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Maps & Textures
2019-03-18, 22:54
84 posts

Jul 2009
my feedback:

1.1 ztndm3 is a bad example, clearly.

1.2 huh? "On a tactical level - in the boundaries of one fight, jump, bunny hop small series of jumps, rocket jump, spawn." is not even a coherent sentence.
Can somebody explain what it is trying to say?
On any map you can fail a jump (jump to red on ztn/aero, for example), and be screwed.

2.1 how is ztn3 a good example? Stand in the middle , you control both RLs and LG, and most spawns. It is a horrible map.

2.2. Yep, add ztn3 as a bad example.

2.3 Just remove this. Too much ammo is clearly bad. Too little ammo can be good, leave it up to the practice to decide (hey, why not have a map without any ammo? too revolutionary for you, eh?). Oh, and dm6 is in the good group here.

3.1 Unnecessary. Just remove. Again, let the players decide if there are enough spawns or not. I can totally see a map with 2 spawns doing just fine.

3.3 huh?

4.2 why should it be possible to control the map? Making the map uncontrollable is always an option.

7.1 subterfuge and doomed look just fine, IMHO.

The rest look reasonable to me.
2019-03-19, 09:28
284 posts

Sep 2015
drowsy wrote:

1.2 huh? "On a tactical level - in the boundaries of one fight, jump, bunny hop small series of jumps, rocket jump, spawn." is not even a coherent sentence.
Can somebody explain what it is trying to say?
On any map you can fail a jump (jump to red on ztn/aero, for example), and be screwed.

lordlame certainly can.
2019-03-19, 21:46
60 posts

Sep 2016
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