User panel stuff on forum
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General Discussion
2019-05-17, 23:02
15 posts

Apr 2009
So a couple of years ago I launched various servers throughout Central and South America (Panama, Chile, Brazil, Argentina) and I even got some in US, UK, South Africa. I had done some research to have the best routing available among all 3 main servers so that everyone who played can have low ping through QW Forwarding. If anyone who is familiar with routing in south america it is very bad that nobody in one country can really play another country, because of the QW Forwarding for the first time in a very long time, Brazilians, Chileans and Argentinian players were playing all at the same time.

Fast forward to 2019, I think of bringing these servers back !!!
2019-05-18, 20:21
888 posts

Jan 2006
Awesome, do it!
QW on the uprising...

Also, nice that you're coming to QHLAN!
Join us on
2019-05-19, 16:55
114 posts

Sep 2013
Great initiative clawunf. Keep us posted about progress. Also if you need any help with configurations etc, make sure to visit quake world discord server. Good ppl willing to help.
2019-05-28, 21:32
375 posts

Sep 2009
luxery luxery, worldwide server!
(QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
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