
News Writer 275 posts
Registered: May 2006
I am just wondering if there are any players/clans out there who want to play anything else but TB3, and dont mind to play a "strange" map that the other clan chooses. If there is enough interest, I could set up a league/tournament that will be ready to go when summer is over. If there is enough interest to play this summer, then sure, why not. I dont have time to play myself, but I can be head admin and use time on that. Those of you that know my abilities and dedication as an admin, should know what that means for this project in terms of coverage (NQR4: best NQR season so far?). The league will of course be a division system based on skill, but it will be easier to set up divisions, because the skill difference between the clans will be smaller due to the map selections. Or maybe we just do group games and playoffs. It all depends on the interest. I will not waste any more time on this if you all have lost your qw-soul to the evil TB3. I will have all TDM (no I will not bring in the ORIGINAL maps if they got a TDM version) and CMT maps, in addition to some other maps that I am sure you will bring to my attention. Decider maps will either be 3 tdm/cmt maps (vote?) or just a TB3 map (each clan throw a map). Yes, we can vote on this. YES, you CAN choose a TB3 map as your home map .... but: I DONT WANT ZNAPPE MONGOS THAT START TO WHINE ABOUT MAPS. ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU ACTUALLY SIGNED UP FOR THIS LEAGUE (have the irony to smile at this Znappe...puss kram etc) I will show NO MERCY towards whiners: You will get kicked out WITHOUT any warnings: Play for fun or dont play at all (ok ToT?) So there you have it. If ppl STILL are interested in being admined by mental-Link, then let me know here plz. Any suggestions/feedback are very much welcome. Oh, and i need some admins as well  Cheers, Link Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
TeamUp is finally coming?
e3m7 <3
edit: only tdm maps? *deep sigh*
News Writer 275 posts
Registered: May 2006
Empezar: PLZ tell me why e3m7tdm suck so much compared to e3m7. http://www.challenge-tv.com/index.php?mode=demos&game=2&searchtext=e3m7tdm Download and watch these 2 demos. If you do, and make some valid arguments, then I will debate it with you. If you dont, then fuck off  edit: I refuse to bring in mongo maps like e4m6 etc, sorry :> I want maps with a certain "game-flow". If clans cant pick out some fav. maps among the 20-30 maps in this project, because they need to stand in one room (e4m6), then too bad for them. I am open for suggestions and debate, but certain things are final :> Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
Moderator 383 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I'm up for this tourney. Dunno about my team  . And yes - e2m2tdm sux compared to e2m2. This shit lift and so on. No triller on tdm version. Just my pov.
Member 258 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Great idea, I will participate and try to get other players in OldOnes to join as well  . Maybe ban TB3 from this league entirely?
News Writer 275 posts
Registered: May 2006
Pov's are noted. If you think some parts of the TDM versions are good, and some not, then maps can be edited. I do agree that some TDM versions maybe got too much edited, but I still feel there are some parts that just makes the map better. So give feedback on this.
If TB3 are in or not i dont know yet. I guess we can vote on this. Maybe its best to keep TB3 out so that you for sure will get no whiners. But TB3 could work as decider maps, at least it would be the most "fair" decider map. (instead of for example cmt3, grim, schloss as decider maps). I think that a vote on what should be decider maps is bad. It just means some are lucky, and some are not. Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Empezar: PLZ tell me why e3m7tdm suck so much compared to e3m7. you could argue the same way about map x (any map): "plz tell me why x sucks so bad compared to e3m7?" well, map x is not e3m7, that's why map x sucks
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Yeees new league!! no fkn tb3 plz! cmt-maps all day long! 
Member 447 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
edit: I refuse to bring in mongo maps like e4m6 etc, sorry :> I want maps with a certain "game-flow". If clans cant pick out some fav. maps among the 20-30 maps in this project, because they need to stand in one room (e4m6), then too bad for them. I am open for suggestions and debate, but certain things are final :> I don't see the point in being so heavy on the "map moderation". Wouldn't part of the charm of one such league be that each clan could choose a totally fucked up map and play it religiously? e1m8 for example. That would be truly glorious. Teamplay is nothing. Aim is everything. OBEY YOUR AIM
Member 1011 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
slackers vs cmf grand final - 5 x e1m7
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
edit: I refuse to bring in mongo maps like e4m6 etc, sorry :> I want maps with a certain "game-flow". If clans cant pick out some fav. maps among the 20-30 maps in this project, because they need to stand in one room (e4m6), then too bad for them. I am open for suggestions and debate, but certain things are final :> I don't see the point in being so heavy on the "map moderation". Wouldn't part of the charm of one such league be that each clan could choose a totally fucked up map and play it religiously? e1m8 for example. That would be truly glorious. the world is about to end. i agree with something ui is saying.
News Writer 275 posts
Registered: May 2006
I partly agree, and partly disagree  We play for fun, so then it really doesnt matter what map you play. That is one side of it. Long live the anarchy. The other side of it is a total rape. When you got a certain type of map design and layout, and the other clan dont bother to prac/learn the map, you get a problem. That problem is a 400-0 scoreline. The whole reason for doing the TDM project, and bringing in CMT maps to the scene, was to try and create maps that would not result in total spawn rapes, even if you didnt know the map very good. This means that you will try to play on, because you are not being totally raped; you actually get an armor and get some weapons from time to time, and thereby you "accept" it more. This will not happen on maps like e3m7 and e3m3 if you play "noob" vs "routine". Then of course you could say, fine, lets have 400-0, then 0-400, lets play decider map! That does not attract me at all. I think that is just plain stupid. All I want is that players can get some variation, without being bored with a 400-0 result. And for that, you need maps with a certain design/layout. It's rare that equal clans rape each other at dm3/e1m2. It DOES happen on dm2 from time to time. It just shows how "bad" that map is. But still ppl enjoy it, because over the years ppl have accepted that you need to play in a certain way on this map. And the community needed 3 "big" maps. When Quake was hot (96-98), no one really promoted custom maps very good (map community was not big). This is why other games got greater acceptance for custom maps, because the map community is different now. This is why TB3 got to be TB3, because they were the maps that was most "fair" to play, and gave both teams more "fun". IMO, introducing total free anarchy to maps, again, will not do much good for variation. Ppl will react in the same way they did years ago: OMG I HATE THAT MAP I DONT WANNA PLAY IT. That is why I am being heavy in the "map moderation". e4m6 is total crap, you got RL, LG, RA, QUAD, PENTA, RING in the same room. Why even play it in 4vs4? Why not go play some Arena 4on4 instead? I just dont see the point  Let me make an example: e3m7 lockdown is pretty much gg and 400-0. So we changed the map. e3m7tdm got 2 things that makes it more likely to make a comeback: Start/End teleporters connected. And you got a tunnel from GL to Lava-bridge, so that you can AVOID campers at Tower-RL. Still, the tactic on the map is not changed, but you dont have to be spawnraped. The map really stays the same, you just even out the odds a little. Who wants to play e3m7? Not many, and its understandable. e3m7tdm got a better chance? Yes, very much. But then again, when the ppl who usually do the rapes on e3m7, and the ppl who loves it, doesnt wanna play e3m7tdm.....well e3m7 lovers, then your map FOR SURE is fucked. It will NEVER be played. Think about that for a second  Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
it would be played, if a tourney allowed the map to be played
News Writer 275 posts
Registered: May 2006
Of course it would be played, by the e3m7 lovers. But the map will not get any new fans. If you want more players/clans to play on it, you cant keep on raping them. Or are you just satisfied with the few players that like it? You just want to continue rape on it? You dont want the e3m7 fanbase to grow? You have to make a choice here: 1. I like it how it is. I dont want it to grow. I just want to satisfy my hunger for rape. 2. I would like it to grow, so then I compromice a little! Choose  ...and go watch those demos, I know you havent... :> Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i think it's an utopia to believe e3m7 or any remake of e3m7 has a possibility of becoming remotely popular
News Writer 275 posts
Registered: May 2006
So you give up? You just want to satisfy your needs? :> Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
Member 113 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
schloss 4life, very nice map!
Member 192 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Totally agree, and Iam really looking forward to a league whos mappool is noth Tb3. There are so many good maps out there (even for 4v4) and it would refresh every war if new maps are played. Hope you find your way Link and to not listen to any div1-2 chicks who complain about other maps (just because they are to lazy to train a new map or frighten to lose on a map).
gl !
Member 104 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
If the clan A has played map X 5 times and the clan B none the clan A will rape clan B in spite of maps structure, of course if the maps has 10 pents and 10rls it's harder to rape.
It would be nice to have some map pool, lets say 10-20 something maps (the ones clans havent played yet) and on each match the map would be randomly selected. Each team would have some time, lets say 20 minutes to practice it.. This would take some time though.. 2 hours per match.
News Writer 275 posts
Registered: May 2006
If the clan A has played map X 5 times and the clan B none the clan A will rape clan B in spite of maps structure, of course if the maps has 10 pents and 10rls it's harder to rape. I doubt that very much. 5 times is nothing. 0 times is worse, but you got to expect that some players in that clan have looked at the map in prewar (maybe a smart thing to do when you sign up for a league like this?). Besides. you are not newbie to QW even of you are noob on the map. So you DO KNOW what is a smart tactic or not (for example: you find RA place and wait 20 secs for it to spawn). It would be nice to have some map pool, lets say 10-20 something maps (the ones clans havent played yet) and on each match the map would be randomly selected. Each team would have some time, lets say 20 minutes to practice it.. This would take some time though.. 2 hours per match. I think most clans will have 1 or 2, maybe 3 maps they will choose for their home map. So before you play your opponent, you know what they have played before, and you prepare for that. I also think most clans want to choose their map themselves, not some random bot  Totally random is ok for me, but I think most players will despise it. Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i have given up on e3m7, yes.
News Writer 275 posts
Registered: May 2006
Well, I have not. But I can make the following rule:
"If you want to play a map outside the map pool, and your opponent agree to this, then you can play that map".
So, if both clans agree that its better to play the original version of TDM, then its allowed.
Would that satisfy you? Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
Moderator 383 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
No, add original versions and TDM too.
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Make it so you have to choose different map for each match. Otherwise it will be a lets-rape-on-our-home-map-league.
Member 35 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Please allow UKCL maps!  "oldskool it" (c)
Member 116 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I think you shouldnt allow any episode maps. They had their time and it didnt work out. Also tb3 shouldnt be allowed even as a decider. Better to have random map. If you want tb3 you can play nqr/eql.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
this league is starting to sound really awesome
ban exmy, ban tb3, ban ban ban! random map for each match! random decider!
why not have random clans too? let rand() decide who gets to play with who.
one step further -> random match dates - nobody knows when they are gonna play! hilarious!
News Writer 275 posts
Registered: May 2006
rofl  Link, we are not even oldtimers anymore, we are dinosaurs. - Hooraytio
Member 47 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Sounds nice but 10-20 maps is too much to learn, pick the 4-5 best tdm's and add 1-2 cmt's or something.
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
link, message me if uwanna have a webbsite etc.. we are coming to yhou with open arms to put lame-ever and your new tourny up on quakeworld.nu host, just send me a private message if u got somthing coming
