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Maps & Textures
2007-09-01, 02:41
715 posts

May 2006
Hey all.

Now that KTK is running again, I've asked around for custom duel maps and got nice responses from mappers like voodoochopstiks, distrans, Tiddles, inertia and bambuz.
This is the map that is being developed by voodoochopstiks, but he needs your feedback! Play it out a few times and comment here with ideas, suggestions, criticism, etc, anything is appreciated.


Servers with the map:

Edit: Latest version is travelert6
---Where can you see lions? Only in kenya! Come to kenya we've got lions.
2007-09-01, 14:16
5 posts

Sep 2007
I've got the level on the web at

Thanks molgrum, I just wanted to add that I haven't really gotten started on the graphics much yet, but I'd be happy for some style suggestions as well as everything else. Feedback would be really appreciated!

The map is also on as well as ports 28501-28503 for you continentals.

I put up two screenshots:
2007-09-01, 14:24
715 posts

May 2006
The list is updated.
---Where can you see lions? Only in kenya! Come to kenya we've got lions.
2007-09-01, 14:53
156 posts

Mar 2006
I just had a little fun jumping around on travelert1 on xs4all and I must say that this map would have quite some potential. However, I really hate maps where you can die from "falling down" like on q1dm17/skull, so I'm afraid you won't see me playing this. Good luck though - looks quite solid!
Save a cow, crucify a christian!
2007-09-02, 06:37
1026 posts

Feb 2006
tried the map
it is interesting, but kind of rough to navigate

voodoochopstiks can you make a QW-adapted conversion for your CPM map, Astronomy?
i love the map!
god damn hippies >_<
2007-09-02, 07:25
364 posts

Oct 2006
seems too dark
2007-09-02, 10:51
5 posts

Sep 2007
Astronomy Remake: Maybe later, probably never.

Darkness: Screenshots didn't take my gamma value for some reason, have you tried it in game?
2007-09-05, 09:25
5 posts

Sep 2007
T3 is up!

Not much has happened, some ammo adjustments, performance optimizations and a new path out from slime. You are also allowed to get on the ceiling of the map in certain places.
2007-12-21, 22:44
5 posts

Sep 2007
Been a while since I updated this thread, it's now up to

It is on the gravity servers.

Feedback is still appreciated! I'm going overseas but I'll be back in ~12 days.
2007-12-22, 06:13
715 posts

May 2006
I'll update the first post with the correct URL.
---Where can you see lions? Only in kenya! Come to kenya we've got lions.
2007-12-23, 15:56
31 posts

Nov 2007
this is a fun map and really needs more feedback
2007-12-23, 18:40
715 posts

May 2006
I'm afraid that the void (instant death) will never be seen as positive on a map, can something creative be done here to give someone a chance to survive when falling down (like on dm4)?
---Where can you see lions? Only in kenya! Come to kenya we've got lions.
2007-12-24, 03:57
31 posts

Nov 2007
molgrum wrote:
I'm afraid that the void (instant death) will never be seen as positive on a map, can something creative be done here to give someone a chance to survive when falling down (like on dm4)?

maybe instead of insta-death it teleported you to a dis-advantageous spot depending on where you fell? where...i'd have to make sure that someone couldn't 'exploit' the teleport to escape.

and failing that, yeah, just make it a pool of slime or something and put a few walls up
2007-12-24, 12:56
News Writer
438 posts

Jan 2006
what about teleport him to a prison for about 2-3 sec
2007-12-24, 22:42
230 posts

Jan 2006
Maybe some shallow lava to give some damage before teleporting back to map.
The teleport "layer" underneith the lava could be made out of several teleports side by side and then make that "layer" move horizontally so that you can't be sure where you end up i.e. which teleport you will enter.
Does this makes sense? Maybe it's not feasible at all?
2007-12-25, 17:10
31 posts

Nov 2007
Moon[Drunk wrote:
']Maybe some shallow lava to give some damage before teleporting back to map.
The teleport "layer" underneith the lava could be made out of several teleports side by side and then make that "layer" move horizontally so that you can't be sure where you end up i.e. which teleport you will enter.
Does this makes sense? Maybe it's not feasible at all?

I think that both teleporters and moving platforms are considered func's and I don't think you can tie more than one func to a single brush/entity unless qw has some sort of func_multi like half life does
2007-12-25, 19:15
1102 posts

Jan 2006
You can't move a func_teleport.
2020-11-27, 13:19
14 posts

Aug 2010
Just discovered this thread... I have to comment that this is by far my favorite duel map off all time.

Really awesome map. Have played 1000's of games on it with some friends who also love it.

Thank you for creating this awesome map!!
2022-05-04, 12:15
5 posts

Sep 2007
WaskoP wrote:
Just discovered this thread... I have to comment that this is by far my favorite duel map off all time.

Really awesome map. Have played 1000's of games on it with some friends who also love it.

Thank you for creating this awesome map!!

Hey Wasko, I haven't logged in here for like a decade, thanks so much for taking the time to write. I'm really glad you and your friends enjoy it!
2022-06-06, 16:13
2 posts

Dec 2021
Hey @voodoochopstiks if you're still listening.. we have a little community of (north american) qw-ers that enjoy custom maps (, particularly for 2v2, and travelert6 has slowly risen to probably be our #1 of all the custom maps we've been trying.

This map really plays in a unique way that is different from all other maps.. relatively open (but not too open thanks to the middle "pillar", lots of ramps and jumps, and the hilarious effects when you get to shove someone into the void. RA placement is brilliant, and Quad seems annoying but it results in great fights for it requiring a bit of strategy (you need to protect your teammate going for quad and/or wait for the right moment when the enemy is all dead).

Would LOVE more maps like this.. in fact I made a map (touristb12, note the name) which was trying to take inspiration from it, but failed to make it feel similar enough (

Lots of custom maps all end up playing very samey, they all aspire to be aerowalk-alike or some other standard atrium configuration. Travelert6 somehow feels different!
2022-07-07, 05:34
23 posts

Jan 2007
Dude, this map is the shit. I played it with a friend extensively yesterday, and must say, that this map just feels awesome. Yeah there are out of bounds areas like on Skull.bsp - but the overall feeling is very positive.

How have I not see it before.... I'll try to suggest this map for Polish Duel League.
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