A few weeks ago the nQuake configs were under scrutiny primarily with focus on usability issues which were finally ironed out. This time there has been a major revamp of key bindings and other changes in an attempt to ensure a coherent experience.
The nQuake config has been looked over and in an attempt to make it a setup that is both visually coherent and intuitive to use for new players, the changes below have been made. Some of the changes may be "controversial" as they will supposedly make the game harder for newcomers, however i think it's easier to get started using these settings without getting a feeling that the game is broken (all players appearing fullbright red) or behaving weird (weapon scripts). Serious player will probably search for advise on configuration eventually anyway.
Changes since last time:
New keybinding scheme (see keyboard image further below for most important binds):
Weapons now have traditional binds, i.e. no weapon scripts by default
Teamplay messages incorporated to greater extent
Teamplay powerup time script on scrollwheel (activate on F3 or F4 depending on powerup)
Shownick command is now used on same key as tp_point command (also made sure tp_point does not trigger on teammates)
Powerup glow enabled (gl_flashblend)
Fullbright skins not on by default for a more coherent look:
Teamskin changed to non-fullbright white
Enemyskin changed to non-fullbright green
v_viewheight changed to -6 (this is the "pixel perfect" setting)
Gameclock now counts up by default
Added correct QTV API URL (otherwise it uses the currently incorrect version from the ezQuake config, gets rid of the JSON error message in console at startup)
Moved team/enemy scores from bottom right to top right corner for better low-resolution compatibility (avoid overlap with weapons)
Included sample configs from the following players in configs/samples directory (thanks to supplier Dirtbox)
I only added the sample configs today, so if you're downloading nQuake today and want to check out the configs then make sure to choose the f.nu mirror as the other ones will only sync by (European) midnight.
The next nQuake update will probably be in conjunction with a new ezQuake client release unless something pops up.
The next nQuake update will probably be in conjunction with a new ezQuake client release unless something pops up.