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2007-05-16, 19:34
28 posts

Apr 2007
I enjoyed this riddle, I found it quite interresting and amusing. It took me about 45mins, not trying to pull out a speed or IQ contest or what ever, just good times for my qw community pals =0

Have fun,



* There are 5 houses each of which is a different color
* In each house lives a person with a different nationality
* These 5 owners drink only a certain type of beverage, smoke only a certain brand of cigar, and keep only a certain type of pet
* No two owners have the same type of pet, smoke the same brand of cigar nor drink the same type of drink.

Here's the question: Who owns the fish?

1. The Brit lives in a red house
2. The Swede keeps dogs as pets
3. The Dane drinks tea
4. The green house is immediately to the left of the white house
5. The green house owner drinks coffee
6. The person who smokes Pall Mall owns pet birds
7. The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill
8. The man living in the house right in the middle drinks milk
9. The Norwegian lives in the leftmost house
10. The man who smokes Blend lives next door to the one who keeps cats.
11. The man who keeps horses lives next door to the man who smokes Dunhill
12. The owner who smokes Blue Master drinks beer
13. The German smokes Prince
14. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house
15. The man who smokes Blend has a neighbor who drinks water
2007-05-16, 20:43
200 posts

Apr 2006
i've solved that 5~6 year ago

took less then 10 min, good luck guys =)
2007-05-17, 08:04
1102 posts

Jan 2006
Pretty easy to solve with a pen and paper. As far as I know it is totally not related to Einstein though as it is nothing but a common logic puzzle.
2007-05-17, 10:45
98 posts

Feb 2006
well 10 mins later and it doesnt make sense how can the green house be to the left of a white house it doesnt work out like that

einstein is wrong
2007-05-17, 12:46
News Writer
2260 posts

Jan 2006
havnt solved it yet, will try later tonight!

ps if u have the answer and give out spoilers then write =SPOILERWARNING= or something that ppl will notice before reading
2007-05-18, 04:37
28 posts

Apr 2007
yeah spliffy just figure it like 5 neighbors on the same side of a street
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