way to go... but this time not limiting it to div1 players (there probably isn't enough active div1 players anyway)
2018-01-23, 07:55
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007
Irrc the last draft wasnt limited to div1?
the captains were all div1 tho
2018-01-23, 22:25
65 posts

Apr 2017
Somebody asked to help in making a 4on4 tournament wich i wont
But i think a 4on4 could be done

IMO that kind of draft tournament seems a nice idea, because unpredictability gives fun to the tournament,
aswell this kind of tournament motivate the draffted ones to engage in the game

But with a draft tournament or not
IMO a next 4on4 tournament should try to cope with the difficulty in getting a team together
and out of the box i threw 2 ideas, specially taking on the lessons in the previous 4on4 initiative and the current way things are

- Give a wider team limit, 8 players
- Permit that a team can pick 1 (and only one team member) not signed up if theres difficulty in putting the team together and that this player is not signed up in any other team

And as last note
I already got from some ppl the idea of making a 4on4, picking on in the 2on2 momentum
Its a nice idea, but can go wrong

Sometimes players/persons also need rest
IMO I dont know wich way to go, but i think that decision should be made in a "feely" evaluation of the community

And sometimes can happen unexpected factors

Out of the box aswell
If Hooratyo steps up in making a 4on4 tournament i'm pretty sure that will grow enthusiasm and that would be immediatly a success factor to a 4on4 initiative
2018-01-25, 12:32
223 posts

Aug 2011
dirtbox wrote:
I think another draft tourney is the way to go... but this time not limiting it to div1 players (there probably isn't enough active div1 players anyway)

For the last two iterations of Salvation there was two divisions. We tried to include as many people as possible, but at the very bottom a few were left out.

The captains were always the best 10 4on4-players we could think of that were available, to make the drafting process more intuitive and the tournament more hyped. We agreed on a top 10 for captaining, and the rest of the ranking (picks) was left to each captain to build their team.

I can also add that the main objective of Salvation was to increase the overall activity in the scene and help people find interest in and form their own teams through new connections. We didnīt only fail with what we set out to do, but people actually thought it was a better format to the regular clan tournaments.

To make a draft league a "success" alot of high quality hours have to be spent. It can not be run by one or two people unless they have nothing but spare time. I donīt think this is a route for the future of QuakeWorld, as I can not see how anyone would have the stamina to see it through. Imagine running a tournament for over a month with [person x] as a captain and make it work, when you can hardly get him to press ready in a mix.

With that being said, Iīll gladly attend a draft tournament, but I wonīt be administrating.
carrier has arrived -
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