I don't quite understand why it should work for CTF and should not work for TDM
Well, if you treat TDM as serious business then I agree, mid-game will not work, but you can imply same for CTF, so it is mater of habbit and how deeply you understand it.
So, probably we should change in general how mixes are gathered nowdays, since all that waiting is quite annoying. What about matchless TDM servers for mixes? I am sceptic about it, but who knows, probably it whould work.
Not quite sure how it should work:
1) probably some auto map pool: dm3/dm2/e1m2
1.1) map switched on match end
1.2) map vote is bloked, so there no dm3 all the time (?)
2) game auto started if there at least X ( 2? ) players, players always ready
3) up to 8 players can join, probably map dependant, death 32 should allow 32 players
4) able to join mid-game
5) auto break if frag difference is XXX
6) auto random pickup at each match start.
7) top fraggers(in each team) became captains and have 60 seconds to complete captain process (too easy to abuse that feature)
I can code it quite fast, some of it just require proper server config.
So probably you can do poll like, "Whould you play in matchless mixes?", if there whould be positive feedback I can do it, would be nice to see who exactly voted.
Well, there can be different scenario, I can can do simplified version of it, with just auto-random-pickup/auto-captains each map and auto ready and auto kick for idling, or probably one can suggest something different.