
Member 174 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
As you probably could guess after the first vote that there will be non-tb3. Since there were so many opinions about which maps should be the non-tb3s we decided to listen to you once again! So vote for your favorite combination of maps! (Notice! The maps in EQL 10 are: Tb3 + the maps the majority votes for)
The poll results will be checked: 2009 - 10 - 13 (th)
Member 25 posts
Registered: May 2006
i grew up doin dumb shit that made me wise coulda died ten times that made me live
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Fuck yes! I'm all for any map pool that includes the gem that is cmt1b. My personal preference is to have it paired with cmt3, but 4 is easily the most widely known of all custom maps so my money's on that to win the vote outright.
Voted cmt1b and cmt3!
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
should have been a multi option poll. Now alternatives like e2m2-midcit takes votes from the options that are likely to win. 
Member 133 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Member 78 posts
Registered: Aug 2006
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
On the other hand i dunno how to do it better.  Cos there are flaws in almost any way i can think of.
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
On the other hand i dunno how to do it better.  Cos there are flaws in almost any way i can think of. Easily. Make a multichoice poll, one map for each possibility, everyone has to vote for two maps (not one or three or more). The two maps getting the most votes are included in the mappool then.
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
(offtopic, sorry): I quickly put up 4on4 Maps category on the wiki yesterday. Any help with adding more relevant maps in there is appreciated, kthnx!
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
On the other hand i dunno how to do it better.  Cos there are flaws in almost any way i can think of. Easily. Make a multichoice poll, one map for each possibility, everyone has to vote for two maps (not one or three or more). The two maps getting the most votes are included in the mappool then. Current poll can be counted like that if the admins so wish. No need to redo it anyways.
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
On the other hand i dunno how to do it better.  Cos there are flaws in almost any way i can think of. Easily. Make a multichoice poll, one map for each possibility, everyone has to vote for two maps (not one or three or more). The two maps getting the most votes are included in the mappool then. Then there is no proper choice for people that want map X, but don't care which is the 2nd map. Assume i would want to play cmt3. To maximize the chances of cmt3 being one of the 2 selected maps, i would have to put my vote on cmt3+some-map-likely-to-get-the-least amount-of-votes.
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
thats true, seems like all systems will be flawed when ppl can tamper with the results like the way #12 describes it if the system #9 suggested is used
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
thats true, seems like all systems will be flawed when ppl can tamper with the results like the way #12 describes it if the system #9 suggested is used In the end, a vote/poll is to try to capture the opinion of a group of people. Usually you will just have to settle with a good enough system, which I think this is. (assuming you count votes for all maps and make a table). then pick #1 and #2. Or another round of voting with top3  )
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
To maximize the chances of cmt3 being one of the 2 selected maps, i would have to put my vote on cmt3+some-map-likely-to-get-the-least amount-of-votes. It's the same now, isn't it? Just with many more voting options instead of just 5. Well, the "vote for two poll" would be flawed anyway, since this bbs software can't make it happen so that you can't vote the specified amount of options anyway, so some might vote "all" and some might vote for just one.
News Writer 169 posts
Registered: Dec 2007
Well, the "vote for two poll" would be flawed anyway, since this bbs software can't make it happen so that you can't vote the specified amount of options anyway, so some might vote "all" and some might vote for just one. That is why we did not go with that way, if we could have we would have.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Just make two polls damnit. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 45 posts
Registered: Oct 2009
cmt1b all the way! quality map!
Member 130 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Well, the "vote for two poll" would be flawed anyway, since this bbs software can't make it happen so that you can't vote the specified amount of options anyway, so some might vote "all" and some might vote for just one. That is why we did not go with that way, if we could have we would have. So you couldn't make a poll where people could vote for exactly two of the possible maps, so instead you made a poll where people can vote for exactly two of the possible maps ;D
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
So you couldn't make a poll where people could vote for exactly two of the possible maps, so instead you made a poll where people can vote for exactly two of the possible maps ;D Haha. I guess it's still pretty easy to see which two maps get the most votes by adding up all the categories. cmt3 and 1b are still well ahead of the chasing pack at this stage.
Member 462 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
For the love of god stop voting for cmt3, its not tdm, it's ffa.  Well at least we'll have 5 players this time so maybe I can skip it.
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
49 votes  so god damn _NOT_ representative for the community as a whole.... 
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
49 votes  so god damn _NOT_ representative for the community as a whole....  There are 4 days left. Get voting. 
Member 13 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
Member 119 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
49 votes  so god damn _NOT_ representative for the community as a whole....  wow you're like george carlin up in here, don't vote cause then you'll have nothing to do with it and you can complain some moar.
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
its not complaining fern but i can understand that from your perspective everything that goes against custom maps must feel a lot like complaining since you dont know the difference between discussing and whining...
Member 11 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
cant someone just signup multiple accounts to get their desired result? if so this poll is flawed, voted null ;<
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Luckily the admin section of this board can reveal duplicate IPs between different users. For example your posts have come from *.87.225 and *.86.92 addresses (differs from the IP you used to register here). Hooraytio on the other hand has been posting on this forum from 32 different IP-addresses ever since the beginning.
Member 462 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Clever boy. Are you actually trying to suggest that people should actually do it?
