Well, the good news is I got an awesome amount of sleep: 12 hours! I have ParadokS to thank for this, because he allowed me the use of his pro-gamer couch to sleep on, while he slept on the bed. ParadokS snores really loud, but what is really disturbing is that every now and then he talks in his sleep stuff like "quad soon" and "dag, 1on1?"
[update: pix below (and
tournament bracket)]
The bad news...
The bad news is that only LocKtar is here for my group. Yesterday, all of the "newbies" showed up, and it was quite fun for those group games; but for my group today, nobody showed except LocKtar. I did win some games vs tobbe who is here with his girlfriend, maybe I'll play his girlfriend next, because everybody else is 2good.
Which brings me to riker, who is scheduled to play my game for playoffs.
The rest of playoffs should be online somewhere. I will be concerning myself with organizing some sort of demo-pack for later. Everybody is here for the playoffs except locust, he is probably trying to break my sleep time record
Update, pics:
Ake Vader playing riker (Ake's hud; he is like the only one with scr_newhud 1)
Some kind of swedish blablablaLocKtar and Nabbe (Nabbe refused to do a Dag biceps impression)
Locust and bpsTobes from the UK warming up with some LGC2 Adr3 with his gameface, nabbe playing (I thought Adr3 would be more obnoxious, he is actually pretty cool)
Tobes and with his girlfriend (Blurry because I could not use flash, probably because this couple is already so
Did I say gameface? Now this is a gameface! Adr3, locKtarInferno, nabbe practicing (some close game on DM4) (ParaheaD in the background, and also Adrenalin's elite "New Block" hat hehehe)
tournament bracketReppie and bps have finally showed up in the playoff area (they are energizing with some coffee right now)