Client software
toma  /  29 Oct 2023, 22:59
ezQuake 3.6.4 released
ezQuake 3.6.4 has been released!

As always, this was only possible because of you, dear Contributors! Thanks for keeping this alive!
Check the Release Notes for details.

You can get the pre-compiled binaries from here, including a linux AppImage build!
2023-10-29, 23:32
Thank you contributors!
2023-10-30, 15:34
Thank you guys!
2023-10-31, 14:01
Thanks toma! Is it possible to change the scoreboards in a future version, to show the actual ping instead of 13, 25, 38, 51 etc?
2023-12-07, 22:24
Yay! good stuff!
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