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Server Talk
2018-05-27, 08:12
10 posts

Nov 2016
hi, im looking for some progs, but it seems xavior, who was last to update mega team fortress i think.. i cant seem to get ahold of him.. he has a prog i want called Mega Team Fortress Extreme.. i would like the MVDSV for it as well for linux if it has one that is..

also i want to host an american regular team fortress server

*right now i host 5 Mega Team Fortress servers located in Dallas, Texas, DM's servers (drunken master, me)*

id like to also host a KTX server on the same linux box, but am unfamiliar with a good server.cfg, but i think it runs on mvdsv 0.31 right?

a tarball of a fully functioning KTX server with the rcon removed from the server.cfg i could setup and change to my liking would be GREAT!!

im interested in hosting lots of quake stuff, anything i can get my hands on, qizmo, qtv.. but am unfamiliar with it, but the server is 1000Mbps upload, 40Gbps download in the USA (DALLAS, TEXAS)

any and all help is appreciated.. if anyone knows how to get ahold of xavior please let me know, or if you happen to have the progs and or the mvdsv to boot, please post it

back in the old days i used to play KTX, but never got proficient with it, nor do i have a good weapon switch cfg for it, id like to take a look at some though if anyone wants to post theirs that too would also be appreciated

thanks all for listening, i will check some of the other guides on here as well and learn more about the KTX server, but in the mean time, if you can make my job easier, please do!
2018-05-27, 08:47
10 posts

Nov 2016
ok i got the KTX servers running on 10 different ports

im not sure if its 100% correct, but i used nquakesv and did some editing to the cfgs but they appear to be running

however i couldnt find a setting to name my server, even though it was in the file
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