examples: [22:01:17] * #quakeworld: phrenic checks his glasses (bye twk-n\a)
[21:12:15] * #quakeworld: phrenic (~phrenic@81-229-7-29-o1120.telia.com) left the game with 91 frags (Signed off)
; quake mirc script by HellMagic
; changes join, part, quit, nick and kick messages to something more appropriate
alias quakeversion return 0.22
on ^1:join:#:echo $colour(join) -t # * # $+ : $iif($nick != $me, $nick $iif($address,( $+ $ifmatch $+ )) entered the game,Connected.) | halt
on ^1:part:#:echo $colour(part) -t # * # $+ : $nick $iif($address,( $+ $ifmatch $+ )) dropped $iif($1-,( $+ $1- $+ )) | halt
on ^1:quit:if ($comchan($nick,0)) { var %i = 1 | while ($comchan($nick,%i)) { var %f = $int($calc($nick($comchan($nick,%i),$nick).idle /60)) | echo $colour(quit) -t $ifmatch * $ifmatch $+ : $nick($ifmatch,$nick).pnick $iif($address,( $+ $ifmatch $+ )) left the game with %f $iif(%f != 1,frags,frag) $iif($1,( $+ $1- $+ )) | inc %i } } | else { echo $colour(quit) -st * $nick $iif($address,( $+ $ifmatch $+ )) left the game with -1 frag $iif($1,( $+ $1- $+ )) } | halt
on ^1:nick:var %i = 1 | while ($comchan($newnick,%i)) { echo $colour(nick) -t $ifmatch * $nick changed name to $newnick | inc %i } | halt
on ^1:kick:#:{
var %qw.m,%qw.k
if ($knick == $nick) {
%qw.m = electrocutes himself,tries to put the pin back in,becomes bored with life,discharges into the slime,discharges into the lava,discharges into the water,sleeps with the fishes,sucks it down,gulped a load of slime,can't exist on slime alone,burst into flames,turned into hot slag,visits the Volcano God,suicides,was squished,fell to his death,tried to leave
%qw.k = $knick $gettok(%qw.m,$rand(1,$numtok(%qw.m,44)),44)
else if (. isin $nick) {
%qw.m = blew up,was spiked,was zapped,ate a lavaball,died
%qw.k = $knick $gettok(%qw.m,$rand(1,$numtok(%qw.m,44)),44)
else if ($knick isop $chan) {
%qw.m = squished a teammate,mows down a teammate,checks his glasses,loses another friend,gets a frag for the other team
%qw.k = $nick $gettok(%qw.m,$rand(1,$numtok(%qw.m,44)),44) (bye $knick $+ )
else {
%qw.m = $knick was telefragged by $nick , $nick squishes $knick , $knick was nailed by $nick , $knick was punctured by $nick , $knick was ax-murdered by $nick , $knick eats $nick $+ 's pineapple, $knick was gibbed by $nick $+ 's grenade, $knick was brutalized by $nick $+ 's quad rocket, $knick was smeared by $nick $+ 's quad rocket, $nick rips $knick a new one, $knick rides $nick $+ 's rocket, $knick was gibbed by $nick $+ 's rocket, $knick chewed on $nick $+ 's boomstick, $knick ate 2 loads of $nick $+ 's buckshot, $knick accepts $nick $+ 's shaft
%qw.k = $gettok(%qw.m,$rand(1,$numtok(%qw.m,44)),44)
echo $colour(kick) -t # * # $+ : %qw.k $iif($1-,( $+ $1- $+ ))
[21:12:15] * #quakeworld: phrenic (~phrenic@81-229-7-29-o1120.telia.com) left the game with 91 frags (Signed off)
; quake mirc script by HellMagic
; changes join, part, quit, nick and kick messages to something more appropriate
alias quakeversion return 0.22
on ^1:join:#:echo $colour(join) -t # * # $+ : $iif($nick != $me, $nick $iif($address,( $+ $ifmatch $+ )) entered the game,Connected.) | halt
on ^1:part:#:echo $colour(part) -t # * # $+ : $nick $iif($address,( $+ $ifmatch $+ )) dropped $iif($1-,( $+ $1- $+ )) | halt
on ^1:quit:if ($comchan($nick,0)) { var %i = 1 | while ($comchan($nick,%i)) { var %f = $int($calc($nick($comchan($nick,%i),$nick).idle /60)) | echo $colour(quit) -t $ifmatch * $ifmatch $+ : $nick($ifmatch,$nick).pnick $iif($address,( $+ $ifmatch $+ )) left the game with %f $iif(%f != 1,frags,frag) $iif($1,( $+ $1- $+ )) | inc %i } } | else { echo $colour(quit) -st * $nick $iif($address,( $+ $ifmatch $+ )) left the game with -1 frag $iif($1,( $+ $1- $+ )) } | halt
on ^1:nick:var %i = 1 | while ($comchan($newnick,%i)) { echo $colour(nick) -t $ifmatch * $nick changed name to $newnick | inc %i } | halt
on ^1:kick:#:{
var %qw.m,%qw.k
if ($knick == $nick) {
%qw.m = electrocutes himself,tries to put the pin back in,becomes bored with life,discharges into the slime,discharges into the lava,discharges into the water,sleeps with the fishes,sucks it down,gulped a load of slime,can't exist on slime alone,burst into flames,turned into hot slag,visits the Volcano God,suicides,was squished,fell to his death,tried to leave
%qw.k = $knick $gettok(%qw.m,$rand(1,$numtok(%qw.m,44)),44)
else if (. isin $nick) {
%qw.m = blew up,was spiked,was zapped,ate a lavaball,died
%qw.k = $knick $gettok(%qw.m,$rand(1,$numtok(%qw.m,44)),44)
else if ($knick isop $chan) {
%qw.m = squished a teammate,mows down a teammate,checks his glasses,loses another friend,gets a frag for the other team
%qw.k = $nick $gettok(%qw.m,$rand(1,$numtok(%qw.m,44)),44) (bye $knick $+ )
else {
%qw.m = $knick was telefragged by $nick , $nick squishes $knick , $knick was nailed by $nick , $knick was punctured by $nick , $knick was ax-murdered by $nick , $knick eats $nick $+ 's pineapple, $knick was gibbed by $nick $+ 's grenade, $knick was brutalized by $nick $+ 's quad rocket, $knick was smeared by $nick $+ 's quad rocket, $nick rips $knick a new one, $knick rides $nick $+ 's rocket, $knick was gibbed by $nick $+ 's rocket, $knick chewed on $nick $+ 's boomstick, $knick ate 2 loads of $nick $+ 's buckshot, $knick accepts $nick $+ 's shaft
%qw.k = $gettok(%qw.m,$rand(1,$numtok(%qw.m,44)),44)
echo $colour(kick) -t # * # $+ : %qw.k $iif($1-,( $+ $1- $+ ))