
Member 10 posts
Registered: Aug 2006
UPDATE ---------- DOWNLOAD QWD/MVD/AVI OF ALL PLAYERS AT - www.zedii.co.uk/2bfree After a huge debate with Def - I took his points on board and came to realise he is one TRUE quaker. Furthermore it was my mistake not to state rules in the first place. I apologise. All players competing are really making the effort and to defy his win by missing one platform is not fair. So his win will be accepted. What better way for him to win it too with that AVI (Tunage!)! It has seriously encouraged me to do 2bfree2 possibly with rules. Well done to Midair too for being second winner! I didn't originally notice that he completed it as I thought his post was a conversion Def's one to MVD. But after watching it - he really slicked his way through. Hoodlum was in the same server as me when he completed the map! He skillfully skipped 2 blocks heh. Nice work buddy. Winners are declared below: COMPETITION - 0 days left. -------------------------------- For every other person that submits a completed version (first come first serve basis!) I will reward them with half the prize money. Basically: 1st prize: £10.00 - Def 2nd prize: £5.00 - Midair 3rd prize: £2.50 - Hoodlum 4th prize: £1.75 - N/A 5th prize: 88p - N/A  www.zedii.co.uk/2bfree GL and HF. Zayd.
Member 637 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Oh, my, goose, way too hard for me  http://slip.4.pl/ - unblocking myspace facebook firewall
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
man I can't make it, it's really hard I'll have to call some people..
Member 23 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
really entertaining map i got like 4 platforms away from the finish - ran out of mousepad ;[ wasn't recording anyways... i'll try to get it tomorrow [@p_jnco]: if you were a nerd bar, youd be king sized
Member 46 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I did it! Zedii
Member 23 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
i got it also, on mvd stuck it on yousendit, duno where else http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=download&ufid=3C61390D6FC87995 it's the 2nd run
gj def [@p_jnco]: if you were a nerd bar, youd be king sized
Member 46 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I also rendered an .avi vid re-cam of it here. The file also contains the uncut qwd, cutout qwd, corresponding mvd, and the map itself.
http://def.qwplayers.org/def_2bfree_all.rar (36 mb)
Member 10 posts
Registered: Aug 2006
Missed 1 platform - for now- £1 to Def - for a pawesome video too!
Keep going everyone else! You now have the solution at hand.
Member 46 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
The original post did not state anything about skipping platforms. The rules simply stated "just bunny hop to the top". In my demo I skip the third platform, and simply jump from the 2nd directly to the 4th. This is totally trivial, and if anything more difficult because it requires more speed in a very short period of time. In the grand scheme of things it makes absolutely no difference on the series of 40+ consecutive jumps to the top.
Furthermore, the original post also did not say anything about having to finish the map online. Even midair's submission is on localhost. Whether you complete it online or localhost, also makes no difference (other than the obvious lag). Moreover, most server admins in NA are currently totally inactive and getting this map online will not be easy (a problem around the world). There is no reason why people could not use localhost, other than "lacking a good reason" that the newly updated rules are compromised of.
Modifying the rules of the competition 2 days after its commencement is not right. I don't care about the money, I did this for the challenge.
Member 46 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Additionally, you were specing on my server for a period of time the other day, while I was making my attempts. You never stated at any point in time, that ...
1. Using my localhost server 2. Skipping the second platform
... would disqualify my solution.
Member 46 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Regardless, I much like midair have followed the outlined rules of the original post (now edited) and both of our solutions are disqualified because you decided to change the rules, after two winning entries have been submitted. I don't think thats fair. That's my take.
Member 46 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
After some discussion with Zedii we have come to terms on the raised points. Yay!
Member 1026 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Edit button seems to work just fine for me.. 
Member 355 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
Edit button seems to work just fine for me..  def is trying to raise his post count.
Member 10 posts
Registered: Aug 2006
Seems like it. Not that I am too... Midair can I have your Paypal username?
Member 1 post
Registered: Aug 2006
Completed it, 2 blocks skipped. Now to finish it with the alternate start ;p my demo
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Registered: Jan 1970
Member 811 posts
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