How to server
The easiest way of running a server is installing nQuakesv package. webpage
It includes everything you need to start a server, including:
It is preconfigured, just asks the user simple questions to complete the configuration. Take note on the ports the servers will be running (you must know them to connect to the servers)
KTX Server Setup
If for some reason you need to upgrade KTX, you'll have to compile it. here's how to do it (using dimman's github)
1. git clone 2. cd ktx 3. optional step: change version in ktx/include/g_local.h under MOD_VERSION (line 41) to something meaningful like 1.37-dev_patch1 4. ./configure 5. make dl 6. ls -altr (look for 7. copy to ktx/ folder 8. restart the server
When restarting the server, if it outputs a message about failing to load you'll have to recompile mvdsv also.
If you haven't done it already, you should edit pwd.cfg and change the rcon password. You should also edit portX.cfg and change the sv_serverip to the external (WAN) ip:port of the machine.
Compiling MVDSV (using dimman's github):
1. git clone 2. cd mvdsv/build/make/ 3. ./configure 4. make 5. chmod 755 mvdsv 6. copy mvdsv to your quake/ folder
Then run it. it has several command line parameters, such as -port (to choose port) -game (to choose folder) and +exec (to automatically run a cfg and +set sv_getrealip ). Example mvdsv execution commands:
./mvdsv +game ctf -port 27502 +set sv_getrealip 1 ./mvdsv -port 27500 -game prox +exec qw_server.cfg ./mvdsv -port 27501 -game ktx +exec port1.cfg
Firewall Configuration
iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p udp -i eth1 --dport 27500 -j DNAT --to
Raspberry Pi server
eb compiled mvdsv and ktx binaries for Raspberry Pi.
Download the raspberry pi binaries from here
Test results:
- with 7 players + 1 spec, cpu usage was around 80% with everyone spamming sng at dm3 outside
- in conclusion it will be enough for 2on2, not sure on a competitive 4on4 match.
Spike also compiled binaries for FTE, both client and server. Download them from here