"%s electrocutes %s\n "
"%s was telefragged by %s teammate\n"
"%s was telefragged by %s\n"
"Satan's power deflects %s's telefrag\n"
"%s was telefragged by %s's Satan's power\n"
"%s squished a teammate\n"
"%s squishes %s\n"
"%s was squished\n"
" was jumped by "
" was crushed by "
"%s%s%s teammate\n"
"'s fall\n"
" tried to catch "
" was jumped by "
" was crushed by "
"%s stomps %s\n"
" tries to put the pin back in\n"
" discovers blast radius\n"
" becomes bored with life\n"
" discharges into the slime\n"
" discharges into the lava\n"
" heats up the water\n"
" discharges into the water\n"
" becomes bored with life\n"
" checks %s glasses\n"
" loses another friend\n"
" gets a frag for the other team\n"
" mows down a teammate\n"
"Enemy flag carrier killed: 2 bonus frags\n"
"%s defends %s's flag carrier against an agressive enemy\n"
"%s defends %s's flag carrier\n"
"%s defends the %s flag\n"
"%s defends the %s flag\n"
" was body pierced by "
" was nailed by "
" was punctured by "
" was perforated by "
" was ventilated by "
" was straw-cuttered by "
" eats "
"'s pineapple\n"
" was gibbed by "
"'s grenade\n"
" rides "
"'s rocket\n"
" was brutalized by "
" was smeared by "
"%s rips %s a new one\n"
"'s quad rocket\n"
" was ax-murdered by "
" was hooked by "
" chewed on "
"'s boomstick\n"
" was lead poisoned by "
" ate 8 loads of "
" ate 2 loads of "
"'s buckshot\n"
" accepts "
"'s shaft\n"
" gets a natural disaster from "
" drains "
"'s batteries\n"
" accepts "
"'s discharge\n"
"Unknown death: normal death kt version"
" killed by "
" ?\n"
" blew up\n"
" cratered\n"
" fell to %s death\n"
" was spiked\n"
" was zapped\n"
" ate a lavaball\n"
" tried to leave\n"
" killed by monster?
" sleeps with the fishes\n"
" sucks it down\n"
" gulped a load of slime\n"
" can't exist on slime alone\n"
" turned into hot slag\n"
" visits the Volcano God\n"
" burst into flames\n"
" died\n"