I studied Computers(Networking to be more exact) in school and now working part-time with my father in his own company, which is a small IT-consulting business,
He develops programs for customers and then go out to them to upgrade and maintain both software and hardware, and I help him with everything involved
, Been doing this for almost 2 years now just waiting for something better to come along
Apart from that boring stuff I also love Manchester United F.C
watch every game that I can and so on, really like football
Also I love drinking and partying with friends, used to be every weekend but since 1st january 2010 I have not been drunk a single time (yet), just saving money and health for a better 2010
How long have you been playing QW?I started playing when quake1 came out in 96, only played 1on1 and FFA back then, but for some reason (I think it was because my internet sucked so much) I stopped playing about 99 and started again in 2005
So you might say that I missed the "best" years of QW, but Qw today Is still awesome
How did you find out about QW?Played a lot of DOOM and Duke nukem 3D when they were out, and then came quake, and I remember as soon I started playing it I was hooked, it just owned every other game out there, graphics, physics, sounds everything
Singleplayer was ok, but multiplayer was where this game quickly became more addicting than drugs
Your QW equipment?Hmm old computers are best for qw I think
, well here are specs :
Comp : AMD 64 3500+, 1 gig ram, geforce 6600 GT
Mousepad:Some QPAD big cloth mousepad, really worn out so need a new one :E
Mouse: Logitech mx518
Mouse settings: 1800 dpi, 500hz rate, sens 1 in qw, using setpoint drivers, in_mouse 2
Keyboard: some shit cheap keyboard
Monitor: Dell 17" trinitron CRT @ 150 hz @ 640x480 in qw
Headphones: shit headphones
my ears hurt after long qw sessions
Network connection: Tele2 100/10 mbit baby
FPS etc: 154 fps, cl_earlypackets 0, crosshair is a small green dot, classic HUD, white teammates yellow enemys (skins), fov 110.
What is the QW community now comparing to the times you started?Well since I took a pause in 1999 and started again 2005, I maybe missed the "golden age" of QW TDM, but I can say even in 2005/06/07 etc there was more competition at the top and more good div1 teams/players to make it more even and hard, nowadays there are only a few elite teams left, but somehow this game just refuses to die out completely, atleast here in the EU scene, (respect to all of eu scene keeping qw alive! <3) and even a few new clans/players that improved quickly to add some spice to the game (hello clan TKS)
The community is smaller now of course, but it's a hardcore community where everyone knows everyone basically and word spreads fast and there still is a lot of specs to big games and thanks to QTV this is really smooth and nice, certainly helpful for bringing new players to this game I think.
I'm really sad that the best oldschool players left QW though, like Dag and Griffin etc, but these older guys sometimes come back, even if its only temporary, even ParadokS still plays sometimes etc, which is really nice
I could go on here but lets go to next question
Any changes you would like to see in QW community?Changes in QW community I would like to see, would be to bring back of course the old div0 players, and to bring in fresh new talent as much as possible, and make them practice until their eyes bleed and they are new div0 players
The scene really needs more players, Also I feel that meaningful tournaments are too far apart, EQL for 4on4 is OK, 2 seasons / year, but Duel tournaments (that people care about and play instead of mass walkovers) are made so rarely..
Duelmania/Ownage needs to be organized more often...
Also nice to have Clanwarz Poland as extra league, before next EQL, because OFFICIAL GAMES OWN
(quadbore in front of 50+ specs <3)
DMM4 tournaments (pov / end etc) would be really nice to have, In fact I am soon gonna start one of my own, just need more time and ideas
, but I am about 80% sure that it will be something soon
I also think that the duelscene overall has lost a lot of its glory, the best players kinda avoid each other, and not entering duel tournaments, but still players like LocKtar locust Avenger are still owning it up in tournaments, which is really nice to see, but i'm sure everyone would like a few different new/old names in there too
For me it's also almost only 4on4 these days, and less dueling, 4on4 TDM is ALWAYS fun
Do you play anything apart from TDM?Apart from 4on4 TDM I don't play so much else these days, except a few povs and Aerowalk duels here and there basically...
Used to play duels a lot more but as I said before the duelscene is not so interesting anymore (imho) but the 4on4 scene is always interesting / fun (mix-drama, mix-rage etc, bring back qwdrama.com also please
If i'm not playing 4on4, i'm playing pov vs [tVS]blAze or Aerowalk vs locust most probably
(and the random 2on2 but dont like that so much anymore :E )
Favourite map?My favourite 4on4 map is DM3 : The Abandoned Base without a doubt, imo it's the most balanced map for teamplay and a team has to think about everything constantly to maintain control, and then there is chaos at pent every 5 minutes which can completely turn a game around, from matlock to takeover and vice versa
It's "easier" imo to control dm2, especially after a good start for your team, just keep water/tele and attack low as much as possible, on dm3 you have to think about discharging at bridge/pent water, sneakers in sng/ra tunnel etc etc, delayed ring owning you after your pent runs out etc
E1M2 is weird, don't know how to describe really, if you have a good sg aim then you will like this map most probably
, very little ammo and armor here so it's easy to die and get flooded and so on, which makes for some interesting tactics, most often the least played/liked of The Big 3 ...
I Love them anyway
especially DM3
for me rank is : 1. DM3 2. Dm2. 3. E1m2
Your opinion about CMT maps. The best one, the worst one?CMT Maps... ahh they always bring out hate from some people and love from some people (often newer players are the ones wanting to have these in EQL)
I can say like this, CMT3 is OK, I like it, but I could easily live without any CMT maps and just play TB3-only
The rest of the cmt maps I dont like so much, never did and probably won't ever
If I have to choose :
1. CMT3
2. CMT1B
3. CMT4
Your QW idol, the player whose demos you were watching?Well nowadays I don't watch demos so much, only if I make a good game in 4on4 or so then I usually get the demo and watch, but when starting qw again in 2005, my idol was, and still is Dag ( <3 ), He was a machine on dm6 and in teamplay, there might have been better players around then/today, but IMO he was the most interesting, and played like a robot
Used to watch early ParadokS demos on dm6 also, for me he was amazing back then
Today I would like to see more demos of the best duelers vs eachother, but since there are not so many of them left and they dont play eachother so often, it's hard to find these demos etc, unless you manually look through servers, which is kinda boring
Well there is challenge-tv.com and that can be OK but it's not what it used to be with hot demos all the time and drama etc
There still is some hot duels being played, just not as much as before
In your opinion. who was the best player in QW history? The best clan? The most gifted player?Hmm really tough questions, because one player can be extremely good at one map/mode and maybe not so good at others, But if I have to choose overall best teamplayer/duel/2on2 of all time,
I have to say more than one
so my best list of all time best players would be: Milton,Reppie,Hib,ParadokS,Valla/Nitram,XantoM,Dag,Striker,Griffin (in no particular order
And if I have to choose one player of current QW, it has to be Milton, being the most consistent player, can beat anyone on any map in duel, and with his clan beat any clan on any map, I guess a lot of this is because he is one of the few oldschoolers still very active, and also ofcourse very talented.
There are ofcourse other players very very good but can't mention everyone here as it would take too much space
Do you know anybody from the Polish QW community? Which players do you recognize on the European servers?I know the polish qw-scene quite well I would say, I even played in D2 (death dealers) a small period of time some years ago, and they are a nice community with a few really good players, Avenger comes to my mind first of the elites, div0 dueler for sure as he showed in winning last Ownage tournament, and old legends such as -insane-
, the polish players I recognize and see on servers these days would be Avenger, Billy, CPE, Tom, Slabi, don't know if plast still plays but I remember he was quite good, and Lobo is my latenight-dm2madness-duel partner
Sorry if I forgot someone I know !
What do you think about the CLanWarz Poland concept? Do you like the idea and the rules?The concept of more tournaments = more official games is always a good concept for me, because this is what the scene needs to stay alive/interesting, (4on4 mix action on wargamez servers has always been activ) But 4on4 pracs are not so many these days between tournaments it seems... especially the best clans have a hard time finding pracs it feels like..
I guess the rules are OK, the rule to play 3 maps even if one team leads 2-0 is kinda different but good I guess, since it means more maps to be played = more qw to be played = good
The clan i'm playing in for clanwarz poland (-SS-) has not yet played any games, but we will try to play all of our games very soon, as I said it can be hard to find opponents if you are playing with a good team
, especially official games
Tell us about all the clans you've been a part of.Hmm maybe can't remember all the clans, but I remember playing in these clans, in this order
- Clan Method Soldiers (noob clan with me and racersnigeln and some Finnish guys, mech yari rohva etc
- Clan BE (self-formed clan, also noobclan but had really fun times in it, votary and overdose played here before joining suddendeath, racersnigeln was there also and we had some great times that I won't forget
- D2 / Death Dealers (polish clan, but at the time i was playing we had keyser and moltas in the clan also, so it was more of an EU clan, with polish foundation, really good on dm2 with the polish guys, and always good on other maps with the EU guys
- Quakeklan (played there for a season with Cage,Dimman,Smala,TheEvilDog,Mogge! and some other dudes, we made fun of ourselves calling it quakeklan : the dm3 home as we were really good on DM3, but often failed against lesser clans on other maps
, had really good times with them though, and will always miss it
- Enigma (started this clan for last EQL with votary/overdose/hlt/mazer/ganon/riker, but ganon came late in the season and riker left early in the season to try making a comeback with Fragomatic instead, anyways a quite good clan I would say, beating some topclans on some maps
Officially I'm still in Enigma for next EQL, unless something happens that disbands the clan or something, we're still waiting to see how it will be..
For clanwarz poland I'm playing in Satan's Soldiers (lol) with Milton, Darkki, Jebbis, Diki and me, a very good lineup and I am sure that we have chance of winning this whole tournament, if we could just get our games going...
If I missed something/someone I am sorry
Describe your clan's performance in the last EQL. What do you need to win in the future?My clan Enigmas performance in last EQL was much better than I expected, but we failed to go to playoffs with 1 point and missed it because of fragdifference to USSR (which we beat in the groupgames) so it was kinda anti-climax for us, but I guess that was our own fault since we lost to Fusion in a very crucial match, losing with 1 frag on dm2 but having 16-4 in quads that dm2, gg?
Also there were some games not played by suddendeath and some walkovers/point deductions that made it not-so-clear that the final 4 to playoffs were the "true" deserving final 4 teams, but nothing we can do about that now, all in all I think we had really good season and was so close to making playoffs, that we will probably play next eql with Enigma if we can keep our players and same lineup.
would like to say that HLT is a very good player and without him we probably wouldn't have done so good in EQL
but of course it was a team-effort, and
clan Enigma rules
If I said something wrong here blame my bad memory
You've been playing with Milton under the same flag, what is his strongest asset?Milton, a complete player with 10+ years of experience, and still active, that's what makes him an asset to any team, and his biggest asset would be his experience and quick-thinking action/reaction to the gameplay, knowing what is best to do at any given time, coupled with great aim and movement, he is the perfect quadrunner and TP player, not the one to camp on water/tele or RA / YA keeping it safe for mates, but rather clearing the map with quad
but a good clan needs defensive players, to be a really good clan
, but if someone gonna take the quad, it should be him
Why is Qw still popular? Why doesn't it want to die, after almost 14 years?QW is still the #1 FPS game for me, and for everyone that plays it I hope (except some suckers started playing COD on the side and shit, LOL
I just hate railgun/sniper type of weapons, and it's hard to say what is THE best thing with QW, but I guess it's physics, sounds, the shaft <3, powerups, the really deep level of thinking/reaction/reflexes/aim needed in div1 duel/teamplay etc.
Its like playing chess in a way, very much strategy involved, but it can be played in a lot of ways, for fun or serious, +forward or tactics, a mix of +forward and tactics etc,
Easy to "learn" extremely hard to master, it's simply the fastest, strongest, hardest game out there, still #1 now in 2010, and forever
Do you play anything apart from QW?I play ONLY QW, and some random Diablo2 singleplayer now and then, used to play it more when it came out
running around with my necromancer and skeleton army just finding items etc, nothing serious, just when there is no hot game to spec or play in QW at that time
Waiting for Diablo 3, because it's gonna own
but I can't see myself ever quitting qw for another game, if I quit QW then it would be because I would quit with computers/internet life altogether, I guess someday you finally grow up, but I don't want that day to come soon
In your opinion, what do the Polish players and the Polish QW community need to develop and to join the best in Europe?Well this doesn't go for only polish players in particular, but for ANY clan/player that wants to get div1,
Clan : If you want to become div1 and be able to compete with the best clans in EU, there is _no_ other option than lots,lots and lots of practice vs the best clans/clans better than your own clan,
preferrably use the same 4 guys in every game, maybe a 5-man clan is the best so if someone is AFK the 5th guy is there etc, having too many players in a clan can affect skill negatively, as with one lineup they maybe are div1, and then another lineup maybe div2 or even worse,
so use the same lineup as much as you can, play LOTS of 4on4, follow basic TP strategy, always try to improve your aim/survival skills, use voice/mm3, and never give up, It can be frustrating to have scores 100-0 after 5 minutes on dm2, but I have seen takeovers from this many times, (from 100-0 to 100-200) etc,
watch demos of TVS etc to get inspiration/strategy
All 4 players have to think as one
Duel: not so much to say here, just keep practicing all the maps vs the best duelers you can find, watch demos of the best duelers and what they do at certain times, me myself I only really enjoy Aerowalk demos and some DM6, but if you want to become a GOOD Dueler, then you must be good on TB5. So excuses, just prac prac and more prac
Last question. Why do you call ClanWarz "The kurwaleague" ? For the same reason we call one map the kurwa.bsp
Thank you for your time, it's been a pleasure Alexander Thanks for YOUR time, pleasure was all mine
I would like to finish by saying thank you to all QW players out there, old and new for keeping this kickass game alive, and for making hot drama on the mixes and whatnot, and thanks to DAG <3 for inspiring me to keep playing and try to get better when I was new
So keep practicing, and watch out for KP in 2010 ;P
nice reading btw.