Found these to be useful to learn from in the past, so have encoded videos of the games with the team's MM3 included, so you can hear what the teams were thinking as it plays out. One video from each team's point of view:
Team BOOM,
Team 666. If you've subscribed to the Youtube channel then I'll be hitting 'public' on the videos over time over the next couple of days (just to save dumping 14 videos and making everyone's subscription page useless) but they're all uploaded now.
In the last AllStars I did Milton & Carapace's points of view, as they were team captains, top-fraggers and seemed to do a lot of the communicating on MM3. This time the MM3 seemed a bit more balanced, and the top-fragger in each team was generally the one who died least often, got most quads etc so I went with that. Ideally I'd have preferred to do teamlocked-autotrack, but at the moment it quite often picks someone in a boring role while the action happens elsewhere, so haven't used it. If there's demand then I can upload other player's points of view.
Big thanks to Abraxas & Ocoini for recording the MM3 on Sunday.
Bonus thanks to Abraxas for doing subtitles for BOOM's AN1-BETA6 video... (I presume he's honest and they really did say those things...)