Member 4 posts
Registered: Nov 2011
I'm running self-compiled ezQuake x86_64 from git along with the Linux nQuake (nQuake resource files, ezQuake executable) and I can't get console to work in any sane way.
Since I'm using a Finnish keyboard layout, it seems I can't bind toggleconsole to where I used to have it in Windows (the default position, ` in US keyboard, § in Finnish keyboard). bind `, bind ½ or bind § won't work. Binding to any other key, for example c, will bring the console up correctly. Changing my system keyboard layout to US seems to fix this and I can then open the console by pressing § on my keyboard (with toggleconsole binded to `).
However, it still doesn't behave like it should. Pressing the key which toggleconsole is binded to brings the console up, but I can't close the console by pressing the same key again. Instead, I'll have to press ESC to quit the console.
ezQuake documentation says in_builtinkeymap isn't supported with Linux and indeed such option doesn't exist in my ezQuake. The problem seems to be similar to the one described here: http://www.quakeworld.nu/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=38887
- vdb
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
hmn, have u tryed bind ~ toogleconsole never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 4 posts
Registered: Nov 2011
Tried that too and unfortunately it didn't work.
Member 2 posts
Registered: Nov 2011
are you using a specific locale? you might try setting your locale to utf8 before running ezquake and see if it helps
Member 4 posts
Registered: Nov 2011
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
cl_showkeycodes 1/2/3 might help when debugging this problem
Member 61 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
i dont know how to fix it but its seems that key is not properly detected - becouse when console is down (or menu screen) ezq allow use only couple of keys that are can be binded to "commands like that" (toggleconsole) - rest keys just input text to console. So try to test - bind f1 - f12 toggleconsole or even mouse1 button (on these key you will be able to close console) then you need figure out how to fix tilda key
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I'm running 64bit ezQuake on 64bit Linux and I don't have the problems you mention. I used to have a script that fired up qw and used setxkbmap us for qw, then setxkbmap se when i quit. Try using setxkbmap us before launching ezquake.
Otherwise, try changing your locale to UTF8 EN and see if that makes any difference.
Member 4 posts
Registered: Nov 2011
I used JohnNy_cz's tip to use cl_showkeycodes and found out the tilda key is key number 167 = "SECTION" when using Finnish UTF-8 layout. So I just did: "bind section toggleconsole" and everything seems to work perfectly, toggling included hal.flost is right, seems that the toggling doesn't work properly if you bind console to a key that actually inputs something to the console. Changing the keyboard layout from fi to us everytime you start ezQuake seems to work too, but it's kinda bothersome. Thanks!
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
You may want to check the code of con_tilde_mode, maybe you'll get some hints on how to fix the behavior there.