Recently old skool player
xiLe has returned to playing QuakeWorld and is planning on breathing some life back in to the Australian qw scene. So for any Australian based players heres the vital info.
xiLe has gathered enough Australian players together the plan is to kick off a duel league tourney in a few weeks time. So make sure to keep an eye on the follow site for further details.
Ozquake Duel TourneyA new irc channel for players to hang out in has been set up on called #ozquake (
Web Link: ) and there is also a new QW.NU sub-forum for Australian players to post to as follows:
Ozquake - ForumFinally he has set up a couple of new QW servers based in Sydney
OzQuake KTX Server #1 (
OzQuake KTX Server #2 (
Perhaps he can motivate the likes of
reload and other such greats back to playing.