
Member 100 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Hello i finished my work earlier  The result is that u can watch the last part of the Indicate trilogy  I think you remember the fantastic movie Indicate². The 3. episode is much better, believe me. The content of the Movie: - Its about 8mins/230mb - The first part of the movie is really funny  - The second part is a kind of review - I hope you are all a fan of starwars  - music: A walk in the park what a wonderful world Starwars main theme Starwars celebration them It is not a typical frag-movie! Thanks to all who gave me the demos for my movie  Indicate³ : http://www.ascendence.biz/knast/indicate3.avi
Member 139 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
yea I liked it  nothing else to add, good movie
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 188 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 226 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
Member 188 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Ok watched now:
+++ nice movie clips again! ++ content + clean editing i think + gfx + compression + frags/bores - music, i just dont like Star Wars ;<
Overall: 9/10
Member 100 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
wow  did not expect a good critcism from you 
Member 188 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
lol, thank you 
Member 1026 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
yepp.. keeper vid for sure!
good effort put in the editing and stuff, really nice
Member 64 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I want the 8 minutes of my life back, the only good thing in the video was reppie vs UL with the shoutcasting from what sounded like DjWheat (when the hell was this shoutcasted?)
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
rofl, dissing ziel strikes again ;P what quakemovies DO you like?
Member 447 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Ok, I'll give you the negative stuff first so you actually have something to look forward to.
- Length. I almost fell asleep. (This could be remedied by adding content; see below) Content. Some fun frags, but way too many boring pentsteals/seek-n-hide situations. Content. Again. What's with all the Spaceballs references? Consider making a QW movie next time - not A Tribute To Mel Brooks. Music. Sure, it fitted rather well with the overall themes of the movie, but the songs were a bit boring. Consider choosing music that increases the pace of the movie - not the opposite.
+ Very nice setup. Clean, crisp graphics. Great compression/video quality, although you wouldn't expect a lot of artifacts when watching an 8 minute movie that takes 230 mb space. Nice implementation of game comments. AND NO GODDAMNED $£"!@%&½ PANNING INTRO. THANK YOU!
Keep up the good work. Teamplay is nothing. Aim is everything. OBEY YOUR AIM
Member 64 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
rofl, dissing ziel strikes again ;P what quakemovies DO you like? Good ones  (dde2/tfde/tfde2,mortuality,qhlan1 & 2)
News Writer 493 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
great movie, very entertaining, except sound was off and it was incredibly annoying =| Also sounds from in-game were WAY too loud.
Member 76 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Good movie. Yeah sound was off for me too, but i think it's because my computer can't handle a movie with such a high resolution/quality, maybe you should consider making a lower quality version (eg: 640x480).
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
rofl, dissing ziel strikes again ;P what quakemovies DO you like? Good ones  (dde2/tfde/tfde2,mortuality,qhlan1 & 2) haha, that sorts out... new movies and freestyle/trick ones right?
Member 64 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
rofl, dissing ziel strikes again ;P what quakemovies DO you like? Good ones  (dde2/tfde/tfde2,mortuality,qhlan1 & 2) haha, that sorts out... new movies and freestyle/trick ones right? No freestyle in quakeworld is retarded, its an exact copy of quake3, its better in q3 anyway. And ive had this discussion on IRC with many people before.
Member 20 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I like that movie! ziel "its better in q3 anyway" :| How should q3 be better than qw ? no way 
Member 447 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
He didn't say that Q3 is better than QW. All he said was that QW freestyle movies are even more pointless than their Q3 counterparts - to which I agree. Teamplay is nothing. Aim is everything. OBEY YOUR AIM
Member 108 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i'm with ziel here. sorry. Spell "mogul," Bateman. How do you spell mogul? M-o-g-u-l. Mo-gul. Mog-ul. Ice, ghosts, aliens-
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Good ones  (dde2/tfde/tfde2,mortuality,qhlan1 & 2) haha, that sorts out... new movies and freestyle/trick ones right? No freestyle in quakeworld is retarded, its an exact copy of quake3, its better in q3 anyway. And ive had this discussion on IRC with many people before. ye like cheese is an exact copy of milk 
Member 1026 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
No freestyle in quakeworld is retarded, its an exact copy of quake3... come to think of it.. every fps that involves tricking is a retarded copy of quake3.. its better in q3 anyway. And ive had this discussion on IRC with many people before. ..and it's better in quake3 just because people think your way and don't want to try and do some decent tricks to begin with oh well whatever
Member 64 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
its better in q3 anyway. And ive had this discussion on IRC with many people before. ..and it's better in quake3 just because people think your way and don't want to try and do some decent tricks to begin with oh well whatever I didn't understand this comment fully. people that think this way, are the ones that saw it in quake3 first, and the ones that experienced it. They saw the quakeworld version and saw that it took 5 rockets in qw to go the same distance it takes 3 in quake3, but then again this is understandable as its different physics and different game all together. That isnt a very good example but it doesnt fit with quakeworld, quakeworld was not meant to be a defrag or a tricking mod or a game thats trickable in the "multi rocket" kind of way. Are you saying I havent experienced tricking? Ive seen plenty of freestyle tricking in q3 and I did freestyle trick for about a year. I tried it in quakeworld and it felt like a dumbed down version.. It doesnt FEEL or LOOK right. I am not telling players in quakeworld to stop tricking, they can trick all they want its fun for them. This is just my OPINION which happens to be the same as many other qw players.
Member 188 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
this is getting off topic....
Member 97 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
qw should stick to movement based tricks, much more better than multi rockets
Member 811 posts
Registered: Jan 1970
Freestyle just means tricking to be tricky, like BMX freestyle or FMX freestyle. It doesn't mean multi-rocket tricks, which people seem to have a knee-jerk 'OMG Q3' reaction to, I just happened to start using the term around about the same time I started looking for new QW tricks and maps to do to put in videos.
Air control, slope jumping, tele tricks, bouncepad-affected grenade flight, grenade jumps, rocket jumps, water RJs, KTeam jump-fix-born down-ramp jumps, trigger_hurt & trigger_changelevel jumps yada yada yawn were already in QWDM before Q3 (which doesn't even have all of these, and has whole new things like the plasma gun and overbounces, and allows 20/30 degrees more pitching up/down) came along. Multi-rocket jumps were in QWTF for god knows how long before I took it and DM up when Q3 came out and sparked my interest in playing my old SP games like Quake in DM mode.
5 rockets to go the same distance as 3? There's 2 things to remember. Firstly, people are impatient and won't often optimize a trick before putting it into a video, or record a lot of demos and pick their best ones. I know I didn't until my very last trick video. As much as I love them, peppe, joulukuu & aquashark don't record 99999999 demos like I do on BesMella exhaust the possibilities of something for optimisation, and now I don't make videos/working part-time (read: time to spend 6hrs on a trick and it's variations) anymore so I'm not showing optimized tricks. Secondly,
Tricking in QW has a lot of potential, be it with multi-rocket tricks or not. Look for instance at BiggY's trick in that joulukuu video. It was amazing, and not even remotely possible in, or similiar to, Q3. And it STILL can be optimized. It's just not presented well, and I guess I'm to blame for that :-o
Member 811 posts
Registered: Jan 1970
Secondly, Secondly, god knows what the difference in scale is between Q3/Q1 versions of maps. These aren't to say that rockets in QW push u as far as in Q3 - thanks to not being able to look straight down/knockback rules being different in QW, purely vertical RJ's are already not as high as in Q3. Horizontally they'd be less to probably too, but news flash - it doesn't really matter.
Member 811 posts
Registered: Jan 1970
Argh, intoxication and digression are the bane of trying to say stuff! Indicate 3 had uncompressed sound, here's an 160kbps CBR MP3 version that's only 187MB: www.besmella-quake.com/comments.asp?NewsId=141801899389139262384259 And pez: Isn't everything a movement trick?  BTW ignoring a certain type of trick seems pretty lol to me, what would Q3 be had it ignored rocket jumping, be it because Q1 did it first, or whatever reason.
