Renzo  /  5 Jan 2012, 23:28
Finnish 1on1 championships
Finnish player Kippo from Fraggers United is planning on running a Finnish 1on1 championship tournament during the winter/spring 2012. The tournament is meant for the Finnish players and apparently there will be prizes for the three best players of the tournament.

The rules of the tournament are the same as duelmania rules and the map pool at this point seems to be TB5 (dm2,dm4,dm6,aerowalk,ztndm3). All the Finnish players who are interested in participating the tournament should go and show their interested in the forum thread below:

Finnish 1on1 Championship
2012-01-05, 23:37
Gogo kippo!
2012-01-07, 00:15
Finally Milton has a real chance to win something !!
2012-01-07, 14:28
GG Kippo. Muhkeista keikkapalkkioista pystyy laittaa pari tonnia palkinnoiks. Oispa, oispa. :<
2012-01-09, 16:22
Kippo is my hero. Btw, why not dm2 only instead of tb5? Be
2012-01-13, 08:09
Haritsoppa i ... gl finz!
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