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Client Talk
2017-12-22, 08:43
284 posts

Sep 2015
Hi everyone

Did a bit of work this past week to help with teleports at high ping, and now have ktx/mvdsv/ezquake changes to try and counteract the effect of the delay.

Short version: When teleporting, the server rotates subsequent movement requests as if you teleported immediately. You still face the old way. When spawning, it ignores the direction you're looking until you've actually spawned client-side.
Long version (with subtitles for those who can't understand me):

The main downside is that you have to get used to it - if you are used to holding a key until you see you have teleported, teleport behaviour might seem a bit weird with the option enabled. If you anticipate the teleport and change direction, this should get rid of having to face a certain way to make certain moves (aerowalk > high rl) work.

You can try it out on if you grab the latest nightly build, and enable '/cl_pext_lagteleport 1' before connecting. It's off by default, so no surprises for people upgrading.

Haven't pushed the main mvdsv/ktx repos yet, but will do soon if there's no obvious problems in testing.

Let me know what you think.
2017-12-22, 12:21
1025 posts

Apr 2006
Excellent work Meag!

No problems whatsoever to understand what you’re saying, I guess most of us Swedes have watched the TV-series Outlander in the past year or two and gotten some practice
2017-12-23, 22:56
386 posts

Apr 2006
Wow, this is incredible! It feels so natural to exit the various teleports now. I don't even have to fight the urge to do the Aerowalk sideways shuffle because my brain barely registers the teleport delay anymore. Nice work!
2017-12-24, 04:41
216 posts

Feb 2011
It truly is fantastic!

Looks like my high ping teleporter whine (screenshot at end of video) was worth it
2017-12-24, 16:07
133 posts

Dec 2008
Some offtopic.
I tried ez3 for the first time with this build and see no text (the exception is the main menu).
On my notebook nvidia and intel are available. No text is visible when intel video card is selected (default for me).
2017-12-29, 05:11
16 posts

Dec 2017
I haven't tried this implementation, but I remember Tonik talking about this years ago. I wonder why he didn't actually do it given that he did similar stuff like correcting the prediction error caused by KTeams downward ramp jumps for instance

(Edited 2017-12-30, 08:58)
2017-12-29, 08:07
284 posts

Sep 2015
(jawn: your first post is held back, the site still gets a lot of spam accounts signing up. Your subsequent posts should appear immediately)

Spike pointed out that some mods (not ktx) might generate a svc_setangle packet manually, so I'll change the server code to send those as normal if the mod doesn't explicitly support it. Other feedback seems generally positive so once that's done I'll add it to mvdsv/ktx proper.

Thanks to everyone for feedback so far.
2017-12-30, 08:58
16 posts

Dec 2017
Just dawned on me, no more ZTN top tele frj now :0
2017-12-30, 10:38
284 posts

Sep 2015
jawn wrote:
Just dawned on me, no more ZTN top tele frj now :0

'frj'? Do you mean rocket-jumping to the red armor immediately out of the teleport? It should work exactly as before, or on high-ping be slightly easier.

We can try out anything you're worried about losing, and make sure it still works.
2017-12-30, 13:18
16 posts

Dec 2017
I did my usual lazy habit of not looking at all the info and assuming I knew what was going on. What you did was different to what I had presumed (and what Tonik talked about years ago). Godspeed, no concerns here
2018-02-04, 11:00
284 posts

Sep 2015
That's and updated. The change is in the main mvdsv & ktx repos if any other server admins want to try it out.
2018-02-04, 13:09
65 posts

Apr 2017
Super work Meag!!!
2018-02-04, 18:14
891 posts

Jan 2006
Awesome! Thanks mr.Meagi
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