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Client Talk
2009-01-17, 05:20
7 posts

Jun 2006
so i had a nice hud set up, but it will not display at all in newer ez versions, only the classic will display. I used the same cfg in 1.8 and it worked fine. Anyone else have this problem?

Here's my current cfg. I deleted my old hud to see if i could redo it, and i still cant get a hud. I CAN however, if i hit reload default settings in ez but that doesnt really help...

thanks for replys in advance
/// ///
/// ///
/// E Z Q U A K E C O N F I G U R A T I O N ///
/// ///
/// ///

// //
// C O M M A N D L I N E //
// //

// ezquake-gl.exe-width1280-height800+setvid_displayfrequency75

// //
// V A R I A B L E S //
// //

//Only variables with non-default values are listed below.
//You can use "cfg_save_unchanged 1" to save all variables.

//Player Settings
bottomcolor "1"
topcolor "3"
name "ssaknup"
rate "10000"
team "none"

//Skin Settings
teamskin "team.png"

//Console Settings
gl_consolefont "8.png"

//Chat Settings
cl_fakename "ssak"
s_chat_custom "0"

//FPS and EyeCandy Settings
cl_deadbodyFilter "1"
cl_independentPhysics "0"
cl_maxfps "77"
cl_model_bobbing "0"
r_explosionLightColor "5"
r_explosionType "0"

//Particle Effects
gl_bounceparticles "0"
gl_clipparticles "0"
gl_particle_blood_color "0"
gl_particle_blood_type "0"
gl_particle_gunshots_type "0"
gl_particle_spikes_type "0"
gl_particle_trail_detail "0"
gl_particle_trail_lenght "0"
gl_particle_trail_time "0"
gl_particle_trail_type "0"
gl_particle_trail_width "0"

gl_lighting_colour "1"
gl_loadlitfiles "0"
r_lightmap "1"

//Turbulency and Sky Settings
gl_fogend "0"
gl_fogstart "0"
gl_turbfogDensity "0"
r_skyname "lmmnts1"

//Weapon View Model Settings
cl_bob "0.0"
r_viewmodelSize "0.65"
r_viewmodeloffset "0"

//Texture Settings
gl_anisotropy "0"
gl_max_size "2048"
gl_subdivide_size "128"
r_floorcolor "255 255 255"
r_wallcolor "40 40 40"

//OpenGL Rendering
gl_inferno_speed "0"
gl_inferno_trail "0"
gl_lightning_size "0"
gl_ztrick "1"

//System Settings
sys_yieldcpu "1"

//Video Settings
vid_colorbits "32"
vid_conheight "400"
vid_customheight "800"
vid_customwidth "1280"
vid_displayfrequency "75"
vid_mode "-1"

//Sound Settings
volume "0.1"

//Input - Mouse
in_m_smooth "1"
in_mouse "2"
m_rate "500"

//Input - Misc
sensitivity "5.2"

//Server Browser
sb_showaddress "1"
sb_showfraglimit "1"
sb_showgamedir "1"
sb_showtimelimit "1"

//Status Bar and Scoreboard
scr_newhud "2"
scr_scoreboard_fillalpha "0.4"

//Crosshair Settings
crosshair "1"
crosshairimage "2"

//Screen Settings
cl_multiview "4"
gl_contrast "1.9"
gl_gamma "0.8"
r_tracker_streaks "1"

//Screen & Powerup Blends
cl_bonusflash "0"
gl_polyblend "0"
v_contentblend "1"
v_damagecshift "1"
v_pentcshift "1"
v_quadcshift "1"
v_ringcshift "1"
v_suitcshift "1"

//View Settings
fov "120"
v_viewheight "-6"

//Demo Handling
demo_format "mvd"
qwdtools_dir ""

//Server Settings
skill "2"

//Unsorted Variables
menu_advanced "1"

// //
// S E L E C T E D S O U R C E S //
// //

sb_sourcemark "Global"

// //
// A L I A S E S //
// //

alias zoom_in "sensitivity 2;fov 90;wait;fov 70;wait;fov 50;wait;fov 30;wait;fov 10;wait;fov 5;bind F11 zoom_out"
alias zoom_out "sensitivity 4;fov 5;wait;fov 10;wait;fov 30;wait;fov 50;wait;fov 70;wait;fov 90;bind F11 zoom_in; sensitivity 3"

// //
// T E A M P L A Y C O M M A N D S //
// //

tp_pickup default
tp_took default
tp_point default

filter clear

// //
// M I S C E L L A N E O U S C O M M A N D S //
// //

mapgroup clear

skygroup clear

floodprot 4 4 10


// //
// P L U S C O M M A N D S //
// //


// //
// K E Y B I N D I N G S //
// //

bind TAB "+showscores"
bind ENTER "mp3_songinfo"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "tp_msgpoint"
bind + "sizeup"
bind , "+moveleft"
bind - "sizedown"
bind . "+moveright"
bind / "impulse 10"
bind 0 "impulse 0"
bind 1 "impulse 1"
bind 2 "impulse 2"
bind 3 "impulse 3"
bind 4 "impulse 4"
bind 5 "impulse 5"
bind 6 "impulse 6"
bind 7 "impulse 7"
bind 8 "impulse 8"
bind = "sizeup"
bind \ "+mlook"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind c "weapon 4"
bind d "+moveright"
bind e "weapon 6"
bind f "weapon 2"
bind q "weapon 5"
bind s "+back"
bind t "messagemode"
bind w "+forward"
bind x "tp_msgreport"
bind z "weapon 1"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind UPARROW "+forward"
bind DOWNARROW "+back"
bind LEFTARROW "+left"
bind RIGHTARROW "+right"
bind ALT "+strafe"
bind CTRL "+attack"
bind SHIFT "tp_msgquaddead"
bind F1 "help"
bind F2 "menu_save"
bind F3 "menu_load"
bind F4 "menu_options"
bind F5 "menu_multiplayer"
bind F6 "echo Quicksaving...; wait; save quick"
bind F9 "echo Quickloading...; wait; load quick"
bind F10 "quit"
bind F11 "zoom_in"
bind F12 "screenshot"
bind INS "+klook"
bind DEL "+lookdown"
bind PGDN "+lookup"
bind END "centerview"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+jump"
bind MOUSE3 "weapon 3"
bind MWHEELUP "weapon 7"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapon 8"
2009-01-17, 05:29
705 posts

Feb 2006
maybe a comparsion screenshot.jpg will help us out
2009-01-17, 06:15
7 posts

Jun 2006
ok here is the flow chart of events.

loaded ez 1.9.2 - went to options and chose to reset to default, then when and switched hud to "new". here is result, with the cfg i saved immediately after:

THEN I went to options and loaded my main cfg, and like last time I turned the hud to "new" this is the result with cfg:

I can't figure it out....................... :/
2009-01-17, 09:31
1435 posts

Jan 2006
Try with non-custom screen resolution.
2009-01-17, 11:15
1329 posts

Apr 2006
Try two things and report back:

1) type "/show all" in the console OR

2) type "/scr_newhud 0" in the console


Actually I don't think those will do the trick, I just tested your config and it works ok for me. It's like you are missing something from your ezQuake installation.
Servers: Troopers
2009-01-18, 05:55
7 posts

Jun 2006
ok so i just found the problem and i think it may be a bug....

i change cl_multiview from 4 to 0 and BAM new hud worked.... isn't that variable supposed to be only for mvd demos?
2009-01-19, 12:44
1864 posts

Feb 2006
No, it also decides weather to use multiview hud or multiview hud+regular hud, etc etc
2009-02-04, 14:25
33 posts

Aug 2008
alias f_spawn "if $demoplayback = mvdplayback cl_multiview 2 else cl_multiview 0"
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