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QuakeWorld Duel League
2008-09-27, 09:17
188 posts

May 2007
The second week of the QWDL will end tonight. I will post a list with the names of the players who still havent played their week1 matches yet. It would be nice if those players could reply and tell me what the problem is. You signed up for this tournament, you knew that you have to play 1 game per week (meanwhile we raised the timelimit to 2 weeks) and it isnt that difficult to get a game with only 2 player scheduled. The problem is, that in the end some players will have played all their games some only a few and some maybe only 1. So this will make the whole promote/demote process useless, since the strongest player of a division has maybe only played 1 or 2 games and stays in the same division and fucks up the whole next season, if he decides to play all his games and rapes everybody.

So here is the list:

Shalnoi, Kraner, Jen4, xtje, 202, strider, Str8 Edge, hunter, ganjalf, an3, vrtx, ruskie, Inf, Birdflyer, Hawr1x, Hunter^, Alex[lam], anupko, sane, tumult, panic, Mors, 187, marvel, GonzaleS, back-up, perron, akss, john, heag, ParadokS, Bulat, Arnette, jOn, razor, xpr, ]SR[insane, goblin, xalibur, Inferno, nitemare, piranha, jukka, dot, meshuggah, markku, kip, bon3z, finalien, KorbenDallas, fog, rikey, Grumx, dra1nman, Trygve, dk, miroslav, monolith, afax, Traxler, Rikoll, Miller, RasengaN, dudark, DuMbl4, Faza, votary, sailorman, loloquaker, arbata, B1aze, murdoc, bent, roz

I have seen some of those players on IRC, some posted here on the forum and I even saw some playing QW.

I know that some players on this list want to play their games and are unable to find/contact their opponent. To those, please post here anyway, it will make it easier for us to give the W.O to the right person.

So play and report your games!
2008-09-27, 09:46
8 posts

Mar 2006
Haven't been able to find dot. He was on #nopasaran! a few weeks ago but haven't seen him since then.
2008-09-27, 10:37
518 posts

Jan 2006
rofl me? i played 2 games in the first week already, and i have contacted b1aze like 10 times, but he always says that he is lagging or he will contact me later or then day after which he never does.
2008-09-27, 10:48
1435 posts

Jan 2006
I hope this question is on-topic: Are you admins able to watch the conversation between players when they send messages to each other using that web form? Coz that way you'd be able to see which player was the active one in negotiating the schedule and who didn't reply and that could make deciding on activity/walkovers easier.
2008-09-27, 21:29
173 posts

Jun 2008
No, we can't see the messages that have been sent (tbh I thought about it but decided against due to possible whining). What we do log is if a player has logged in each day. So far, whenever someone has contacted me with regards to a no-show the other player has not logged in to the website (often or at all). This is how the site can (will) postpone on a player's behalf.

Players can leave a comment on the match and we have a private forum to make a note of these things.
2008-09-28, 16:23
News Writer
2260 posts

Jan 2006
roz = sassa if you guys didnt know

I will play after this upcoming Friday, I have been intuch with bent/kip and some other players.
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