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2006-01-20, 16:02
811 posts

Jan 1970
Hi, i have this cmd line

-width 640 -height 480 -conwidth 320 -conheight 240 -bpp 16 +set vid_displayfrequency 75 +set cl_confirmquit 0 -ruleset smackdown -norjscripts -dinput -m_smooth

is there anything usefull missing?

and another thing i have cl_maxfps 77 but i only get 75.. if i set vid_vsync 0 or 1 i dont remember i get 77 fps but the game gets wierd some flikering and the mouse sometimes when turning to left or right stops ;/

can anyone help? tks.

i have a nvidia with latest drivers
2006-01-20, 16:22
462 posts

Jan 2006
If you have vsync on your fps is limited to your display frequency (75). I recommend changing +set vid_displayfrequency 75 to 77 and turning vsync OFF. You will get slight error in the picture because of the vsync off but otherwise it's smooth and less laggy than with vsync.
2006-01-20, 18:56
811 posts

Jan 1970
if i change 75 to 77 it gives me this error "couldnt set fullscreen DIB mode" ;/
2006-01-20, 19:11
231 posts

Jan 2006
sometimes this happend becouse of textures...
2006-01-20, 22:13
518 posts

Jan 2006
"couldnt set fullscreen DIB mode" means you're monitor can't handle that hz on that resolution. You can try to add you're own resolution in nvidia options for 640x480 @ 77hz then it should work if you're monitor can handle it.
2006-01-21, 15:21
462 posts

Jan 2006
Ok here's what I do.

Copy the reg fix from nvidia that adds the refresh override tab to nvidia settings:

Double click the file to install it.

Go to Screen Resolutions & Refresh Rates tab and add a custom resolution with the resolution and bpp you use in Quake and 77Hz.

Then click ok etc and close the display settings.

(It's important to close the display settings here, otherwise you don't see the added resolution in the next step, if I remember correctly)

Then open the display settings again and go to Refresh Rate Overrides tab, look for your Quake resolution and switch the "Default" setting to the 77Hz you added before, it should be in the choices.

Now you don't need the +set vid_displayfrequency in cmd line at all.
2006-03-21, 23:07
54 posts

Mar 2006
What about if you have a radeon D=
2006-03-22, 12:27
55 posts

Mar 2006
xus wrote:
What about if you have a radeon D=

download powerstrip
2006-03-22, 21:03
54 posts

Mar 2006
I tried this with no luck, the program is rather silly.. you can't set a refresh rate for a resolution you're not currently using. So you had to switch to 800x600 for example, set refresh to 77 (well powerstrip could only do 77.66 and 77.99 or 76.99, no 77 exactly), either way I still got the 'couldnt set DIB' error.

2006-03-22, 21:08
2058 posts

Jan 2006
what kind of monitor do you have
2006-03-22, 21:17
54 posts

Mar 2006
Phillips 109p4 flat screen

kicks ass
2006-03-22, 22:38
55 posts

Mar 2006
i dont like the program either
and sucks that it always shows 76.99 instead of 77
but it does work however
you just have to save a preset resolution of your qw res + refreshrate

keep in mind to remove the +set vid_displayfrequency 77 from your cmd line.
2006-03-23, 21:48
54 posts

Mar 2006
OK so at least i know powerstrip should work.. I'll do some more playing this weekend, thanks for ya help

I want smooooooooth!
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