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Maps & Textures
2021-01-02, 00:27
News Writer
437 posts

Jan 2006
_____ _ _ ____ _
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During my vacation i created a new 4on4 ffa map. It is in the beta phase and can already be played on 2 servers. Feedback from all players are welcome especially from teamplayers.
  • Badplace (ty meag)
  • (ty Lolek)

Get the Map: ANWALK
LOCS: Download here

(Edited 2021-02-20, 01:35)
2021-01-02, 20:49
News Writer
437 posts

Jan 2006
Map got an update already, updated first post!
2021-01-03, 00:52
57 posts

Oct 2015
You have some nail ammo pack somewhere that is out in the void "Bonus item_spikes fell out of the level at .."
A face is missing a texture or something causing a hall of mirrors effect here.

The broken glass by quad is a little weird to me in that it isn't the most intuitive idea for a new player. Might be fun though.

Cool architecture you got going on. Feels pretty spacious.
2021-01-03, 21:30
News Writer
437 posts

Jan 2006
foogs wrote:
You have some nail ammo pack somewhere that is out in the void "Bonus item_spikes fell out of the level at .."

Ammo box touched a clip brush

foogs wrote:
A face is missing a texture or something causing a hall of mirrors effect here.

n1 finding, Brush didnt touch the ground.
2021-01-04, 01:49
News Writer
437 posts

Jan 2006
Beta 7 available. Updated first post!
2021-01-05, 14:37
News Writer
437 posts

Jan 2006
Added locs from Flintheart, ty
2021-01-27, 22:22
News Writer
437 posts

Jan 2006
Took the time today to do some rework in the cellar. You wont feel like a dwarf anymore

Get the latest build and loc on first post.
2021-01-28, 23:04
223 posts

Aug 2011
Love the design, but I think it´s perhaps a bit too large at certain areas. Much like Almost Lost, you will see your enemy 5 seconds before you can deal damage to him, which feels very odd. When you´re fully stacked and your best weapon choice is shotgun it doesn´t really feel like QW.
carrier has arrived -
2021-02-01, 11:04
News Writer
309 posts

Sep 2006
The overall design is nice but the map is waaaay to big. Rooms and spaces like that will not play out good in QW. We don't have a railgun, you know
2021-02-11, 14:49
News Writer
437 posts

Jan 2006
Map Introduction

We will have some practise games tonight around 22ish CET @ badplace
2021-02-20, 01:46
News Writer
437 posts

Jan 2006
_____ _ _ ____ _
| ___(_)_ __ __ _| | | _ \ ___| | ___ __ _ ___ ___
| |_ | | '_ \ / _` | | | |_) / _ \ |/ _ \/ _` / __|/ _ \
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    Last Minute changes:
    • Cathedral got a teleporter to ya
    • modified some stairs
    • cleaned up some brushes and textures
    • added 1 more cell pack in cellar (cathedral side)
    • added 2 info_intermission

    I would be happy to see this map added to any FFA and 4on4 Server around, ty
    2021-02-20, 12:58
    News Writer
    437 posts

    Jan 2006
    Last changes in pictures:
    2021-04-05, 11:36
    384 posts

    Dec 2006
    I've played this a few times and have some suggested tweaks:

    1) Move pent out of the YA room, it is too easily defensible with shaft (can't splash someone stood on it with rocket fired from ground level). I would suggest putting it at the tunnel crossroads (doorways to ssg, quad, and red teleporter) or somewhere like that. Basically force the people at YA to come out and fight for it. With 3 entrances I think this would make for some exciting fights over pent and in turn give more opportunities to flush out a team camped at YA (by increasing the chance of the other team getting pent). But other locations might be fine, maybe opposite SSG-Mega?

    2) Replace the 12 cell pack at SSG with 6 cell pack. Won't "**** with the flow" (c) dirtbox but will make players guarding YA push out further to obtain cells

    3) The ring area is generally underutilised. I'd like to see something change to increase traffic through that area, my ideas include:
    a) Add a health pack
    b) Put a teleporter there to take you somewhere on the YA side of the map. Perhaps it could exit at the teleporter below pent? This would make for some interesting possibilities like being able to attack cellar without having to go via well or pent, get quickly to sng from red via double-teleport, etc. Needs careful consideration however to avoid an e2m2tdm scenario where the teleporter to above RL is overpowered (I thought maybe have it exit opposite YA up high on the other side where the steps lead, but I think it would lead to too much quad domination being able to come through there. I think the current mechanic where quad attacks on yellow are tricky is quite good.
    c) Maybe swap the 6 cell pack for a 12 cell pack, in conjunction with #2 this might lure more people away from YA to collect cells

    4) Put some invisible (or otherwise) ceilings/walls in place to prevent players going to roof etc, basically make it like schloss where you can't just RJ up to some silly place

    5) Add an 8th spawn point, maybe at nailgun which would give a lot of options on where to go to. Although I'm concerned it could aid a team that is slowspawning/hiding a bit much. Somewhere in the tunnel would be another option.
      13 posts on 1 page  1