Member 22 posts
Registered: May 2006
i would like to know if it is possible to make the rl model stay when my weapon script goes back to axe. i would like to keep it in view for aiming purposes... anyone know how to do this?
Member 229 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
Yes. First take a look at weapon preselection. http://ezquake.sourceforge.net/docs/?weapon-handling. After you have weapon preselection in use instead of impulses, you can use cmd: r_viewpreselgun "1". For example; cl_weaponhide 1;cl_weaponpreselection 1;r_viewpreselgun 1 bind mouse1 +rocket alias +rocket "weapon 7;+attack" alias -rocket "-attack" This will change your weapon automatically to sg/axe after you fire your weapon but it will still show rocket launcher in your hands. TEAM QUAD [need nothing] shaga loses another friend shaga discovers blast radius QUAD
Member 312 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
that sounds cheaty, yet again the ezquake crew have brought some silly improvements to quake which they dont report loudly about or ask opinion should it be okay. even if it doesnt work with smackdown
Member 229 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
To me it doesn't sound very cheaty, it's just a weapon model. TEAM QUAD [need nothing] shaga loses another friend shaga discovers blast radius QUAD
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
agree, seeing what weapon you have "equipped" is a cheat
weapon scripts that help you not drop important weapons is not a cheat though..
it's common sense, helloooooo???
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Preselect gives "sg-script" functionality to players who use one button for +attack and n keys to select weapon. It's fair.
Member 355 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
I don't get how on earth you could consider this a cheat...
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i think it's silly to think ezquake dev should "ask for public opinion" before they add anything to ezquake
talk about slowing down development
but then again, for fuhquake users - slowing down ezq development is a good thing.
Member 950 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Haha And since when should unpaid devs doing coding for fun ask for any opinion if they don't feel like it? Don't like ezquake? Go the FTE way (oh and come back to tell us if the FTE team asks you for opinion)
Member 229 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
<_Luke_> but i am wanting this new script to go back to axe after firing yet it goes back to impulse 2 ... <_Luke_> when i shoot any other weapon i want r_drawviewmodel to disappear and come back to reappear as rl drawviewmodel after i finnish firing <_Luke_ > basically the rl model to be there at all times except for when i fire anything else AND still go back to impulse 0 when im not firing rockets Why is it problem that it goes back to sg and not axe if you still see(and want to see) your RL model? If you really want it to go back axe, you can use stuff like this.. Rocket Launcher in hand after firing one shot but really having axe in hand: r_viewpreselgun "1";cl_weaponpreselect "1";cl_weaponhide "1" alias +rl "weapon 7 6 5 3 2 1;+attack" alias -rl "-attack;impulse 1" bind mouse1 +rl But why bother if it's axe or sg in your hand because everyone else have shotgun already and you drop all your ammo anyway. TEAM QUAD [need nothing] shaga loses another friend shaga discovers blast radius QUAD
Member 355 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
And using axe when everyone else has SG means your opponents could identify you in a 4on4, so if you get first rl on e1m2 and someone hit you with 3 or 4 SG hits, there's a good chance you'll be flooded and you'll lose your team's first RL because they could identify the only RL carrier early. Even if 2 of your opponents use axe opposed to SG, it's still dumb because 50/50 is still a damn good chance of guessing who has the RL.
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Guys, add mipa to your ignore lists, just as I did long time ago. Too much drama for nothing
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
When you install quake1 from cd, play singerplayer, isn't the gun there? How the heck could one call it cheat then?
Or am i out bicykling?
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Haha And since when should unpaid devs doing coding for fun ask for any opinion if they don't feel like it? Don't like ezquake? Go the FTE way (oh and come back to tell us if the FTE team asks you for opinion) Yeah and they shouldnt, they can ask what to disallow in the ruleset