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General Discussion
2020-05-05, 22:59
115 posts

Mar 2006
Good news everyone!
Kinda, I hope. A few people, two to be exact (still counts as few!), recently approached me about the old camquake client. I noticed that it's pretty much unusable if you werent around when I wrote it during the days. Still amazed that nylon managed to make that gem with that semi-polished turd. For those of you who weren't alive during those days or otherwise aren't unfamiliar with the name, camquake was a quake client based on an ancient version of ezquake to make movies. It offered special camera options, pov tracking via splines, entity tracking for easier setup of follow shots, etc. watch to get an overview. And if you haven't seen watch it anyway, its quite the gem.
So I wanted to send out a general question to the community: is there any interest in the project being updated to the latest ezquake build, and from then on, hopefully, kept up to date with the latest ezquake version?
This time around I would prefer to have more than one person give user experience feedback, so it isn't that easy for me to just bully the one poor guy into compliance with: IT WORKS ITS FINE DEAL WITH IT.
So any feedback positive/negative/who is that guy?, is welcome. Drop a line here or in Discord.
Thank You.
one of the good guys! so please don't ban -
2020-05-06, 10:43
891 posts

Jan 2006
Hello Jogi! Thanks for discussing a potential dusting-off of Camquake!
Guess I'm one of the mentioned who showed interest.
Working on alot of stream graphics (mostly shorter clips) trying to "film" shots without tools is a very rough experience. Hack your way to something that could be used. Oftentime ideas gets abandoned because they're not possible to realize.
- With Camquake, all those headaches would be gone!
Join us on
2020-05-06, 11:14
60 posts

Sep 2016
I just watched the YouTube sample - which is 10 years old at this stage - I think it looks brilliant ( albeit the 360p)

As bps touched on, very useful for streaming and movie editing. I think it would also be excellent for brief map basics ( entity tracking is quite slick ) with voiceover - I might try this later.
2020-05-06, 12:58
1 post

May 2020
I guess i was the second guy asking for some help with camquake to Jogi on discord. A big thumbs up to this post. Jogi's camquake tool seems to be THE thing for any video editing enthusiast. QW misses your tool. Thanks again for thinking about make it work again.
2020-05-06, 15:02
2 posts

May 2020
I guess this could be useful for some dolly shots during breaks/lulls in the gameplay on stream, if it's contained to freecam well enough to not be exploitable.
These opinions are entirely my own and posting here is not influenced by a sith lord at all whatsoever.
2020-05-06, 18:32
216 posts

Feb 2011
Cool! Although I'm not a content creator, as a consumer I'd love to see updated tools that make the creative guys' jobs easier
2020-05-13, 03:52
1864 posts

Feb 2006
+1 for anything involving jogi
2021-07-23, 04:29
793 posts

Feb 2006
i NEED a new camquake build!!
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