News Writer
77 posts
Sep 2013
Where can I grab the latest Rocket Arena server files?
The one I have in my private 'Quake Stuff' collection is:
Title : Final Arena Server Code
Filename :
Version : 1.20
Date : 12-8-97
Author : David 'crt' Wright
Email :
Webpage :
Is there a chance that somewhere someone has more up to date version of this mod?
343 posts
Feb 2006
Where can I grab the latest Rocket Arena server files?
The one I have in my private 'Quake Stuff' collection is:
Title : Final Arena Server Code
Filename :
Version : 1.20
Date : 12-8-97
Author : David 'crt' Wright
Email :
Webpage :
Is there a chance that somewhere someone has more up to date version of this mod?
I'm pretty sure you can run Rocket Arena in KTX
or then you can use prox
ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @
News Writer
77 posts
Sep 2013
How should you do it in ktx?
RA has some dedicated maps and the gameplay is like 1vs1 till one dies. Than a new challenger is able to play against the winner.
While you wait for your turn, you are spawn into a dexicated area of the map where you cannot interfer with the ongoing match.
Is this in ktx? Or the other mod you mentioned?
343 posts
Feb 2006
How should you do it in ktx?
RA has some dedicated maps and the gameplay is like 1vs1 till one dies. Than a new challenger is able to play against the winner.
While you wait for your turn, you are spawn into a dexicated area of the map where you cannot interfer with the ongoing match.
Is this in ktx? Or the other mod you mentioned?
Yeah, okay. That is not really how it is implemented in ktx. But you can type arena or carena on the servers
ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @
284 posts
Sep 2015
RA has some dedicated maps and the gameplay is like 1vs1 till one dies. Than a new challenger is able to play against the winner.
While you wait for your turn, you are spawn into a dexicated area of the map where you cannot interfer with the ongoing match.
Is this in ktx? Or the other mod you mentioned?
If you use a map that is designed for rocket arena then yes, that's how it should work in KTX as well. (/arena to enable)