praxismo  /  6 Oct 2016, 20:20
Bravadocb(n) Exhibition Tournament: 9th October, 20:00 cest

Due to discussions amongst top duellers in QuakeWorld on the suitability of bravado for top level competition, a small committee have been gathering for some months past with the goal of reproducing the map in a modified form. Ever a good friend to the QW community, Lurq has been kind enough to donate some of his precious time in doing the physical work, and his project is nearing its next stage of completion. A question thus will arrive: Is it ready?

With Thunderdome season 7 fast approaching, however, time for such contemplation is in short supply. It is for this reason that with optimism we announce the Thunderdome Bravado Exhibition Tournament.

Read on for more information...
The tournament will be a one day event hosted this Sunday 9th of October, starting at 20:00 CEST (18:00UTC). The format of the tournament will be decided based upon the amount of entrants, but it will definitely be elimination based. All entrants and mappers will be welcome to comment on their experience and ideas on any variations of bravado in the #mapping room of the Quake.World server on discord, or on the forum post on that shall appear on the day of the tournament.

Entrants should apply by writing their name below, if this does not work for you for any reason then you can contact an admin either via discord or irc. Entrants from all over the world are welcome to join, and can help the smooth running of the tournament by ensuring that the map gets uploaded to their favourite servers in advance. A copy of the map is included as a postscript, along with a list of all the known servers that are hosting it.

The administrators are VVD, 23y, and praxismo. They can be found on irc #Thunderdome@QuakeNet , or in the QuakeWorld discord server.

Because timing has been unfortunate, the execution of this tournament necessitates that the commencement of Thunderdome season 7 will be postponed by one full week. TD7 will now start on the weekend of the 15th of October.

1. RaggA
2. azruioooo
3. Drake
4. gloomy
5. rio
6. drowsy
7. 40Days
8. Bls
9. 23y
10. bps if possible
11. VVD
12. z0mbie90
13. Tsobo
14. Baresi
15. Murz1k
16. SaZ

Map Files


Servers hosting so far cb1 and 2 cb1 and 2 cb1 cb1 and 2 cb2

Changelog from bravadob5 to bravadocb1:
* closed off one of the pathways to mega with bars
* moved cells from mid ledge to upper ledge near ya
* reduced jump distance between ra and opposing platform
* added detail to middle floor, and lg window
* bonus: there is now a Q-shadow under rl near ra
* modified spawns


Overhead schematic of the map, including spawn positions circled. Ground floor spawns are circled in blue, second floor in green, and third in pink.
2016-10-07, 05:10
Sign me up. The designated looser has arrived! :-p lol
2016-10-07, 05:44
Looking forward to this.
I hope the tweaks* to bravado lands in good soil!

(If you're experiencing a black texture on the map, try changing your gl_miptexlevel to 0)

(Edited 2016-10-07, 08:50)
2016-10-07, 06:48
I want to join this tournament
2016-10-07, 07:54
I wanna play also
2016-10-07, 08:40
Will give it a go, although from the sound of it I'm sceptical about the changes :/
2016-10-07, 08:41
let's do this )

(Edited 2016-10-07, 08:50)
2016-10-07, 09:37
sign me up
2016-10-07, 13:09
I am in.

Can somebody upload it to servers in UK, please?

By the way, the log is incomplete, I think there are new spawns too.

I hate the new floor holes. Just a pointless distraction, and counter-intuitive too: you cannot shoot into those holes in the floor.
2016-10-07, 16:03
Bls in!
2016-10-07, 18:23
i am in fact in
2016-10-07, 20:25
Count me in!
2016-10-08, 07:42
Bah, sounds like fun! I can't make it
2016-10-08, 08:14
VVD in!
2016-10-08, 10:57
Im not signing up! or am I?
2016-10-08, 12:53
i notice the huge fps drops of bravadob5 are now gone... anyone else notice this?
2016-10-08, 16:14
sign me up plz
2016-10-08, 20:14
sign me up!
2016-10-08, 22:02 now hosting the maps as well
2016-10-09, 12:50
i have to redraw from the tournament! irl stuff to do...
2016-10-28, 10:31
Due to discussions amongst top duellers in QuakeWorld on the suitability of bravado for top level competition, a small committee have been gathering for some months past with the goal of reproducing the map in a modified form. ...

I find this strange, duelers are discussing the suitability of a map for top level competition because these same players can't adapt to any map? Further, a small committee is gathering to reproduce a map, and they themselves are setting the competition, wouldn't it be better if map designers were independent and not influenced by the "committee" setting the competition? lol

It sounds like bad idea and reminds me of the movie Dark City... closing off pathways, moving cells around ledges, reducing jump distances. What is that?

Usually you are a good mapper... you release your map... you get feedback... you adapt in the next version, then people play your map for years or not, good luck!

Seems like Lurq is a slave to the immediate whims of player's, when player's should be able to _play_ any map, and not be fussy or want the map to change, because they can't jump over a ledge... why do you think we have strafe jumping? Do you think we'd have it if someone kept reducing ledge distances? I think changing the map like this is reducing ingenuity.

Try not working too hard Lurq! If your time is so pReCiOuS maybe you should save it, and like disappear into a cave! lol kjking. sorry.

/me tunes out... breaks through a wall at the end of the world... no beach... only a rouse trying to extract the spirit of the qw psyche... ohsh...

(Edited 2016-10-30, 19:15)
2016-10-28, 11:04
hong tong hong tong hong tong hong tong hong tong hong tong hong tong hong tong hong tong hong tong hong tong hong tong hong tong hong tong hong tong hong tong hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! hadooga! belurp? belurp? belurp? belurp? belurp? belurp? belurp? belurp? belurp?
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