JohnNy_cz  /  28 Sep 2011, 09:09
New poll: Screen refresh rate
On the right side of this site there is a new poll. This time we ask you for you screen refresh rate (poll thread).

As for the results of the previous poll...
We asked for the key-binding type. Surprisingly, two thirds of those who answered the poll stated that they fire their weapon with different keys. That is, they do not use single key (e.g. left mouse button) to fire their weapons, they use special binds to both select and fire a weapon at the same time.

This lead to implementing a new command in 2.2 alpha version of the ezQuake client, so that now the alises for this type of setup can be made simpler. The command is called +fire, so the bindings are as easy as:
bind mouse1 "+fire 7"
bind mouse2 "+fire 8"

Hopefully this very common type of setup will get some support also in the options menus.
2011-09-28, 10:03
Seems like a nice simple improvement, but why not get rid of those numbers as well? Every weapon has a simple short name, gl rl lg etc. that could be utilized. Of course it might(?) break some old cfgs if names overlap, so something like wp_lg wp_rl etc might be better. Just my 2 cents.
2011-09-28, 10:16
and what's the weapon order in this case? e.g. if i don't have lg i use mouse2 as sg fire
2011-09-28, 11:03
netspider: good idea, would at least help us in the case of menus; but some users might not prefer that, as they want to put priorities (as #2 suggests)
m4ds: in the example above it'd either fire the desired weapon, or, if you don't have it, simply the currently selected weapon; you can stack numbers there as in the case of impulse/weapon command, so bind mouse1 "+fire 7 6 3" would work too, with RL being the preferred gun
2011-09-28, 12:51
I guess I will notice how bad my 60hz monitor really is as soon as I get myself one of those 120hz ones
2011-09-28, 19:43
I think netspider meant this:

Assuming the "+fire 7" alias works like "+fire 7 8 6 5 3 4 2 1" in case you define more weapons than just the RL (i.e. if you don't have rl it will fire gl, then sng, then ssg etc...) you would simply just replace the numbers with the weapon abbreviations;
bind mouse1 "+fire rl lg gl sng ssg ng axe"
2011-09-29, 12:03
I can't really see a reason for that? You need 13 more chars to do exactly the same thing.
2011-09-29, 12:04
LOL, should say 10, i counted "ire" as extra chars, my mistake. Point still valid
2011-09-29, 14:01
Obviously the increased readability would be the benefit.
2011-09-30, 23:29
Readability for noobs? Otherwise I see no gain in readability vs a single digit corresponding to weapon number.
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