24 posts
Nov 2011
I don't like switching weapons in the heat of a fight, and I can't handle multiple fire buttons. So it's OK for me that Quake automatically changes the weapon when you pick up a better one or if ammo runs out. But there are several things that could be better:
- prefer RL over LG
- switch to RL instead of SG when LG ammo runs out
- prefer SG over NG
- prefer GL over SNG
Is there a way to reconfigure weapon autoselection?
2059 posts
Jan 2006
I don't know the answer to your core questions but autoselection of weapons is generally bad as you might walk onto a weapon or a backpack and have the unexpected behaviour when you get killed that you drop the pack with your RL in it because you just autoswitched to it. This is extremely bad in 4on4.
344 posts
Nov 2006
b_switch and w_switch may be of interest for you. It controls which weapon to switch to at max when picking up a weapon or backpack.
Weapon preferences can be controlled with the impulse command and a list of numbers I think..
24 posts
Nov 2011
Ake you're right for 4on4, but for me it's still a long way before I can play 4on4 without annoying the team mates. And for duel and FFA weapon drop is OK.
Tuna thanks, with these variables it's possible to prefer RL over LG, but if I only have a shotgun and get LG, it wouldnt be autoselected.