66 posts
Feb 2006
ok guys i need your help with this "project" to get avi of the gametv qw episode which is recorded to vcr tape
more info here: on the comments.
284 posts
Oct 2006
ok guys i need your help with this "project" to get avi of the gametv qw episode which is recorded to vcr tape
more info here: on the comments.
Was the actual broadcast longer than what can be streamed from the site now or why would you want to extract it from VHS
And maybe we could ask Wabbit, JKova or Mirage if it would be possible to get it as a downloadable better quality file as opposed to the stream they have now. Ofcourse you could extract it from the stream, but that seems kinda redundant
Click here for the stream (wmv)
1265 posts
Jan 2006
make sure u use proper compression settings. Movie gurus, help!
If they are away, u can try own-age tutorials to get some info
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
89 posts
Mar 2006
Imo you need some professional equipment to convert it to a digital form without using a digital videorecorder. So your best bet is to put the tape playing and record it with a cam!
News Writer
493 posts
Jan 2006
can't you get a tv tuner, and tune it to the vhs playing on tv?
66 posts
Feb 2006
nionic: the tv version has much better resolution than the stream, so naterelly what we were after was to get video with better quality if someone is still willing to do the subtittles and stuff for PR purposes. the fast that is on vhs tape might have already killed this project
dunno...have to wait and see.
and we wont get any better version of the material from the gametv people thats for sure, believe me i have asked few times