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General Discussion
2010-02-09, 21:15
6 posts

Feb 2010
No sound from GL to ground - DM2

Really useful jump - E1M2

2010-02-09, 22:31
137 posts

Sep 2006
((edit: Apparently im on the wrong track and judged to quickly. Sorry for that :/

but i really cant see anything new? Feels like ive seen that soundless landing tons of times after all the fallbunnydiscussions few years ago. Might be wrong here and it was only to reduce damage? Cant test for myself atm, just watch demos :.( (dont want to miss out any useful facts )

((edit2: Stev, hard to comment if i didnt watch it first, im only partially mad. No habit or will to diss. Thought i atleast tried to be constructive and nice even though alot of beer and some ignorance, except that padcomment


Dont get it.
Always nice when ppl contribute, but its best to know whats common knowledge first.
And worth to know is that pretty much every tough but possible jump that hard to master becomes standard due to all prewar running around(ex dm3 pent to window ). Have you ever seen rj from ya-stairs to gl on dm2? Good example, hard to master and VERY useful if not necessary vs an equal oponent.

Think you will love the trickjump site someone put together some year ago, dont remember adress but some will surely post it if you cant find it. Shows tons of similar but mayby abit tougher and more useful jumps.

(u on pad btw?)
2010-02-10, 07:03
1864 posts

Feb 2006
2010-02-10, 16:39
386 posts

Apr 2006
Eh, I think you probably should have looked at the demos before writing him off as a 1-post newbie. That dm2 one is especially interesting.
2010-02-10, 21:05
1864 posts

Feb 2006
orionstar is no n00b, I played with him at qhlan
2010-02-10, 21:09
459 posts

Mar 2008
That dm2 is actually really nice. Haven't even seen it before. Nice one!
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