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Client Talk
2006-06-20, 09:16
950 posts

Apr 2006
Is there any option in ezQuake that allows to display custom text anywhere on the HUD?
2006-06-20, 11:06
2058 posts

Jan 2006
i bet there is

and i bet it's disabled in -ruleset smackdown
2006-06-20, 11:13
950 posts

Apr 2006
Hmmmm... Why would it be? What static text could be cheat in matches?
2006-06-20, 12:28
13 posts

Apr 2006
cl_hud 1 for the "strings hud" (which is the qw262 stuff). Its disabled in ruleset smackdown as theres a few ways to abuse it, such as setting up a trigger on team_says that will catch a status report, then putting your teams status on your hud for ease. Not that thats really cheating or anything, but I imagine it would piss off some people who don't use ezquake.

Heres an example config, its a grenade counter for CustomTF (based on the TF gren counter on the qw262 site but updated to work with the various cutf nades):

re_trigger numgren1 ".+1.+ (.+)\((.)\)"
re_trigger_options numgren1 final remove mask 4
alias numgren1 "set n_gren1 $re_trigger_match_2; set gren1_type $re_trigger_match_1""

re_trigger numgren2 ".+2.+ (.+)\((.)\)"
re_trigger_options numgren2 final remove mask 4
alias numgren2 "set n_gren2 $re_trigger_match_2; set gren2_type $re_trigger_match_1""

// removes spam from console
re_trigger inv_spam "(èð |èð$|CyberAug \(|Jammer.$| Detpack.$|^Medikit|^You\Dre in team|^Skill Time|\w+ armor|^Skin \:|^Colors \:|^Scanner|^$|^Your.+has.+HP$|^Boot Charge|grants you the AURA of|You enjoy the AURA of)"
re_trigger_options inv_spam final remove mask 4 noaction

// grenade priming
// automatically decreases proper counter and plays sound
re_trigger grenprimed "renade primed"
re_trigger_options grenprimed final mask 4
alias grenprimed "n_gren1 0;n_gren2 0;inv;play gren.wav"
//We can't tell what gren is what group in custom, so we use /inv to refill it. Messy, but works.
//..Except that when you hit 0, it doesnt say zero but isntead nothing, leaving it at 1. Lets 0 both, then inv, inv will update the non-empty one.

alias f_bonusflash inv
alias f_respawn "inv;teamcheck"

// grenade counters are displayed near the bottom left corner of screen
hud262_add g1 str "$gren1_type:$n_gren1"
hud262_position g1 4 0 1

hud262_add g2 str "$gren2_type:$n_gren2"
hud262_position g2 4 0 2

Still working on that, but it works for the most part.
2006-06-20, 12:28
2058 posts

Jan 2006
why in gods name would you want static text anywhere on your hud

just put a post-it note on your screen instead
2006-06-20, 13:20
151 posts

Jan 2006
May be you know an quad-time reminder of fOm'c config... You put 15 on keypad, then kp_enter and it tell you & your mates: quad on 15.

Now imagine - same idea to input spawn time, but you see items spawn time on your hud and there are no need to press any button to display it.

Thats why custom strings on hud disabled for smackdown.

You can do same thing with FuhQuake, but to dispay an item spawn time you have to press a button.... (echo $my_cool_variable_with_quad_spawn_time_inside_it).

Ofc you can use paper sticky-notes - ruleset smackdown can ban it =:-)
kill me now and burn my soul
2006-06-20, 15:56
950 posts

Apr 2006
Empezar wrote:
why in gods name would you want static text anywhere on your hud
just put a post-it note on your screen instead

Bah, the "Why do you want to do that" doesn't usually really answer the "How do I do that" questions...
You know, people, colors, tastes... :/
2006-06-20, 18:08
1435 posts

Jan 2006
<sarcasm>deurk: empezar has a trademarked monopoly to request useless things (hello tempbind, ...), how dare you do his job?!</sarcasm>
2006-06-20, 20:59
2058 posts

Jan 2006
static text means that you can't use dynamic variables

that makes static text on hud useless
2006-06-20, 21:31
200 posts

Apr 2006
if I want to veiw "jediknight is the best" all the time I'll need this feature

therefore it isn't useless
2006-06-20, 21:53
950 posts

Apr 2006
Whatever Emp :/
5) Before you post please ask yourself "am I contributing something worthwhile to this thread?". If the answer is no, please do not post. Low-content posts will be removed.
2006-06-21, 03:02
2058 posts

Jan 2006
asking a question IS contributing to the thread. quoting forum rules instead of answering the questions asked is NOT.

so i'll just ask again: why do you want this feature, what would you use it for?
2006-06-21, 05:28
950 posts

Apr 2006
Oh! That's what you wanted to say in your own special way!
Well, I would think of an help screen for custom HUDs for example, you know, for new players and stuff, or just for 'design' purpose like instead of having an icon representing rockets just put the word 'rockets: ' or even maybe for translation purposes like change the 77 FPS to 77 IPS in French or that kind of things.

I know it is not anything really usefull (well I like the help screen idea) and I wouldn't have asked for any development for that but I couldn't find a yes or no question in the docs... so I opened this thread
2006-06-21, 11:22
151 posts

Jan 2006
deurk wrote:
Oh! That's what you wanted to say in your own special way!
Well, I would think of an help screen for custom HUDs for example, you know, for new players and stuff, or just for 'design' purpose like instead of having an icon representing rockets just put the word 'rockets: ' or even maybe for translation purposes like change the 77 FPS to 77 IPS in French or that kind of things.

I know it is not anything really usefull (well I like the help screen idea) and I wouldn't have asked for any development for that but I couldn't find a yes or no question in the docs... so I opened this thread

With using it you can put string "quad: 15", sooo... You are talking to wrong people. Ask league admins, not developers.
This feature already present in ezQuake, but banned for smackdown. Ask league adins if you disagree.
kill me now and burn my soul
2006-06-21, 13:11
950 posts

Apr 2006

Question was: Can we do it in ezQuake, answer was YES. Perfect. Thank you. The end.
2006-06-23, 02:37
357 posts

Mar 2006
only reason i would want static text on my screen is for demo purposes.
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