60 posts
Apr 2006
Further discussion found here:
The CRMod++ manual's description of the feature found here:
"Practice - Phat respawns (200 armour, 100 health, all weapons)
- Unlimited ammo
- When you damage another player, the player name and the
amount of damage are displayed on the screen
- When you are killed, the health of the person who killed you
is displayed on the screen
- Weapon, ammo and backpack items do not appear (this reduces
network traffic)"
It was actually very successful as often the server would be full while players competed for the most frags. Also a great mode for warming up and practicing aim without hogging the server such as when playing dmm4 mode.
-Fun and enables players to practice before a match.
-Reduces the time and eliminates hogging the server playing dmm4 to warm-up.
-The server would fill up with say 10 players during practice mode and it made everyone feel pumped and ready to play a 4on4 match therefore many times there was an argument as to the 2-players would be to leave the server or go spec.
Solution: The server takes note of who the first 8 players that joined and when switching to say a 4on4 match reconnects the remaining 2 players as specs.
312 posts
Feb 2006
I hope there's an option to not be involved in such practice mode for all the bunny-hoppers and trick masters out there
60 posts
Apr 2006
Practice Mode would be similar to a dmm4-ffa style of play and as many players that join the server (up to 10-12) are welcomed to join in at any time. On the crmod++ servers I've been on it usually takes place on team maps (but any map can be played) because players are just passing time or warming up while waiting for more players to show-up for a team-game. I'm not sure but I imagined the devs would make this mode an option to be voted upon and when the players are ready to play a dm-match they would vote back to dmm3 (default) mode. If you and a buddy joined an empty server it would likely be no different than today other than you could vote for Practice Mode to warmup while waiting for more players to show if you wanted to.
312 posts
Feb 2006
What I meant and would like to see is not a mode forced upon the whole server and all of its players, but more like a command to have a player participating in the ffa. So all people could choose whether or not they want to participate in the dmm4-ffa, and would have some sort of peace bunnyhopping and rocketjumping around