
Administrator 335 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Johnny_cz told me how to fix faster download speeds once, but since then my quake was deleted and I can't remember the commands I'd thought I'd ask here and hopefully others might benefit from the answer. Some people are getting REALLY slow speeds of around <30k/sec and I'm only getting like 120k/sec Last when johnny gave me a tip i got 350k/sec or so. I'm talking about cmd dl . command cl_chunksperframe
Description: Affects the download speed when using chunked downloads, more chunks per frame results in higher download speed and cl_pext_chunkeddownloads
Description: Enables protocol extension called \"Chunked downloads\". Allows you to download maps and demos from servers faster. both have absolutely no effect for me. using eZQuake 2.1 (3330)
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Also depends on the server, it must support this protocol extension. And if you're connecting through qwfwd (or even Qizmo) I think some older versions (or maybe even all versions) do not support faster downloads. Qqshka would know more.
Member 405 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Thanks for report, I noticed that I have low download speed for quite some time too but never have time for checking it, so I checked it. Guess you have "cl_physfps_spectator 30" like me, that is a good thing for speccing, more smooth compared to "cl_physfps_spectator 0" (which result in 77 fps) but download speed affected by this too, unfortunatelly. So either connect as player or set it to 0, I do not recomment set it to 0 permanently though. Download speed also could be affected by connecting via qwfwd, actually it depends on how recent server+client+qwfwd you use  . Should not be the case on Renzo's servers I think. Download speed could be lower if you use qizmo since FTE protocol extensions does not work over it.
Member 271 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
was thinking along those lines qqshka, cl_chunksperframe is bad design. it should be based upon drate and packet intervals rather than an explicit cvar, imho.
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
by the way Quakeforge has specified and implemented an extension to allow and manage http downloads.
Member 405 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Spike, you are right. I was lazy (and in a hurry) plus not sure how to count OOB packets. Also I think drate must gone, not that much users even know about it. Simple rate should be enough.
Member 271 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I was playing with this stuff last night, cl_chunksperframe (regardless of how its implemented) greater than 8 is basically pointless, due to client socket receive buffer sizes.
FTE servers fully clamp download speeds to the sv_maxdrate cvar, which defaults to a mere 10k. I've bumped that up to 100k by default, at least locally, but if your client's drate cvar is too low then you'll still only get 10k or whatever its currently set to.
I definitely see the appeal of stripping drate and using just rate, at least as a client setting. However, chunked downloads are much more tolerant of packetloss than actual gameplay. Either way, if the client's drate is "" the server will directly use the rate setting instead.
I've never been keen on the idea of http downloads if only due to the fact that it depends on additional servers, giving additional points of failure, additional things to configure, etc. That said, many nq clients already feature client cvars to name locations from which to download missing maps themselves, while in quakeworld we can at least always fall back to downloads directly from the server.
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
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