Ok, ive gone kinda nuts with mouse settings recently, and i think ive gone as hard as i can go... ive been using the same settings now for only a few weeks, but all the tweaking seems to be paying off. I also have a mx518, so heres what ive learnt...
Personally, these settings give the best control/speed ratio:
- 1600dpi (der!)
- 1000hz
- default windows drivers (no setpoint) - remember to press the '+' button every time you boot into windows
- pointer speed set on 3 (2 notches up from the lowest setting)
- ezquake cmdline: -dinput -noforcemaccel
- sensitivity 3.5 (seems to be the sweet spot for these settings on my machine)
Its funny.. ive never had my desktop cursor move so slowly, but for the benefits im getting in quake, ill put up with it
Its worth noting that the default setpoint cursor speed is, from memory, set on 3 also... so im thinking im on the right track. Also, fps/freq has an effect on how the mouse feels -- 77fps/77hz feels very different to 200fps/100hz (what im currently using in ezquake).
Everything else is minor.. To me, the best thing i ever did was reintroduce -dinput into my cmdline (i had read on this very forum that -dinput was bad, so i removed it.. bad idea). From there, i just screwed around with the windows pointer speed and quake sensitivity to get it right.
Can setting it to 1000Hz physically damage my mouse/cpu?
I would settle with 500Hz if i were you. I've read several threads on forums where people blame the deaths of their mice on the higher polling rates.
eek... might buy another 518 just in case ;p
I use 1000hz under winxp just fine whereas a friend of mine used 1000hz until i told him his mouse was lagging :/ Changing down to 500hz fixed that for him. Wierd.. maybe he has crappy usb hubs or something. I cant get 1000hz working under win2k either.
Anyway, good luck with it