Finally after over half a year of being in beta, Chilling Spree is now considered "stable". There are things to work on still, but they are less of bugs and more of features/ideas.
The future 1.1 release will focus on getting the modes working better and start developing a simpler menu that gets the job done in a more intuitive and comfortable way. Later on I will start to work on getting another system in that will ask you for what mode you want to play and what map, then enter an intermission mode (prewar, cooperative, etc) while waiting for players and possibly querying the other servers that a game is starting.
I am also trying to figure out a better way to get mixes going, be sure to drop off any extra ideas about this.
There is also partial code for teleporter predictions, meaning that you could be teleported regardless of ping and not be stuck in the teleporter.
Be sure to try out the mode I designed some parts of by original ideas, Duel Arena.
Contact for inquiry:
Servers: - Kill The King (with maprotation) - Head Hunters (with maprotation) - Casual team modes (cspree modes) - Normal competitive modes (1on1/2on2/4on4) - Duel Arena
Automatic "rpickup" when there are 8 people. Allow force_start by vote to eliminate idlers. Done.