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Quakeworld Kenya Collective
2009-10-16, 20:45
News Writer
169 posts

Dec 2007
I want to make sure that every KTK gets better and that bad maps aren't used again as well as making sure that good maps get more attention, so to all the participants of KTK14 I would be very happy if you would take the time to answer the questionnaire below. If anyone else has played the map a lot feel free to answer it.

If there is anything else about the map you guys want to discuss, please do so here. It would be very interesting to hear what people have to say about the map. Personally I really like Doomed, it is a bit slower, to me it has a DM2 feel but without the heavy camping possible. Would really like to see DM2 switched out for this map in TB5 tournaments.

The Tournament

Did you enjoy the tournament?

Anything specific that went well during the tournament?

Anything specific that went bad during the tournament?

What do you think about the schedule?

The Map: Doomed

Can you please rate the map; Horrible, Bad, Decent, Good or Awesome.

Did you have any technical problems with the map such as fps drops?

Was there anything specific that was good about Doomed?

Was there anything specific that was bad about Doomed?

What do you think about the amount of health on Doomed?

What do you think about the pace of Doomed?

What is your opinion on the RL placed in a corridor?

What do you think about SSG/SNG spawns?

Could you see Doomed replace DM2 in tournaments?

Anything else you would like to add about the tournament or the map?
2009-10-16, 20:55
628 posts

Jan 2006
The Tournament
As im a big fan of Kenya maps, i didn't hesitate to signup!
The schedule went really fast, and only two guys no-showing (wo)
The start time could be alittle earlier ~19cet for next time

The Map: Doomed

• Awsome map
• No fps drops what so ever
• The item placements, the "peeky" holes in the map
• Spawning on two items
• The amount of health is pretty good, not to many, not to few aka lagomt
• pace of Doomed?
• Nice placement of the rl, not in any wide open place
• NO-GO for the SSG/SNG spawns imo
• I can see Doomed and v3dm3 replaced
• Thanks ZAKA
2009-10-16, 22:06
793 posts

Feb 2006
this style of tournament depends heavily on the map being played. lucky for us there's so many nice und unexplored kenya maps out there. doomed was an excellent choice to start the season, very fast and still strategic enough to slow down gameplay at times. i liked the 'peeky holes' and the amount of health on the map, like phrenic said. i also liked that you could learn the layout quickly as it's very logical and balanced. it's just a quality map.

tourney organisation was well done overall. date and map was announced well in advance and administration of the event felt professional enough. the only problem i can see is if somebody doesn't have irc. maybe you should include instructions to join the #kenya channel using webchat because you don't really have a chance to find your opponent if you don't idle in the channel.

the kenya collective site is excellent and has a good design, reporting and browsing the schedule was no problem.

for suggestions all i can think of now is that i'm looking forward to the ffa events as that's one of my favourite game modes and it's where kenya maps really shine. if there's gonna be such an event i hope there will be some kind of group system that limits each game round to a number of players suitable to the map that's played , ie. 4-6, as that's what most smaller maps are designed for.

that brings up the question of how to conduct the group stages- how many groups, how to calculate which players advance, who plays finals and how it's gonna work etc.. but i'm sure kenya collective can work something out.

excellent job so far anyways, i will definitely sign up for more.
2009-10-16, 23:56
130 posts

Jan 2006
Tournament went well and was fun, really like the play play play style. Earlier start would be good.

Would be nice to have standings etc. up during tournament, plus some info about how 3-way ties are handled for example. But you probably knew that already.

Doomed was great. What I like about it the most, is how little it reminds me of TB5 maps. It has it's own unique style with the tight corridors and holes. Didn't warm up to the SNG-spawns, they don't seem to add anything and are frankly confusing and annoying. Should play more to have any more insightful comments.
2009-10-17, 00:00
130 posts

Jan 2006
How about 3. vs. 2. Bo3 for the right to play in the final? Or would that bore people and make them lose interest before the final is played?
2009-10-17, 00:58
357 posts

Nov 2008
The Tournament

Did you enjoy the tournament?
Anything specific that went well during the tournament?
Most players had interest, and admins was helping us.
Anything specific that went bad during the tournament?
Just the time, because i had to take a food break.
What do you think about the schedule?
Should be earlier or later imho.

The Map: Doomed

Can you please rate the map; Horrible, Bad, Decent, Good or Awesome.
Did you have any technical problems with the map such as fps drops?
Was there anything specific that was good about Doomed?
The RA room, so tricky
Was there anything specific that was bad about Doomed?
That under RA window, i bored once there :X
What do you think about the amount of health on Doomed?
What do you think about the pace of Doomed?
Can be fast and slow, that's good.
What is your opinion on the RL placed in a corridor?
Well, when you spwn there and enemy is near, you don't have any chance, otherwise it's np.
What do you think about SSG/SNG spawns?
I don't like it. Wasn't usefull at all.
Could you see Doomed replace DM2 in tournaments?
Maybe :E
Anything else you would like to add about the tournament or the map?
Try to do it earlier or later if possible.
"the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
2009-10-17, 02:04
386 posts

Apr 2006
The Tournament

Did you enjoy the tournament?

Anything specific that went well during the tournament?
0 problems whatsoever from the administration side of things.

Anything specific that went bad during the tournament?
It ran too late, but that was just due to large signups.

What do you think about the schedule?
In theory it seems great but no one stuck to it so I found myself waiting around for people to finish matches. 5 minutes between game end and game start is probably a bit too optimistic considering fair servers can be difficult to locate and sometimes people need to use the bathroom or get a drink. 10 minutes is probably more achievable.

The Map: Doomed

Can you please rate the map; Horrible, Bad, Decent, Good or Awesome.

Did you have any technical problems with the map such as fps drops?
I had some noticeable fps drops at quad, but I figure this is just my inferior machine unable to maintain 255fps.

Was there anything specific that was good about Doomed?
The marked spawns, the cells placement, the rocket jump possibilities, the focus on the megahealth as a game-winning item and consequently placing it in a location that makes it possible to hear from everywhere on the map, the RA room, the various ambush alcoves like RA/health, the ovelapping arcs of fire from windows, bars, etc., the adrenaline rush of the start as both scramble to get armour and mega, sometimes sacrificing weapon pickups for the first 10 seconds of the game just to get the vital edge that is the megahealth, and especially the architectural style and texture usage. So many of the custom maps are irredeemably ugly, but you made a pretty one without being garish.

Was there anything specific that was bad about Doomed?
I think perhaps there are too many spawns at ra, and definitely too many in the rl hall at ra. With 6 spawns on the map and 3 at RA, a skilled player who wins a fight at RA has an approximately 50% chance of a spawnfrag because there is no reasonable escape once you spawn in that tunnel and your opponent has armour.

What do you think about the amount of health on Doomed?
Haven't really played it enough to comment fully on this. The health below YA has a useful sound function, the megahealth is the key to the map, the health at RA is vulnerable to spam from quad, the quad health is a risky gambit.
Perhaps there's too much health at quad low, perhaps not.

What do you think about the pace of Doomed?
Variable and controllable. As triple atrium maps go it runs pretty quickly. It's probably comparable to ztn and much faster than dm2.

What is your opinion on the RL placed in a corridor?
Well, without it there, those two spawns next to it would be absolutely free spawnfrags every single time so removing it would turn it into a complete spawnfrag luckfest on par with randomphobopolis. The location relative to the other RL seems right as they're roughly on opposite sides of the map and each are possible to obtain from various routes. Is there some implication of its placement that I'm missing?

What do you think about SSG/SNG spawns?
Interesting on two points. It is a novel way to clearly mark the spawns making learning the map and avoiding telefrags much, much easier, but this could also be achieved by spawn pads a la cmt1b, which I thought was a great feature of the map and should be incorporated into everyone's future designs.
The other point was that now spawners are not completely helpless after losing a close fight. The punch of the ssg or the suppression of the sng saved my bacon a few times yesterday, but it wasn't too effective in general and perhaps adds an unnecessary gimmick. It didn't move me positively or negatively.

Could you see Doomed replace DM2 in tournaments?
Anything short of povdmm4 could replace DM2 in tournaments and it would still be a step up, but yes, I think this map is of a high enough calibre to be considered a tournament map, especially compared to the majority of the maps lined up for KTK.

Anything else you would like to add about the tournament or the map?
Fuck you, darff.
2009-10-17, 10:20
78 posts

Aug 2006
The Tournament

Did you enjoy the tournament?


Anything specific that went well during the tournament?

Most ppl being available

Anything specific that went bad during the tournament?

wargamez-servers were not always free during the tight schedule

What do you think about the schedule?

As I said... TIGHT

The Map: Doomed

A Very good map imho. well balanced

Can you please rate the map; Horrible, Bad, Decent, Good or Awesome.


Did you have any technical problems with the map such as fps drops?


Was there anything specific that was good about Doomed?

Was there anything specific that was bad about Doomed?

What do you think about the amount of health on Doomed?

What do you think about the pace of Doomed?

Quite high speed

What is your opinion on the RL placed in a corridor?


What do you think about SSG/SNG spawns?

Neither good or bad

Could you see Doomed replace DM2 in tournaments?

Hell yeah!

Anything else you would like to add about the tournament or the map?

Keep it up!
2009-10-17, 12:45
News Writer
283 posts

Jan 2007
The Tournament

Did you enjoy the tournament?
Oh yeah.
Anything specific that went well during the tournament?
Everyone being on IRC and up for playing asap, readying up quick etc.
Anything specific that went bad during the tournament? was down, that was an uncontrollable though.
What do you think about the schedule?
Great - if it was more than half an hour earlier then I'd miss the start, and if it was later then I wouldn't've been able to go out after

The Map: Doomed

Can you please rate the map; Horrible, Bad, Decent, Good or Awesome.
Did you have any technical problems with the map such as fps drops?
FPS does drop, but not noticable in play.
Was there anything specific that was good about Doomed?
Really well balanced with MH ending up being the key.
Was there anything specific that was bad about Doomed?
What do you think about the amount of health on Doomed?
Really good - you have to actually think about it.
What do you think about the pace of Doomed?
Real good, hard to dominate with spawnfrags etc but definitely possible, also possible to play cs style but tricky.
What is your opinion on the RL placed in a corridor?
It's alright.
What do you think about SSG/SNG spawns?
Good - just another feature of the map is that you gotta be a bit more careful of fresh spawners, or you can use some map knowledge skills to get a close range SSG shot on a damaged enemy.
Could you see Doomed replace DM2 in tournaments?
I'd like to see it happen but can't really imagine it.
Anything else you would like to add about the tournament or the map?
Thanks to admins, and Stev! Maybe we need another game
2009-10-17, 14:54
312 posts

Feb 2006
Oh no, don't ask those questions. Thread will not be discussion, but rather a gallup and no one cares about them
2009-10-17, 15:36
357 posts

Nov 2008
mipa wrote:
Thread will not be discussion, but rather a gallup and no one cares about them

I think zappater do
"the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
2009-10-17, 18:33
News Writer
169 posts

Dec 2007
I certainly care about them, as this is the only way I know of that will let me find out everything that was good and that was bad about the tournament as well as if Doomed should be used again, used for other projects (hint, dm2 question) or if it needs any changes before being used again.

And as everyone can see the answers have already changed the starting time of the tournament to 19CET.
2009-10-18, 11:10
1435 posts

Jan 2006
The tournament
Yeah I enjoyed it. Even tho I got cold and couldn't concentrate at what I was doing in the game as much as I would like to, it was still kinda fun (was feeling too sick and exhausted at the end tho so I gave wo on my last game).

The 15 min limit was kinda stressful but in the end it forces everyone to play matches ASAP so I guess it's necessary and suits the purpose. Also I didn't expect that I will play 11 rounds (was my first KTK).

Suggestion: decide which player will be in what division already during the signups phase. That way there's more time to get feedback on that.

The Map: Doomed
The map is awesome, lots of thoughts in it, lots of DIVERSITY, which is what I value the most. No technical problems.

Too early to judge on amount of health, it felt ok. Pace was surprisingly fast, much faster than I expected, not sure if this would change if we all played more games there. Still it was ok.

SSG/SNG - I didn't even realize there is also SSG in there It's not visible too well. I guess I'd use both SSG/SNG much more after spawn after some more games.

I cannot see dm2 being replaced by any map - not the way that community agrees on that - that's not going to happen. Only if all duel leagues admins all of a sudden agree on "yeah lets do it". And doomed is not proper replacement for dm2 anyway (+shaft -mh -ra). Perhaps I'd like to see leagues with mixed map pools (e.g. dm6, aero, doomed)

thanks a lot to admins for doing this!
2009-10-18, 13:01
64 posts

Jan 2009
--- The Tournament
- Did you enjoy the tournament?
I enjoyed it alot!
- Anything specific that went well during the tournament?
The ease of finding opponents using irc / qtv.
- Anything specific that went bad during the tournament?
The schedule went out the window after the first game.. No problems playing all matches though.
- What do you think about the schedule?
Good idea, but I used it mostly to check which opponent I had left to play against.

--- The Map: Doomed
- Can you please rate the map; Horrible, Bad, Decent, Good or Awesome.
- Did you have any technical problems with the map such as fps drops?
- Was there anything specific that was good about Doomed?
I enjoyed that the RA was kind of tricky to get to and also the placement of Mega.
- Was there anything specific that was bad about Doomed?
I didn't like the RL-tunnel. It is too long and makes that route almost unused unless you spawn there.
- What do you think about the amount of health on Doomed?
Good amount of health. Placement of health was very good aswell. No easy health packs near RA reduced the camping.
- What do you think about the pace of Doomed?
It was really nice considering people didn't know the map very well.
- What is your opinion on the RL placed in a corridor?
Good with the RL in corridor. Could maybe move the location of it closer to the window and also make the tunnel a bit shorter and less wide.
- What do you think about SSG/SNG spawns?
Didn't think about it.
- Could you see Doomed replace DM2 in tournaments?
- Anything else you would like to add about the tournament or the map?
Good initiative Keep it up!
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