9 posts
Mar 2012
Has anyone in the last 23 years ever converted the Rocket Arena maps to regular maps?
The Rocket Arena maps are insanely fun and would be amazing for DMM4 games.
Unfortunately, because of the way Rocket Arena maps work, if trying to play them with DMM4 mode you simply spawn into the spectator area and not the actual arena.
Surely this is a simple thing that can be done just to remove the spec areas and make the spawn points in the arena?
If anyone has the converted maps, I would love to play them.
1265 posts
Jan 2006
i would actually to see this happen.
it depends if the map sources are available, which i suspect they are not.
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
343 posts
Feb 2006
Isn't possible to move things around with a env file or something?
ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @
9 posts
Mar 2012
So no one has ever done this in 20 years? How can that have happened.
If I knew how to do it I would. Anyone??
1864 posts
Feb 2006
KTX supports RA maps when playing the Rocket Arena gamemode. If you want to play DMM4 on such maps, ask the devs to enable such an option, recompiling the maps would be total overkill. If it's just for a quick fix, you can make custom .ent files as mick mentioned. mvdsv/ KTX supports those aswell.
284 posts
Sep 2015
What would support-by-default look like in KTX? If not in Rocket Arena mode but the map has rocket arena spawns, use those instead of normal deathmatch spawns?