yeh wtf. First to sign up were milton and ihminen and they are not in the list.. wtf! Sure there is a good reason, atleast now it's not sure who will win
Hooyraytio, wtf ? You seem to be a noob, im just asking about news, it is more common than 2on2 signups, anyway i dont need comment from swe person, gg
Pierun. It is in the works. All I can tell you is there is a draft and it hasn't been published yet.
I personally, am in your side. I am very happy that Avenger won (he is one of my favorite players because of his brain play) and no offense to LocKtar, you have won enough So I want to see these news also, but I refused to write it because I have so very few free time (...) and more importantly I did not follow this tournament so closely to be able to give decent final news on it.